# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import socket import threading import ssl import logging from sjrpc.client import SimpleRpcClient from sjrpc.utils import ConnectionProxy from sjrpc.core import RpcError import handlers class CCNode(object): ''' Handle node initialization, connection to server, and authentication ''' def __init__(self, server, port, hypervisor, exec_cmd, cert=None): ''' ''' self.manager = SimpleRpcClient.from_addr(server, port, enable_ssl=True, default_handler=handlers.NodeHandler(self, hypervisor, exec_cmd)) self.server = ConnectionProxy(self.manager) def run(self): ''' ''' self.manager.run() def authentify(self, login, password): ''' ''' logging.debug('Authenticating user %s with password <%s>' % (login, password)) try: role = self.server.authentify(login, password) except RpcError as err: if err.exception == 'AuthenticationError': logging.warning('Authentication error') else: logging.warning('Unknown error while authenticating: %s' % err) return False else: if role != 'hypervisor': logging.warning('Bad role affected by server: %s' % role) return False else: return True