#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf8 ''' CloudControl CLI command module ''' from cccli.printer import Printer, color from optparse import OptionParser class Command(object): '''Base of all command class''' def __init__(self, cli, argv0): self.cli = cli self.printer = self.cli.printer self.name = argv0 def __call__(self, argv): raise NotImplementedError def usage(self): return "Usage: %s"%self.name def help(self): return self.__doc__ class OptionCommand(Command): '''Add options parser to Command''' def __init__(self, cli, argv0): Command.__init__(self, cli, argv0) self.option = OptionParser(prog=argv0) def usage(self): return self.option.format_help().strip() class TqlCommand(OptionCommand): '''Add Tql stuff to Command''' def __init__(self, cli, argv0): OptionCommand.__init__(self, cli, argv0) self.rpc = cli.rpc self.option.set_usage("%prog [options] <tql>") # set tql status stuff self.option.add_option("-s", "--status", action="store_true", dest="status", help="Show status of each tql object") # set tagdisplay stuff self.tdr = self.cli.tagdisplay.resolve self.tdc = self.cli.tagdisplay.color self.option.add_option("-n", "--no-tagdisplay", action="callback", dest="tagdisplay", callback=self.opt_notagdisplay, help="No tagdisplay system") def opt_notagdisplay(self, option, opt, value, parser): '''Callback for option --no-tagdisplay''' self.tdr = lambda tagname, tagvalue: tagvalue self.tdc = lambda tagname: color["reset"] def show_status(self, ans): '''Show status of an Tql request''' for o in ans: s = "%sid: %s%s %sstatus: %s%s %smessage:%s%s%s"%( color["reset"], self.tdc("id"), self.tdr("id", o), color["reset"], self.tdc(""), ans[o][0], color["reset"], self.tdc(""), ans[o][1], color["reset"]) self.printer.out(s)