#!/usr/bin/env python #coding:utf-8 """ This API abstracts all calls to any hypervisor type. This API is split in four parts: * Global Interface * Libvirt Wrapper * KVM, XEN, ... hypervisor interface * Exceptions Every entity in the hypervisor library has a common ancestor :class:`interface.Host`. The inheritance diagram shown below reflects the relationship between each class. .. graphviz:: digraph { subgraph cluster_interface { "Host" [shape=box]; "Hypervisor" [shape=box]; "VM" [shape=box]; "Host" -> "Hypervisor"; "Host" -> "VM"; label = "interface"; style = filled; color = "#e6fbff"; } subgraph cluster_libvirt { "LibvirtHypervisor" [shape=box]; "LibvirtVm" [shape=box]; "Hypervisor" -> "LibvirtHypervisor"; "VM" -> "LibvirtVm"; style=filled; color="#ffe6ea"; label = "libvirt"; } subgraph cluster_hypervisor_calls { "KvmHypervisor" [shape=box]; "XenHypervisor" [shape=box]; "LibvirtHypervisor" -> "KvmHypervisor"; "LibvirtHypervisor" -> "XenHypervisor"; label = "Hypervisor Calls"; labelloc = "b"; style = filled; color = "#fffcc9"; } subgraph cluster_vm_calls { "KvmVm" [shape=box]; "XenVm" [shape=box]; "LibvirtVm" -> "KvmVm"; "LibvirtVm" -> "XenVm"; label = "Virtual Machine Calls"; labelloc = "b"; style = filled; color = "#fffcc9"; } } """ from kvm import * import ccnodehandlers __all__=['kvm', 'interface', 'exceptions', 'libvirtwrapper', 'ccnode', 'ccnodehandlers']