/* This file is part of SLC. Copyright (C) 2008 Sebastien LUTTRINGER SLC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. SLC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SLC; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "slc.hh" #include "engine.hh" #include "screen.hh" #include "options.hh" #include "sll/connection.hh" namespace cmd { /*! ** Exec command if @param s is not a command. */ void exec(const char *s) { // string is a local command if (*s == '/') { if (!strcmp(s, "/exit")) { S << INF_DATA << "Exiting.\n"; exit(0); } else if (!strcmp(s, "/logout")) cmd::logout(); else if (!strcmp(s, "/login")) cmd::login(); else if (!strcmp(s, "/help")) cmd::help(); else if (!strncmp(s, "/user", 5)) cmd::user(s); else if (!strncmp(s, "/pass", 5)) cmd::pass(s); else S << WAR_DATA << s << ": Unkown command.\n"; } // String is a remote command else { if (C.connected()) { C.sendln(s); S << ">> " << s << "\n"; } else S << "Unable to send: " << s << ". Try to connect with /login !\n"; } } /** * Log into server * */ void login() { if (C.connected()) { S << INF_DATA << "Already connected. Please disconnect before.\n"; return; } S << INF_DATA << "Login.\n"; E.login(); } /** * Log out of server * */ void logout() { if (!C.connected()) { S << INF_DATA << "Not connected. Please connect before.\n"; return; } S << INF_DATA << "Logout.\n"; C.disconnect(); } /** * Print cmd help * */ void help() { S << INF_DATA << "Commands:\n"; S << INF_DATA << "/exit: Quit.\n"; S << INF_DATA << "/login: Connect and try to login on server.\n"; S << INF_DATA << "/logout: Disconnect from server.\n"; S << INF_DATA << "/user : Change username.\n"; S << INF_DATA << "/pass : Change password.\n"; S << INF_DATA << "/help: Print this help.\n"; } /** * Change user name to @param s */ void user(const char *s) { if (C.connected()) { S << INF_DATA << "Your are connected. Please deconnect before.\n"; return; } // extract name string login = s; login.erase(0, 6); if (login.empty()) { S << WAR_DATA << "Empty username.\n"; return; } // set new name O.login = login; // display S << INF_DATA << "Username changed to `" << O.login << "'.\n"; } /** * Change pass name @param s */ void pass(const char *s) { if (C.connected()) { S << INF_DATA << "Your are connected. Please deconnect before.\n"; return; } // extract name string pass = s; pass.erase(0, 6); if (pass.empty()) { S << WAR_DATA << "Empty password.\n"; return; } // set new name O.pass = pass; // display S << INF_DATA << "Password changed.\n"; } }