#!/usr/bin/env python #coding=utf8 # This file is part of CloudControl. # # CloudControl is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # CloudControl is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with CloudControl. If not, see . from cloudcontrol.common.helpers.logger import patch_logging; patch_logging() import os import sys import atexit import logging import logging.handlers import ConfigParser import signal from optparse import OptionParser from pwd import getpwnam from grp import getgrnam from daemon import DaemonContext from cloudcontrol.server.server import CCServer from cloudcontrol.server import __version__ DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/cc-server.conf' DEFAULT_UMASK = 0o0177 DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION = { 'daemonize': False, 'user': '', 'group': '', 'pidfile': '', 'umask': '077', 'port': 1984, 'debug': False, 'account_db': None, # None = mandatory option 'interface': '', 'ssl_cert': None, 'ssl_key': None, 'maxcon': 600, 'maxidle': 120, } # WORKAROUND ENCODING LOOKUP import codecs codecs.lookup('string-escape') codecs.lookup('raw-unicode-escape') # END OF WORKAROUND class EncodingFormatter(logging.Formatter, object): def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, encoding='utf-8'): super(EncodingFormatter, self).__init__(fmt, datefmt) self._encoding = encoding def formatException(self, ei): expt = super(EncodingFormatter, self).formatException( ei) if isinstance(expt, str): expt = expt.decode(self._encoding, 'replace') return expt def format(self, record): msg = super(EncodingFormatter, self).format(record) if isinstance(msg, unicode): msg = msg.encode(self._encoding, 'replace') return msg def run_server(options): # Setup logging facility: level = logging.INFO if options['debug'] in (True, 'yes', 'true'): level = logging.DEBUG logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(level) if options['stdout']: handler = logging.StreamHandler() fmt = EncodingFormatter('[%(asctime)s] ' '\x1B[30;47m%(name)s\x1B[0m ' '\x1B[30;42m%(levelname)s\x1B[0m: ' '%(message)s') else: facility = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_DAEMON handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler(address='/dev/log', facility=facility) fmt = EncodingFormatter('%(name)s: %(levelname)s %(message)s') handler.setFormatter(fmt) logger.addHandler(handler) server = CCServer(logger.getChild('cc-server'), conf_dir=options['account_db'], maxcon=int(options['maxcon']), maxidle=int(options['maxidle']), port=int(options['port']), address=options['interface'], keyfile=options['ssl_key'], certfile=options['ssl_cert']) def shutdown_handler(signum, frame): ''' Handler called when SIGINT is emitted. ''' server.rpc.shutdown() logging.info('Server properly exited by SIGINT') watcher_sigint = server.rpc.loop.signal(signal.SIGINT, shutdown_handler) watcher_sigstop = server.rpc.loop.signal(signal.SIGTERM, shutdown_handler) watcher_sigint.start() watcher_sigstop.start() try: server.run() except Exception as err: logging.critical('Server failed: %s', err) import traceback traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(3) if __name__ == '__main__': op = OptionParser(version='%%prog v%s' % __version__) op.add_option('-c', '--config', default=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE, help='configuration file (default: %default)') op.add_option('-d', '--daemonize', action='store_true', help='run as a daemon') op.add_option('-f', '--foreground', action='store_false', dest='daemonize', help='don\'t run as a daemon') op.add_option('-p', '--pidfile', help='write pidfile to the path') op.add_option('-k', '--umask', help='set the umask of the process') op.add_option('-u', '--user', help='run as user') op.add_option('-g', '--group', help='run as group') op.add_option('-s', '--stdout', action='store_true', default=False, help='log in stdout instead of syslog') cliopts, args = op.parse_args() # Reading the config file: config = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() config.read(cliopts.config) try: options = dict(config.items('server')) except ConfigParser.NoSectionError: sys.stderr.write("Configuration error: 'server' section must exist " "in '%s'\n" % cliopts.config) sys.exit(1) # Applying default config file options: for opt, default in DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION.iteritems(): if opt not in options or not options[opt]: if default is None: sys.stderr.write("Configuration error: you must specify '%s' " "option in '%s' !\n" % (opt, cliopts.config)) sys.exit(1) else: options[opt] = default # Merge cli options and .conf file options: for opt in ('daemonize', 'pidfile', 'umask', 'user', 'group', 'stdout'): if getattr(cliopts, opt) is not None: options[opt] = getattr(cliopts, opt) # Create option set for the daemonization process: daemon_opts = {} daemonize = options['daemonize'] if isinstance(daemonize, str): daemonize = daemonize in ('yes', 'true') daemon_opts['detach_process'] = daemonize daemon_opts['umask'] = int(options['umask'], 8) if options['user']: if options['user'].isdigit(): daemon_opts['uid'] = int(options['user']) else: daemon_opts['uid'] = getpwnam(options['user']).pw_uid if options['group']: if options['group'].isdigit(): daemon_opts['gid'] = int(options['group']) else: daemon_opts['gid'] = getgrnam(options['group']).gr_gid if not daemonize: daemon_opts['stderr'] = sys.stderr daemon_opts['stdout'] = sys.stderr # I've to write myself the pidfile because the daemon library write it # after the privilege downgrade: if options['pidfile']: pidfile = open(cliopts.pidfile, 'w') daemon_opts['files_preserve'] = [pidfile] else: pidfile = None with DaemonContext(**daemon_opts): if pidfile is not None: pidfile.write('%s' % os.getpid()) pidfile.flush() @atexit.register def clean_pidfile(): pidfile.seek(0) pidfile.truncate() pidfile.flush() run_server(options)