"""Helpers for libvirt."""

import sys
import getopt
import os
import select
import errno
import time
import atexit
from threading import Thread

import libvirt

#: connection to the libvirt
connection = None  # TODO create a watcher thread for this

#: corresponding name for enum state of libvirt domains
# see http://libvirt.org/html/libvirt-libvirt.html#virDomainState
    'stopped',  # 0 no state
    'running',  # 1 running
    'running',  # 2 blocked
    'paused',  # 3 paused
    'running',  # 4 shutdown
    'stopped',  # 5 shuttoff
    'stopped',  # 6 crashed
    'unknown',  # 7 ??

#: libvirt envents

# following classes are used only for libvirt eventloop
class virEventLoopPureHandle(object):
    """This class contains the data we need to track for a single file handle.

    def __init__(self, handle, fd, events, cb, opaque):
        self.handle = handle
        self.fd = fd
        self.events = events
        self.cb = cb
        self.opaque = opaque

    def get_id(self):
        return self.handle

    def get_fd(self):
        return self.fd

    def get_events(self):
        return self.events

    def set_events(self, events):
        self.events = events

    def dispatch(self, events):

class virEventLoopPureTimer(object):
    """This class contains the data we need to track for a single periodic

    def __init__(self, timer, interval, cb, opaque):
        self.timer = timer
        self.interval = interval
        self.cb = cb
        self.opaque = opaque
        self.lastfired = 0

    def get_id(self):
        return self.timer

    def get_interval(self):
        return self.interval

    def set_interval(self, interval):
        self.interval = interval

    def get_last_fired(self):
        return self.lastfired

    def set_last_fired(self, now):
        self.lastfired = now

    def dispatch(self):

class EventLoop(object):
    """This general purpose event loop will support waiting for file handle
    I/O and errors events, as well as scheduling repeatable timers with a fixed
    It is a pure python implementation based around the poll() API.

    def __init__(self, debug=False):
        self.debugOn = debug
        self.poll = select.poll()
        self.pipetrick = os.pipe()
        self.nextHandleID = 1
        self.nextTimerID = 1
        self.handles = []
        self.timers = []
        self.quit = False

        # The event loop can be used from multiple threads at once.
        # Specifically while the main thread is sleeping in poll()
        # waiting for events to occur, another thread may come along
        # and add/update/remove a file handle, or timer. When this
        # happens we need to interrupt the poll() sleep in the other
        # thread, so that it'll see the file handle / timer changes.
        # Using OS level signals for this is very unreliable and
        # hard to implement correctly. Thus we use the real classic
        # "self pipe" trick. A anonymous pipe, with one end registered
        # with the event loop for input events. When we need to force
        # the main thread out of a poll() sleep, we simple write a
        # single byte of data to the other end of the pipe.
        self.debug("Self pipe watch %d write %d" %(self.pipetrick[0], self.pipetrick[1]))
        self.poll.register(self.pipetrick[0], select.POLLIN)

    def debug(self, msg):
        if self.debugOn:
            print msg

    def next_timeout(self):
        """Calculate when the next timeout is due to occurr, returning
        the absolute timestamp for the next timeout, or 0 if there is
        no timeout due.

        next = 0
        for t in self.timers:
            last = t.get_last_fired()
            interval = t.get_interval()
            if interval < 0:
            if next == 0 or (last + interval) < next:
                next = last + interval

        return next

    def get_handle_by_fd(self, fd):
        """Lookup a virEventLoopPureHandle object based on file descriptor.

        for h in self.handles:
            if h.get_fd() == fd:
                return h
        return None

    def get_handle_by_id(self, handleID):
        """Lookup a virEventLoopPureHandle object based on its event loop ID.

        for h in self.handles:
            if h.get_id() == handleID:
                return h
        return None

    def run_once(self):
        """This is the heart of the event loop, performing one single
        iteration. It asks when the next timeout is due, and then
        calcuates the maximum amount of time it is able to sleep
        for in poll() pending file handle events.

        It then goes into the poll() sleep.

        When poll() returns, there will zero or more file handle
        events which need to be dispatched to registered callbacks
        It may also be time to fire some periodic timers.

        Due to the coarse granularity of schedular timeslices, if
        we ask for a sleep of 500ms in order to satisfy a timer, we
        may return upto 1 schedular timeslice early. So even though
        our sleep timeout was reached, the registered timer may not
        technically be at its expiry point. This leads to us going
        back around the loop with a crazy 5ms sleep. So when checking
        if timeouts are due, we allow a margin of 20ms, to avoid
        these pointless repeated tiny sleeps.

        sleep = -1
        next = self.next_timeout()
        self.debug("Next timeout due at %d" % next)
        if next > 0:
            now = int(time.time() * 1000)
            if now >= next:
                sleep = 0
                sleep = next - now

        self.debug("Poll with a sleep of %d" % sleep)
        events = self.poll.poll(sleep)

        # Dispatch any file handle events that occurred
        for (fd, revents) in events:
            # See if the events was from the self-pipe
            # telling us to wakup. if so, then discard
            # the data just continue
            if fd == self.pipetrick[0]:
                data = os.read(fd, 1)

            h = self.get_handle_by_fd(fd)
            if h:
                self.debug("Dispatch fd %d handle %d events %d" % (fd, h.get_id(), revents))

        now = int(time.time() * 1000)
        for t in self.timers:
            interval = t.get_interval()
            if interval < 0:

            want = t.get_last_fired() + interval
            # Deduct 20ms, since schedular timeslice
            # means we could be ever so slightly early
            if now >= (want-20):
                self.debug("Dispatch timer %d now %s want %s" % (t.get_id(), str(now), str(want)))

    def interrupt(self):
        os.write(self.pipetrick[1], 'c')

    def add_handle(self, fd, events, cb, opaque):
        """Registers a new file handle 'fd', monitoring  for 'events' (libvirt
        event constants), firing the callback  cb() when an event occurs.
        Returns a unique integer identier for this handle, that should be
        used to later update/remove it.

        handleID = self.nextHandleID + 1
        self.nextHandleID = self.nextHandleID + 1

        h = virEventLoopPureHandle(handleID, fd, events, cb, opaque)

        self.poll.register(fd, self.events_to_poll(events))

        self.debug("Add handle %d fd %d events %d" % (handleID, fd, events))

        return handleID

    def add_timer(self, interval, cb, opaque):
        """Registers a new timer with periodic expiry at 'interval' ms,
        firing cb() each time the timer expires. If 'interval' is -1,
        then the timer is registered, but not enabled.
        Returns a unique integer identier for this handle, that should be
        used to later update/remove it.

        timerID = self.nextTimerID + 1
        self.nextTimerID = self.nextTimerID + 1

        h = virEventLoopPureTimer(timerID, interval, cb, opaque)

        self.debug("Add timer %d interval %d" % (timerID, interval))

        return timerID

    def update_handle(self, handleID, events):
        """Change the set of events to be monitored on the file handle.

        h = self.get_handle_by_id(handleID)
        if h:
            self.poll.register(h.get_fd(), self.events_to_poll(events))

            self.debug("Update handle %d fd %d events %d" % (handleID, h.get_fd(), events))

    def update_timer(self, timerID, interval):
        """Change the periodic frequency of the timer.

        for h in self.timers:
            if h.get_id() == timerID:

                self.debug("Update timer %d interval %d"  % (timerID, interval))

    def remove_handle(self, handleID):
        """Stop monitoring for events on the file handle.

        handles = []
        for h in self.handles:
            if h.get_id() == handleID:
                self.debug("Remove handle %d fd %d" % (handleID, h.get_fd()))
        self.handles = handles

    def remove_timer(self, timerID):
        """Stop firing the periodic timer.

        timers = []
        for h in self.timers:
            if h.get_id() != timerID:
                self.debug("Remove timer %d" % timerID)
        self.timers = timers

    def events_to_poll(self, events):
        """Convert from libvirt event constants, to poll() events constants.

        ret = 0

        if events & libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE:
            ret |= select.POLLIN
        if events & libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_WRITABLE:
            ret |= select.POLLOUT
        if events & libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR:
            ret |= select.POLLERR
        if events & libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_HANGUP:
            ret |= select.POLLHUP

        return ret

    def events_from_poll(self, events):
        """Convert from poll() event constants, to libvirt events constants.

        ret = 0

        if events & select.POLLIN:
            ret |= libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_READABLE
        if events & select.POLLOUT:
            ret |= libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_WRITABLE
        if events & select.POLLNVAL:
            ret |= libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR
        if events & select.POLLERR:
            ret |= libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_ERROR
        if events & select.POLLHUP:
            ret |= libvirt.VIR_EVENT_HANDLE_HANGUP

        return ret

    def register_callbacks(self, *callbacks):
        """Register a callback."""
        global connection

        for c in callbacks:
            connection.domainEventRegister(c, None)  # TODO find out args
    def run(self):
        """Run the loop."""
        self.quit = False
        while not self.quit:

    def start(self, daemonize=True):
        """Run the loop in a background thread."""
        t = Thread(target=self.run)
        t.daemon = True

        self.thread = t

        return t