diff --git a/installsystems/database.py b/installsystems/database.py
index d0bfbf30c21bfecdf7809a4b54bfdad7b5fd8816..2237134daeeba5c14d6176e76d23b7a8eeaebad7 100644
--- a/installsystems/database.py
+++ b/installsystems/database.py
@@ -40,15 +40,24 @@ class Database(object):
     def add(self, package):
         '''Add a packaged image to a db'''
         arrow("Adding metadata to db", 1, self.verbose)
-        name = "%s.json" % package.name()
+        # naming
+        name = "%s.json" % package.name
         newdb_path = "%s.new" % self.path
+        # compute md5
+        arrow("Compute MD5 of %s" % os.path.relpath(package.path), 2, self.verbose)
+        md5 = package.md5
+        arrow("Formating metadata", 2, self.verbose)
+        desc = package.description
+        desc["md5"] = md5
+        jdesc = json.dumps(desc)
+            arrow("Adding to tarball", 2, self.verbose)
             db = Tarball.open(self.path, mode='r:bz2')
             newdb = Tarball.open(newdb_path, mode='w:bz2')
             for ti in db.getmembers():
                 if ti.name != name:
                     newdb.addfile(ti, db.extractfile(ti))
-            newdb.add_str(name, package.jdescription(), tarfile.REGTYPE, 0444)
+            newdb.add_str(name, jdesc, tarfile.REGTYPE, 0444)
             # preserve permission and stats when moving
diff --git a/installsystems/image.py b/installsystems/image.py
index 389ebef6b95568c5f75813059f746666dd36838b..4484a501079fd07e953f69f4815d02ae0c00226b 100644
--- a/installsystems/image.py
+++ b/installsystems/image.py
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ import json
 import StringIO
 import ConfigParser
 import subprocess
-import json
 import tarfile
 import re
 import installsystems.template as istemplate
@@ -267,6 +266,22 @@ class PackageImage(Image):
         self.tarball = Tarball.open(self.path, mode='r:bz2')
+    @property
+    def md5(self):
+        '''Return md5sum of the current tarball'''
+        return istools.md5sum(self.path)
+    @property
+    def name(self):
+        '''Return image name'''
+        return "%s-%s" % (self.description["name"], self.description["version"])
+    @property
+    def databalls(self):
+        '''Create a dict of image and data tarballs'''
+        return [ os.path.join(self.base_path, d)
+                 for d in self.description["data"] ]
     def parse(self):
         '''Parse tarball and extract metadata'''
         # extract metadata
@@ -289,29 +304,13 @@ class PackageImage(Image):
         arrow("Check MD5", 1, self.verbose)
         databalls = self.description["data"]
         for databall in databalls:
-            arrow(databall, 2, self.verbose)
+            md5_path = os.path.join(self.base_path, databall)
+            arrow(os.path.relpath(md5_path), 2, self.verbose)
             md5_meta = databalls[databall]["md5"]
-            md5_file = istools.md5sum(os.path.join(self.base_path, databall))
+            md5_file = istools.md5sum(md5_path)
             if md5_meta != md5_file:
                 raise Exception("Invalid md5: %s" % databall)
-    def description(self):
-        '''Return metadatas of a tarball'''
-        return self.description
-    def jdescription(self):
-        '''Return json formated metadatas'''
-        return json.dumps(self.description)
-    def name(self):
-        '''Return image name'''
-        return "%s-%s" % (self.description["name"], self.description["version"])
-    def databalls(self):
-        '''Create a dict of image and data tarballs'''
-        return [ os.path.join(self.base_path, d)
-                 for d in self.description["data"] ]
     def run_parser(self, gl):
         '''Run parser scripts'''
         self.run_scripts(gl, "parser")
diff --git a/installsystems/repository.py b/installsystems/repository.py
index 16759299430b439318e911226c3d333f089359a1..88fc9acb73a6475a58684088b664dd7e0e32d8cc 100644
--- a/installsystems/repository.py
+++ b/installsystems/repository.py
@@ -73,10 +73,10 @@ class Repository(object):
         '''Add a packaged image to repository'''
         # copy file to directory
         arrow("Adding file to directories", 1, self.verbose)
-        arrow("Adding %s" % os.path.basename(package.path), 2, self.verbose)
+        arrow("Adding %s" % os.path.relpath(package.path), 2, self.verbose)
         istools.copy(package.path, self.config.image,
                      self.config.chown, self.config.chgroup, self.config.fchmod)
-        for db in package.databalls():
+        for db in package.databalls:
             arrow("Adding %s" % os.path.basename(db), 2, self.verbose)
             istools.copy(db, self.config.data,
                          self.config.chown, self.config.chgroup, self.config.fchmod)
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ class Repository(object):
             error("Unable to find %s version %s in database" % (name, version))
         # removing script tarballs
         arrow("Removing script tarball", 1, self.verbose)
-        tpath = os.path.join(self.config.image, "%s-%s%s" % (name, version,
-                                                           Image.image_extension))
+        tpath = os.path.join(self.config.image,
+                             "%s-%s%s" % (name, version, Image.image_extension))
         if os.path.exists(tpath):
             arrow("%s removed" % os.path.basename(tpath), 2, self.verbose)
@@ -201,8 +201,8 @@ class RepositoryCache(object):
         arrow("Updating repositories", 1, self.verbose)
         for r in self.repos:
             debug("%s: remote_last: %s, local_last:%s" % (r,
-                                                           self.repos[r].last(),
-                                                           self.last(r)))
+                                                          self.repos[r].last(),
+                                                          self.last(r)))
             if self.repos[r].last() > self.last(r):
                 # copy last file
                 istools.copy(self.repos[r].last_path, os.path.join(self.last_path, r))