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# -*- python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Started 10/05/2011 by Seblu <>

Repository stuff
import os
import time
import shutil
import pwd
import grp
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import tempfile
import fnmatch
import installsystems
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import as istools
from installsystems.printer import *
from installsystems.tarball import Tarball
from import PipeFile
from installsystems.image import Image, PackageImage
from installsystems.database import Database

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class Repository(object):
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    Repository class
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    def is_repository_name(name):
        return re.match("^[-_\w]+$", name) is not None

    def check_repository_name(name):
        Raise exception is repository name is invalid
        if not Repository.is_repository_name(name):
            raise Exception(u"Invalid repository name %s" % name)
    def split_image_path(path):
        Split an image path (repo/image:version)
        in a tuple (repo, image, version)
        x = re.match(u"^(?:([^/:]+)/)?([^/:]+)?(?::v?([^/:]+)?)?$", path)
            raise Exception(u"invalid image path: %s" % path)
        return, 2, 3)

    def split_repository_list(repolist, filter=None):
        Return a list of repository from an comma/spaces separated names of repo
        if filter is None:
            filter = Repository.is_repository_name
        return [r for r in  re.split("[ ,\n\t\v]+", repolist) if filter(r)]

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    def diff(cls, repo1, repo2):
        Comptue a diff between two repositories
        arrow(u"Diff between repositories #y#%s#R# and #g#%s#R#" % (,
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        # Get info from databases
        i_dict1 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in repo1.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name, version FROM image").fetchall())
        i_set1 = set(i_dict1.keys())
        i_dict2 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in repo2.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name, version FROM image").fetchall())
        i_set2 = set(i_dict2.keys())
        p_dict1 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in  repo1.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name FROM payload").fetchall())
        p_set1 = set(p_dict1.keys())
        p_dict2 = dict((b[0], b[1:]) for b in repo2.db.ask(
                "SELECT md5, name FROM payload").fetchall())
        p_set2 = set(p_dict2.keys())
        # computing diff
        i_only1 = i_set1 - i_set2
        i_only2 = i_set2 - i_set1
        p_only1 = p_set1 - p_set2
        p_only2 = p_set2 - p_set1
        # printing functions
        pimg = lambda r,c,m,d,: out("#%s#Image only in repository %s: %s v%s (%s)#R#" %
                                    (c,, d[m][0], d[m][1], m))
        ppay = lambda r,c,m,d,: out("#%s#Payload only in repository %s: %s (%s)#R#" %
                                    (c,, d[m][0], m))
        # printing image diff
        for md5 in i_only1: pimg(repo1, "y", md5, i_dict1)
        for md5 in p_only1: ppay(repo1, "y", md5, p_dict1)
        for md5 in i_only2: pimg(repo2, "g", md5, i_dict2)
        for md5 in p_only2: ppay(repo2, "g", md5, p_dict2)

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    def __init__(self, config):
        self.config = config
        self.local = istools.isfile(self.config.path)
        if not self.config.offline:
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                self.db = Database(config.dbpath)
                debug(u"Unable to load database %s" % config.dbpath)
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                self.config.offline = True
        if self.config.offline:
            debug(u"Repository %s is offline" %
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    def __getattribute__(self, name):
        Raise an error if repository is unavailable
        Unavailable can be caused because db is not accessible or
        because repository is not initialized
        config = object.__getattribute__(self, "config")
        # config, init, local are always accessible
        if name in ("init", "config", "local"):
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            return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
        # if no db (not init or not accessible) raise error
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        if config.offline:
            raise Exception(u"Repository %s is offline" %
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        return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
    def version(self):
        Return repository version
        return self.db.version

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    def init(self):
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        Initialize an empty base repository
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        config = self.config
        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise Exception(u"Repository creation must be local")
        # create base directories
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        arrow("Creating base directories")
        # creating local directory
            if os.path.exists(config.path):
                arrow(u"%s already exists" % config.path)
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                istools.mkdir(config.path, config.uid, config.gid, config.dmod)
                arrow(u"%s directory created" % config.path)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(u"Unable to create directory %s: %s" % (config.path, e))
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        # create database
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        d = Database.create(config.dbpath)
        istools.chrights(config.dbpath, uid=config.uid,
                         gid=config.gid, mode=config.fmod)
        # load database
        self.db = Database(config.dbpath)
        # mark repo as not offline
        self.config.offline = False
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        # create/update last file

    def update_last(self):
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        Update last file to current time
        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise Exception(u"Repository addition must be local")
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            arrow("Updating last file")
            last_path = os.path.join(self.config.path, self.config.lastname)
            open(last_path, "w").write("%s\n" % int(time.time()))
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            istools.chrights(last_path, self.config.uid, self.config.gid, self.config.fmod)
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception(u"Update last file failed: %s" % e)
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        Return last version of name in repo or -1 if not found
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        r = self.db.ask("SELECT version FROM image WHERE name = ? ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1", (name,)).fetchone()
        # no row => no way
        if r is None:
            return -1
        # return last
        return r[0]
    def add(self, image, delete=False):
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        Add a packaged image to repository
        if delete is true, remove original files
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        # check local repository
        if not self.local:
            raise Exception(u"Repository addition must be local")
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