=========== ArchVersion =========== INTRODUCTION ============ *archversion* is an upstream version controller against current *Archlinux* [#]_ or *AUR* [#]_ version. It can be used by Dev and TUs to check if new release of their packages are available. HOW TO USE IT ============= The first thing to do is to define a list of packages to track by creating a file ~/.config/archversion.conf. The file content looks like an old fashioned INI file. The following example allow to check the last version of acpid2 against archlinux official repositories | [acpid] | url = http://sourceforge.net/projects/acpid2/files/ You can find a more complete example in the misc directory. Basically, you can run: *archversion check -d* to only display version which differ with cache. *archversion check -n* to only display new verions. *archversion check -nd* to display new versions not in cache. You can add the last one in a cron job to get a daily report of which packages need updates. HOW IT WORKS ============ As simple as possible! *archversion* retrieve the content of the provided upstream webpage and search for well-known pattern. And then compare it to the reference. COMPARING MODES =============== *archversion* allow you to compare version against different references, not only official Archlinux repository. You can compare upstream version against: - An Archlinux package - An AUR package - A cached value DEPENDENCIES ============ - Python 3.x [#]_ - PyXDG [#]_ - PyALPM [#]_ SOURCES ======= *archversion* sources are available on github [#]_. LICENSE ======= *archversion* is licensied under the term of GPL v2 [#]_. AUTHOR ====== *archversion* was started by Sébastien Luttringer in July 2012. LINKS ===== .. [#] http://www.archlinux.org/ .. [#] http://aur.archlinux.org/ .. [#] http://python.org/download/releases/ .. [#] http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/pyxdg .. [#] https://projects.archlinux.org/users/remy/pyalpm.git .. [#] https://github.com/seblu/archversion/ .. [#] http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html