# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 ft=sh et: # arg 1: the new package version post_install () { if type -P kernel-install >/dev/null; then version=${1%-*} version=${version/_/-}-seblu echo "==> Calling kernel-install add $version ..." kernel-install add "$version" "/usr/lib/kernel/vmlinuz-$version" || echo "kernel-install not exits zero!" fi } # arg 1: the new package version # arg 2: the old package version pre_upgrade() { pre_remove "$2" } # arg 1: the new package version # arg 2: the old package version post_upgrade() { post_install "$1" # advertise if you update the current running kernel version=${1%-*} version=${version/_/-}-seblu if [[ "$version" == "$(uname -r)" ]]; then echo '********************************************************************************' echo '********************************************************************************' echo '****** YOU HAVE UPDATED THE CURRENTLY RUNNING KERNEL ** REBOOT IMMEDIATLY ******' echo '********************************************************************************' echo '********************************************************************************' fi } # arg 1: the old package version pre_remove() { if type -P kernel-install >/dev/null; then version=${1%-*} version=${version/_/-}-seblu echo "==> kernel-install remove $version" kernel-install remove "$version" || echo "kernel-install not exits zero!" fi } # arg 1: the old package version post_remove() { version=${1%-*} version=${version/_/-}-seblu echo "==> Cleaning remaining kernel $version modules" [[ -n $version ]] && rm -rvf /usr/lib/modules/"$version" # advertise if you remove the current running kernel if [[ "$version" == "$(uname -r)" ]]; then echo '********************************************************************************' echo '********************************************************************************' echo '****** YOU HAVE REMOVED THE CURRENTLY RUNNING KERNEL ** REBOOT IMMEDIATLY ******' echo '********************************************************************************' echo '********************************************************************************' fi }