================== Tag Query Languag ================== == by examples == seblu> list id #list all ids, same as list seblu> list a #list all accounts seblu> list h:fw* #list all hostname starting by fw seblu> list r=hv #list all hypervisor seblu> list r=vm #list all vm seblu> list hv=toto #list vm of hypervisor toto seblu> list hv=toto&h=chiche #list vm chiche of hypervisor toto seblu> list r=vm&cpu=2 #list vm with 2 cpu seblu> list r=vm&cpu=2&mem>10g #list vm with 2 cpu and mem > 10g seblu> list r=hv&cpu=2&mem>10g #list hypervisor with no vm seblu> list cpu>=2$pop$alloc #list object with at least 2cpu and show tags pop and alloc seblu> list r=vm^10 #list first 10 vm seblu> list r=vm^:10 #list last 10 vm seblu> list r=vm^5:10 #list vm seblu> list r=vm%vm #list vm sorted by vm seblu> list r=vm%vm%cpu #list vm sorted by vm and cpu seblu> list r=vm&-cpu #list vm without tag cpu seblu> list a-con #list disconnected account == Basics == - TQL build a list of objects in one query - An object is a list of tags - TQL can select and sort object by tags - TQL can choose tags in object - TQL can limit number of objects to select - TQL is a list statement mixed by separators - TQL build his object list from left to right (left parenthesis) - Each statement update the builded list regarding his separators - Selecting, sorting and showing separators are followed by tags - Limiting separators are followed by limiting conditions - TQL always return id tag - By default separators is & - By default object list is sorted id == Tags == - Every tag is composed by a tagname and a tagvalue - Tagname are case insensitive, tagvalue is case sensitive - You can use globin on tagname - tagname starting by - means all tag except this one - Operators machtes on tagvalues == statement separators == & selection intersection | selection union ^ selection limit $ tag showing % tag sorting == tags operators == = strict equality : globing matching (no case) ~ regex matching > superior strict >= superior < inferior <= inferior strict Each previous operators can be negated by adding ! before it. == limiting conditions == n limit to n first objects :n limit to last n objects n:m limit from n to m objects == number facility == 10k = 1000 10ki = 1024 1m = 1000 ^ 2 1mi = 1024 ^ 2 1g = 1000 ^ 3 1gi = 1024 ^ 3 == reserverd tags == Reserved tags are tags with a special meaning and cannot be set or remove directly by clients id: object unique identifier (eg: kvmlab-1.test5) a: account name (eg: bobby) r: account role (host/hv/vm/cli/web/spv) closed: account close status con: connection uptime in seconds (eg: 3600) ip: ipv4 of connection == well known tags == h: hostname (eg: access) hv: hypervisor name (eg: kvmlab-1) htype: hypervisor type (xen/kvm) libvirtver: Libvirt version status: VM status (running/paused/stopped) cpu: cpu count rcpu: reserved cpu count mem: memory total size memused: memory used memfree: memory free arch: hardware architecture (x86/x64) uname: output of uname command uptime: uptime of hostname load: load average os: operating system (linux/windows) alloc: host is allowed to be selected to a migration hvm: hardware virtualisation enabled nvm: vm count on an hypervisor vmstarted: started vm count on an hypervisor vmstopped: stopped vm count on an hypervisor vmpaused: paused vm count on an hypervisor version: account reported version sto: storage pool names (eg: vg fg) stovg_type: vg storage pool type (eg: lvm) stovg_size: vg storage pool size (eg: 1042) stovg_used: vg storage pool used space (eg: 1) stovg_free: vg storage pool free space (eg: 1041) stovg_path: vg storage pool path (eg: /dev/vg/) stovg_vol: vg storage pool volume list (eg: sex titi toto) disk: disk index list (eg: 1 2 3 4) disk1_path: disk 1 path (eg: /dev/vg/sex) disk1_size: disk 1 size (eg: 1024) disk1_pool: storage pool back reference (eg: vg) [vmonly] disk1_voln: storage pool volume back reference (eg: ) [vmonly] == grammar == input: [ prop ] EOL prop: "(" prop ")" | stat stat: [ prop ] sep prop | [ prop ] mod word | clause clause: word [ op word ] sep: "&" | "|" mod: "^" | "%" | "$" op: "=" | "!=" | ":" | "!:" | "~" | "!~" | ">" | ">=" | "<" | "<="