#TODO: vm informations gathering !!! import libvirt import sys # we use psutils to get host informations we can't get with # libvirt import psutil from interface import * from exceptions import * from time import sleep import xml.dom.minidom ### # Defined constants ### ## # Libvirt ## # KVM_LIBVIRT_SESSION = 'qemu:///system' XEN_LIBVIRT_SESSION = 'xen:///' ######### ## States ######### # Virtual Machines VM_STATUS = ( 'No state', 'Running', 'Blocked on resource', 'Paused', 'Shutting down ...', 'Shutdown', 'Crashed' ) VM_START_STATES = { 'running': 1, 'paused' : 0 } # Storage Pools POOL_STATE = ( 'Not Running', 'Initializing pool, not available', 'Running normally', 'Running degraded', 'Running, but not accessible' ) ######################### ## Pool informations tags ######################### POOL_NAME = 'pool' POOL_STATUS = 'pstatus' POOL_TOTAL_SIZE = 'psize' POOL_FREE_SPACE = 'pfree_space' POOL_USED_SPACE = 'pused_space' POOL_NUM_VOLUMES = 'num_vols' POOL_BACKEND = 'backend' DEFAULT_VM_START = VM_START_STATES['running'] ## # Pretty size outputs ## MEGABYTE_DIV = 1024 * 1024 GIGABYTE_DIV = 1024 * 1024 * 1024 KILOBYTE_DIV = 1024 class LibvirtVm(VM): ''' Libvirt api access to Virtual Machine actions All libvirt.virDomain calls must stay in this class :param domain: a libvirt domain instance :type domain: :class:`libvirt.virDomain` :param hypervisor: a hypervisor reference object :type hypervisor: :class:`LibvirtHypervisor` ''' _print_header = True def __init__(self, domain, hypervisor): ''' ''' super(LibvirtVm, self).__init__() if isinstance(domain, libvirt.virDomain): self._domain = domain self.vm_info = {} self._find_pid() else: raise TypeError('Need virDomain object given %s' % type(domain)) self.set_hypervisor(hypervisor) def __cmp__(self, other): ''' We overload the compare method so that two virtual machines are identical if they are bound to the same domain object ''' return cmp(self._domain, other._domain) def _find_pid(self): ''' Finds the PID of the current vm ''' result = find_process_id(self._domain.UUIDString()) if result: self._pid = int(result.pop()) else: self._pid = None def get_pid(self): return self._pid def set_hypervisor(self, hypervisor): if isinstance(hypervisor, LibvirtHypervisor): self._hypervisor = hypervisor else: raise TypeError('argument type error') def get_name(self): return self._domain.name() def get_hv_name(self): return self._hypervisor.get_name() def get_used_mem(self): return self._domain.info()[2] / KILOBYTE_DIV def get_total_mem(self): return self._domain.info()[1] / KILOBYTE_DIV def get_free_mem(self): return (self.get_total_mem() - self.get_used_mem()) / KILOBYTE_DIV def get_vcpu(self): return self._domain.info()[3] def get_cpu_percent(self): self._find_pid() if self._pid: p = psutil.Process(self._pid) sleep(0.7) res = int(p.get_cpu_percent()) res = 100 if res > 100 else res return res else: return 0 def get_status(self): return VM_STATUS[self._domain.info()[0]] def shutdown(self): try: self._domain.shutdown() except libvirt.libvirtError: raise VMError('%s is not running !' % self.get_name()) def force_poweroff(self): try: self._domain.destroy() except libvirt.libvirtError: raise VMError('%s is not running !' % self.get_name()) def start(self): try: self._domain.create() except libvirt.libvirtError: raise VMError('%s is already running !' % self.get_name()) def suspend(self): try: self._domain.suspend() except libvirt.libvirtError: raise VMError('%s is not running !' % self.get_name()) def resume(self): try: self._domain.resume() except libvirt.libvirtError: raise VMError('%s is not running !' % self.get_name()) def get_disk_path(self): ''' Returns the path to the disk atached to the vm ''' # We parse xml description of the vm to get this info xml_string = self._domain.XMLDesc(libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE) dom = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(xml_string) disk = dom.getElementsByTagName('disk').pop() #FIXME Currently only handles file type backend, must add other backends path = disk.getElementsByTagName('source').pop() path = path.getAttribute('file') return path def get_uuid(self): ''' Returns the uuid string of the vm ''' return self._domain.UUIDString() def __str__(self): ''' LibvirtVm object string representation ''' header = '%-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-15s | %-10s\n\n' %\ ('Name', 'UsedMem', 'VCpu', 'CpuUsage', 'Status') self._fetch_memory_stats() self.get_cpu_stats() stats = '%-10s | %-10s | %-10s | %-15s | %-10s' %\ (self.get_name(), self.used_memory, self.vcpu, self.cpu_use, self.get_status()) return header + stats class LibvirtHypervisor(Hypervisor): ''' Libvirt api access to Hypervisor actions. All libvirt calls to the hypervisor stay in this class :param hv_type: This is the hypervisor type, this parameter is important as it specifies the hypervisor type used when connecting to libvirt. :type hv_type: :class:`str` .. note:: hv_type can be any of kvm, xen, ... , other hypervisors, however only one connection at a time is allowed ''' def __init__(self, hv_type): #FIXME: don't use hard coded hypervisor type in URI try: if hv_type == 'kvm': self._con_handle = libvirt.open(KVM_LIBVIRT_SESSION) else: raise NotImplemented('or unknown hypervisor type') except libvirt.libvirtError as error: raise HypervisorError(error, 'libvirt cannot connect to hypervisor') #build storage objs self._storage = LibvirtHVStorage(self) #build vm objects self._build_vm_list() self.hv_info = {} self.hv_type = hv_type self.st_handle = LibvirtHVStorage(self) def get_name(self): ''' Returns hypervisor's name ''' return self._con_handle.getHostname() def get_hv_type(self): return self.hv_type def get_hv_version(self): return self._con_handle.getVersion() def _build_vm_list(self): ''' Builds the lists of all defined vms (running and offline) in the current hypervisor ''' self._runing_vm_list = [] self._offline_vm_list = [] self._dom_ids = self._con_handle.listDomainsID() self._defined_doms = self._con_handle.listDefinedDomains() for doms in self._dom_ids: vm = self._con_handle.lookupByID(doms) self._runing_vm_list.append(LibvirtVm(vm, self)) for defined_dom in self._defined_doms: vm = self._con_handle.lookupByName(defined_dom) self._offline_vm_list.append(LibvirtVm(vm, self)) self._vm_list = [] self._vm_list = self._runing_vm_list self._vm_list.extend(self._offline_vm_list) def get_vms(self): ''' Returns a list of :class:`LibvirtVm` objects defining all current defined vms in the hypervisor ''' return self._vm_list def get_arch_type(self): ''' Get archetcture type of hypervisor ''' return self._con_handle.getInfo()[0] def get_nb_cpu(self): ''' Returns number of active cpus in hypervisor ''' return self._con_handle.getInfo()[2] def get_cpu_frequency(self): ''' Returns the frequency in MHZ of cpus in the hypervisor ''' return self._con_handle.getInfo()[3] def get_nb_threads(self): ''' Number of threads per core ''' return self._con_handle.getInfo()[7] def get_free_mem(self): return psutil.avail_phymem() / MEGABYTE_DIV def get_used_mem(self): return psutil.used_phymem() / MEGABYTE_DIV def get_total_mem(self): return ((psutil.avail_phymem() + psutil.used_phymem()) / MEGABYTE_DIV) def get_cpu_percent(self): return '%2.0f' % psutil.cpu_percent() def get_storage_total_capacity(self): capacity = 0 for pool in self._storage.get_pools().iteritems(): capacity = capacity + self._storage.get_pool_space_total(pool[1]) return capacity def get_storage_total_free(self): free = 0 for pool in self._storage.get_pools().iteritems(): free = free + self._storage.get_pool_space_available(pool[1]) return free def get_storage_total_used(self): used = 0 for pool in self._storage.get_pools().iteritems(): used = used + self._storage.get_pool_space_used(pool[1]) return used def get_status(self): raise NotImplementedError() #TODO: finish storage class, make tests, class LibvirtHVStorage(HVStorage): ''' Base storage class using libvirt api for storage managment Storage pools here are libvirt.virStoragePool instances ''' def __init__(self, hypervisor): if isinstance(hypervisor, LibvirtHypervisor): self.hv_handle = hypervisor self._fetch_st_pools() else: raise TypeError('Expected %s given %s' % (LibvirtHypervisor, hypervisor)) def _fetch_st_pools(self): ''' Sets an attribute self._pool_objs containging a list of libvirt pool objects bound to the hypervisor ''' pools = [] pools.extend(self.hv_handle._con_handle.listDefinedStoragePools()) pools.extend(self.hv_handle._con_handle.listStoragePools()) self._pools = dict([(p, pool_obj(self.hv_handle._con_handle, p)) \ for p in pools]) def get_pools(self): ''' Returns a dict of storage pools bound to the host ''' return self._pools def get_volume_names(self, pool=None): ''' Returns volume names stored in this pool or all pools ''' volumes = [] try: if pool is None: for pool in self._pools.iteritems(): volumes.extend(pool[1].listVolumes()) else: volumes = pool.listVolumes() except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Failed to get volume list (%s)" % e) return volumes def add_volume(self, pool, name, space): ''' Adds a volume to the specified pool :param pool: the pool in which to create the volume :type pool: :class:`str` :param name: name of the new volume :type name: :class:`str` :param space: size of the new volume in gigabytes :type space: :class:`int` ''' xml_desc = """ <volume> <name>%(vol_name)s</name> <capacity>%(vol_size)u</capacity> </volume> """ % { "vol_name" : name, "vol_size" : space * GIGABYTE_DIV, } try: self._pools[pool].createXML(xml_desc, 0); except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Failed to create the volume (%s)" % e) def del_volume(self, pool, name, wipe=False): ''' Deletes a volume in the specified pool :param pool: the pool in which delete the volume :type pool: :class:`str` :param name: the name of the volume :type name: :class:`str` ''' try: vol = pool.storageVolLookupByName(name) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Volume not found (%s)" % e) if wipe: try: vol.wipe(0) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Failed to wipe volume, data integrity" " is unknown (%s)" % e) try: vol.delete(0) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Failed to delete the volume, but it may be" " wiped (%s)" % e) def find_space(self, new_space): ''' Tries to find a suitable chunk of space for volume allocation. :param new_space: a space size in gigabytes :type new_space: :class:`int` :return: a :class:`tuple` of best location or :class:`False` if no pool is suitable ''' for pool in self._pools.iteritems(): try: # FIXME, crappy overhead delta if new_space * GIGABYTE_DIV <= pool[1].info()[3] - MEGABYTE_DIV: return (pool) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Can't get pool informations (%s)" % e) return False def get_pool_name(self, pool): ''' Returns the name of this pool :param pool: the storage pool name :type pool: libvirt.`virStoragePool` :return: :class:`str` name of the pool ''' try: return pool.name() except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Can't get pool name (%s)" % e) def get_pool_state(self, pool): ''' Returns the running state of the pool :param pool: the storage pool name :type pool: libvirt.`virStoragePool` ''' try: return POOL_STATE[pool.info()[0]] except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Can't get pool state (%s)" % e) def get_pool_space_total(self, pool): ''' Returns the storage capacity of this pool in bytes :param pool: the pool to get information from :type pool: :class:`virStoragePool` :return: :class:`int` of capacity in bytes ''' try: return pool.info()[1] except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Can't get pool informations (%s)" % e) def get_pool_space_available(self, pool): ''' Returns available space of this storage pool in bytes :param pool: the pool to get information from :type pool: :class:`virStoragePool` :return: :class:`int` of available free space in bytes ''' try: return pool.info()[2] except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Can't get pool informations (%s)" % e) def get_pool_space_used(self, pool): ''' Returns current storage pool usage in bytes :param pool: the pool to get information from :type pool: :class:`virStoragePool` :return: :class:`int` of used space in bytes ''' try: return pool.info()[3] except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Can't get pool informations (%s)" % e) def get_volume_path(self, pool, vol_name): ''' Returns the file path to the volume :param pool: the storage pool containing this volume :type pool: libvirt.`virStoragePool` :param volume_name: name of the pool volume :type volume_name: :class:`str` :return: :class:`str` path to the volume file ''' try: vol = pool.storageVolLookupByName(vol_name) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Can't find volume in pool (%s)" % e) try: return vol.path() except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Volume has no path information (%s)" % e) def get_volume_allocation(self, pool, vol_name): ''' Returns the pool space used by this volume in bytes :param pool: the pool containing this volume from :type pool: :class:`virStoragePool` :param vol_name: name of the volume to query :type vol_name: :class:`str` :return: :class:`int` of allocation in bytes ''' try: vol = pool.storageVolLookupByName(vol_name) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Volume not found (%s)" % e) try: return vol.info()[2] except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Volume has no allocation information (%s)" % e) def get_volume_capacity(self, pool, vol_name): ''' Returns the capacity (usable space) of this volume in bytes :param pool: the pool containing this volume from :type pool: :class:`virStoragePool` :param vol_name: name of the volume to query :type vol_name: :class:`str` :return: :class:`int` of capacity in bytes ''' try: vol = pool.storageVolLookupByName(vol_name) except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Volume not found (%s)" % e) try: return vol.info()[1] except libvirt.libvirtError as e: raise StorageError("Volume has no capacity information (%s)" % e) #### Helper functions def map_process(process): ''' map each process object with it's pid and command line options ''' return (process.pid, process.cmdline) def find_process_id(uuid): ''' Find the process id of a kvm process gevin an UUID of a virDomain object Returns a list of one process id ''' return [p.pid for p in psutil.get_process_list() if p.cmdline.__contains__(uuid)] def pool_obj(con_handle, pool_name): ''' Creates a libvirt pool object given the name of the pool :param con_handle: libvirt connection handle :type con_handle: :class:`libvirt.virConnect` ''' return con_handle.storagePoolLookupByName(pool_name)