diff --git a/bin/is b/bin/is
index de3e46fcbd00fa58a68b8039bc7b56b260a7804a..6c451dbdb804dc5eabfb7dd4ece7bc902e036f10 100755
--- a/bin/is
+++ b/bin/is
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@ from installsystems.repository import RepositoryConfig
 from installsystems.image import PackageImage, SourceImage
 from installsystems.config import MainConfigFile, RepoConfigFile
-def load_repositories(args, force_offline=False):
+def load_repositories(args):
     Load repositories on a repository manager
     # remove cache is asked
-    if args.no_cache:
+    if hasattr(args, "no_cache") and args.no_cache:
         args.cache = None
     # init repo cache object
     repoman = RepositoryManager(args.cache, timeout=args.timeout, filter=args.repo_filter)
@@ -37,10 +37,14 @@ def load_repositories(args, force_offline=False):
     # load repo configs from command line
     if args.repo_path is not None:
-                                          path=args.repo_path), temp=True, offline=force_offline)
+                                          path=args.repo_path), temp=True,
+                         nosync=hasattr(args, "no_sync") and args.no_sync,
+                         offline=hasattr(args, "force_offline") and args.force_offline)
     # load repo configs from config
     for repoconf in RepoConfigFile(args.repo_config).repos:
-        repoman.register(repoconf, offline=force_offline)
+        repoman.register(repoconf,
+                         nosync=hasattr(args, "no_sync") and args.no_sync,
+                         offline=hasattr(args, "force_offline") and args.force_offline)
     return repoman
 def select_image(name, repoman, best=False):
@@ -291,7 +295,7 @@ def c_repo(parser, args):
     Get information about repositories
-    repoman = load_repositories(args, force_offline=args.local)
+    repoman = load_repositories(args)
     for pattern in args.repository:
         repoman.show_repos(pattern, online=not args.offline,
                      offline=not args.online, url=args.verbose, state=not args.no_state)
@@ -503,6 +507,8 @@ p_list.add_argument("-u", "--url", action="store_true", default=False,
                     help="display image url")
 p_list.add_argument("-D", "--description", action="store_true", default=False,
                     help="display image description")
+p_list.add_argument("--no-sync", action="store_true", default=False,
+                    help="doesn't sync repository before listing")
 p_list.add_argument("image", nargs="*", default=['*'],
                     help="image syntax is [repository/]image[:version]")
 p_list.set_defaults(func=c_list, subparser=p_list)
@@ -533,10 +539,10 @@ p_repo.add_argument("-o", "--online", action="store_true", default=False,
                     help="list only online repository")
 p_repo.add_argument("-O", "--offline", action="store_true", default=False,
                     help="list only offline repository")
-p_repo.add_argument("-l", "--local", action="store_true", default=False,
-                    help="force repository to be offline. This just list repository name without connection")
 p_repo.add_argument("-S", "--no-state", action="store_true", default=False,
                     help="doesn't display repository state (online/offline)")
+p_repo.add_argument("--force-offline", action="store_true", default=False,
+                    help="force repository to be offline")
 p_repo.add_argument("repository", nargs='*', default=["*"], help="repository pattern")
diff --git a/completion/bash/is b/completion/bash/is
index 41a80207b9d9bc10f6e5362e95b05f1dbc46e20a..d38d9afbc4de9347f97269cd2f684d70c6b8cdde 100644
--- a/completion/bash/is
+++ b/completion/bash/is
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 # list local repositories
 _repo() {
-    COMPREPLY=("${COMPREPLY[@]}" $(compgen -W "$(is --no-color repo -lS)"  -- "$cur"))
+    COMPREPLY=("${COMPREPLY[@]}" $(compgen -W "$(is --no-color repo --no-state --force-offline)"  -- "$cur"))
 # list all images available in any online repositories
 _remote_image() {
-    COMPREPLY=("${COMPREPLY[@]}" $(compgen -W "$(is -q --no-color list)" -- "$cur"))
+    COMPREPLY=("${COMPREPLY[@]}" $(compgen -W "$(is -q --no-color list --no-sync)" -- "$cur"))
 # list all local (files) images
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ _is() {
 	    (( args > 2 )) && _filedir
-            [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && _opt '-h --help -l --long -j --json -m --md5 -s --size -d --date -a --author -u --url -D --description' && return 0
+            [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && _opt '-h --help -l --long -j --json -m --md5 -s --size -d --date -a --author -u --url -D --description --no-sync' && return 0
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ _is() {
             _filedir -d
-            [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && _opt '-h --help -v --verbose -o --online -O --offline -l --local -S --no-state' && return 0
+            [[ "$cur" == -* ]] && _opt '-h --help -v --verbose -o --online -O --offline -S --no-state --force-offline' && return 0
diff --git a/installsystems/database.py b/installsystems/database.py
index 14286ceee56df166f75f93eff9896faf18f75c1d..5b912774436c5c3a743033d82ba8baa5e5134625 100644
--- a/installsystems/database.py
+++ b/installsystems/database.py
@@ -19,8 +19,6 @@ class Database(object):
     It needs to be local cause of sqlite3 which need to open a file
-    db_format = "1"
     def create(cls, path):
         arrow("Creating repository database")
@@ -49,6 +47,11 @@ class Database(object):
             raise Exception("Database not exists")
         self.conn = sqlite3.connect(self.path, isolation_level=None)
         self.conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON")
+        # we make a query to be sure format is valid
+        try:
+            self.ask("SELECT * FROM image")
+        except:
+            raise Exception("Invalid database format")
     def begin(self):
diff --git a/installsystems/repository.py b/installsystems/repository.py
index 9b03981baa59cd76e40aa2f7510a2376add9ba5d..e3ca49bdfacfb9ab92538594047520873ad83c45 100644
--- a/installsystems/repository.py
+++ b/installsystems/repository.py
@@ -489,10 +489,11 @@ class RepositoryManager(object):
                 return True
         return False
-    def register(self, config, temp=False, offline=False):
+    def register(self, config, temp=False, nosync=False, offline=False):
         Register a repository from its config
         temp: repository is stored in a temporary location
+        nosync: register repository as online, but no sync is done before
         offline: repository is marked offline
         # check filter on name
@@ -512,14 +513,18 @@ class RepositoryManager(object):
         # path is remote, we need to create a cache
             debug("Registering cached repository %s (%s)" % (config.path, config.name))
-            self.repos.append(self._cachify(config, temp))
+            self.repos.append(self._cachify(config, temp, nosync))
-    def _cachify(self, config, temp=False):
+    def _cachify(self, config, temp=False, nosync=False):
         Return a config of a cached repository from an orignal config file
+        :param config: repository configuration
+        :param temp: repository db should be stored in a temporary location
+        :param nosync: if a cache exists, don't try to update it
+            if temp and nosync:
+                raise IOError("unable to cache, sync is disabled")
             # Ensure destination file exists
             if temp is True or self.cache_path is None:
                 # this is a forced temporary repository or without name repo
@@ -531,34 +536,34 @@ class RepositoryManager(object):
                 # create file if not exists
                 if not os.path.exists(filedest):
                     open(filedest, "wb")
-            # Open remote database
-            rdb = PipeFile(config.dbpath, timeout=self.timeout)
-            # get remote last modification
-            if rdb.mtime is None:
-                # We doesn't have modification time, we use the last file
-                try:
-                    rlast = int(PipeFile(config.lastpath, mode='r',
-                                         timeout=self.timeout).read().strip())
-                except IOError:
-                    rlast = -1
-            else:
-                rlast = rdb.mtime
-            # get local last value
-            llast = int(os.stat(filedest).st_mtime)
-            # if repo is out of date, download it
-            if rlast != llast:
-                arrow("Downloading %s" % config.dbpath)
-                rdb.progressbar = True
-                ldb = open(filedest, "wb")
-                rdb.consume(ldb)
-                ldb.close()
-                rdb.close()
-                istools.chrights(filedest,
-                                 uid=config.uid,
-                                 gid=config.gid,
-                                 mode=config.fmod,
-                                 mtime=rlast)
+            if not nosync:
+                # Open remote database
+                rdb = PipeFile(config.dbpath, timeout=self.timeout)
+                # get remote last modification
+                if rdb.mtime is None:
+                    # We doesn't have modification time, we use the last file
+                    try:
+                        rlast = int(PipeFile(config.lastpath, mode='r',
+                                             timeout=self.timeout).read().strip())
+                    except IOError:
+                        rlast = -1
+                else:
+                    rlast = rdb.mtime
+                # get local last value
+                llast = int(os.stat(filedest).st_mtime)
+                # if repo is out of date, download it
+                if rlast != llast:
+                    arrow("Downloading %s" % config.dbpath)
+                    rdb.progressbar = True
+                    ldb = open(filedest, "wb")
+                    rdb.consume(ldb)
+                    ldb.close()
+                    rdb.close()
+                    istools.chrights(filedest,
+                                     uid=config.uid,
+                                     gid=config.gid,
+                                     mode=config.fmod,
+                                     mtime=rlast)
             config.dbpath = filedest
         except IOError as e:
             # if something append bad during caching, we mark repo as offline