From 819589d8ecb0a2283b080dabf267d8c21df1bded Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Seblu <>
Date: Thu, 26 May 2011 19:49:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Generic improvment. Too many things to tell.

 bin/isimage             | 42 +++++++++++++++++-----------------
 bin/isinstall           | 22 +++++++++++-------
 bin/isrepo              | 22 +++++++++---------
 installsystems/ | 50 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 installsystems/ |  7 +-----
 5 files changed, 72 insertions(+), 71 deletions(-)

diff --git a/bin/isimage b/bin/isimage
index a43a04b..29f901b 100755
--- a/bin/isimage
+++ b/bin/isimage
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ InstallSystems Image Manipulation Tool
 import os
 import argparse
+import time
+import datetime
 import installsystems
 from installsystems.printer import *
 from installsystems.image import SourceImage
@@ -20,34 +22,27 @@ class DebugAction(argparse.Action):
             debug("Debug on")
-def init(options):
+def init(args):
     '''Create an empty fresh source image tree'''
-    # Directory must not exists
-    if os.path.exists(options.path) and os.path.isdir(options.path):
-        error("Directory already exists: %s" % options.path)
-    # Check if parent path is writable
-    parent_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(options.path, "../"))
-    if not os.access(parent_path, os.W_OK):
-        error("%s is not writable."%parent_path)
     # call init from library
-        simg = SourceImage.create(options.path, options.verbose)
+        simg = SourceImage.create(args.path, args.verbose)
     except Exception as e:
         error("init failed: %s." % e)
-def build(options):
+def build(args):
     '''Create a package image'''
-    for d in ("", "parser", "setup", "data"):
-        rp = os.path.join(options.path, d)
-        if not os.path.exists(rp):
-            error("Missing directory: %s" % d)
-        if not os.path.isdir(rp):
-            error("Not a directory: %s" % rp)
-        if not os.access(rp, os.R_OK|os.X_OK):
-            error("Unable to access to %s" % rp)
-        simg = SourceImage(options.path)
+        # start time
+        t0 = time.time()
+        # load source image
+        simg = SourceImage(args.path)
+        # do the job
+        # compute building time
+        t1 = time.time()
+        dt = int(t1 - t0)
+        arrow("Build time: %s" % datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt), 1, args.verbose)
     except Exception as e:
         error("build failed: %s." % e)
@@ -59,13 +54,16 @@ p_main.add_argument('-d', "--debug", action=DebugAction, nargs=0,
                     help="active debug mode")
 p_main.add_argument('-q', "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
                     help="active quiet mode")
 subparsers = p_main.add_subparsers()
 # Init command parser
-p_init = subparsers.add_parser("init", help=init.__doc__)
+p_init = subparsers.add_parser("init", help=init.__doc__.lower())
 p_init.add_argument("path", help="Path of new image directory")
 # Build command parser
-p_build =  subparsers.add_parser("build", help=build.__doc__)
+p_build =  subparsers.add_parser("build", help=build.__doc__.lower())
+p_build.add_argument('-f', "--force", action="store_true", dest="force", default=False,
+                     help="overwrite existing image")
 p_build.add_argument("path", nargs="?", type=str, default=".")
 # Parse and run
diff --git a/bin/isinstall b/bin/isinstall
index 65cf142..b3227bd 100755
--- a/bin/isinstall
+++ b/bin/isinstall
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ InstallSystems Installation Tool
 import os
 import argparse
+import time
+import datetime
 import installsystems
 import as istools
 from installsystems.printer import *
@@ -30,17 +32,15 @@ p_main.add_argument('-d', "--debug", action=DebugAction, nargs=0,
                     help="active debug mode")
 p_main.add_argument('-q', "--quiet", action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
                     help="active quiet mode")
-p_main.add_argument("-I", "--image-path", dest="image_path", type=str, default=None,
+p_main.add_argument("-I", "--image-repo", dest="image_path", type=str, default=None,
                     help="remote image repository path")
-p_main.add_argument("-D", "--data-path", dest="data_path", type=str, default=None,
+p_main.add_argument("-D", "--data-repo", dest="data_path", type=str, default=None,
                     help="remote data repository path")
 p_main.add_argument("-C", "--cache-path", dest="cache_path", type=str,
                     help="local cache repository path")
 p_main.add_argument("-v", "--image-version", dest="image_version", type=int, default=None,
                     help="specific image version")
-p_main.add_argument('-u', "--update", action="store_true", dest="update", default=False,
-                    help="update repository cache")
 p_main.add_argument("image_name", type=str,
                     help="image to install (path or name)")
@@ -58,19 +58,25 @@ try:
         # register command ligne repo
         if args.image_path is not None:
             repocache.register("cmdline", args.image_path, args.data_path)
-        # update remote info if -u options is present
-        if args.update:
-            repocache.update()
+        # update remote info
+        repocache.update()
         # get image package
         pkg = repocache.get(args.image_name, args.image_version)
-        raise Exception("Invalid image name")
+        p_main.print_usage()
+        exit(1)
+    # install start time
+    t0 = time.time()
     # run parser scripts
     pkg.run_parser({ "parser": p_main })
     # call parser again, with extended attributes
     args = p_main.parse_args()
     # run setup scripts
     pkg.run_setup({"args": args})
+    # compute building time
+    t1 = time.time()
+    dt = int(t1 - t0)
+    arrow("Install time: %s" % datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt), 1, args.verbose)
 except Exception as e:
 except KeyboardInterrupt:
diff --git a/bin/isrepo b/bin/isrepo
index 70082da..3900a8f 100755
--- a/bin/isrepo
+++ b/bin/isrepo
@@ -22,29 +22,29 @@ class DebugAction(argparse.Action):
             debug("Debug on")
-def init(options):
+def init(args):
     '''Create an empty fresh repo tree'''
     # call init from library
-        Repository.create(options.image_path, options.data_path, options.verbose)
+        Repository.create(args.image_path, args.data_path, args.verbose)
     except Exception as e:
         error("init failed: %s." % e)
-def add(options):
+def add(args):
     '''Add a package to repository'''
-        repo = Repository(options.image_path, options.data_path, options.verbose)
-        pkg = PackageImage(options.path, options.verbose)
+        repo = Repository(args.image_path, args.data_path, args.verbose)
+        pkg = PackageImage(args.path, args.verbose)
     except Exception as e:
         error("add failed: %s." % e)
-def delete(options):
+def delete(args):
     '''Remove a package from repository'''
-        repo = Repository(options.image_path, options.data_path, options.verbose)
-        repo.delete(options.image_name, options.image_version)
+        repo = Repository(args.image_path, args.data_path, args.verbose)
+        repo.delete(args.image_name, args.image_version)
     except Exception as e:
         error("del failed: %s." % e)
@@ -63,18 +63,18 @@ p_main.add_argument("-D", "--data-path", dest="data_path", type=str,
 subparsers = p_main.add_subparsers()
 # Init command parser
-p_init = subparsers.add_parser("init", help=init.__doc__)
+p_init = subparsers.add_parser("init", help=init.__doc__.lower())
 p_init.add_argument("image_path", nargs="?", default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
                     help="Path of the new image directory")
 p_init.add_argument("data_path", nargs="?", default=argparse.SUPPRESS,
                     help="Path of the new data directory")
 # Add command parser
-p_add =  subparsers.add_parser("add", help=add.__doc__)
+p_add =  subparsers.add_parser("add", help=add.__doc__.lower())
 p_add.add_argument("path", type=str)
 # Del command parser
-p_del =  subparsers.add_parser("del", help=delete.__doc__)
+p_del =  subparsers.add_parser("del", help=delete.__doc__.lower())
 p_del.add_argument("image_name", type=str)
 p_del.add_argument("image_version", type=str)
diff --git a/installsystems/ b/installsystems/
index 7340427..ed58cb7 100644
--- a/installsystems/
+++ b/installsystems/
@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ Image stuff
 import os
 import stat
-import datetime
 import time
 import json
 import StringIO
@@ -17,7 +16,7 @@ import subprocess
 import json
 import tarfile
 import re
-import installsystems.template
+import installsystems.template as istemplate
 import as istools
 from installsystems.printer import *
 from installsystems.tarball import Tarball
@@ -53,15 +52,6 @@ class Image(object):
 class SourceImage(Image):
     '''Image source manipulation class'''
-    def __init__(self, path, verbose=True, pbzip2=True):
-        Image.__init__(self, pbzip2)
-        self.base_path = path
-        self.parser_path = os.path.join(path, "parser")
-        self.setup_path = os.path.join(path, "setup")
-        self.data_path = os.path.join(path, "data")
-        self.verbose = verbose
-        self.description = self.parse_description()
     def create(cls, path, verbose=True, pbzip2=True):
         '''Create an empty source image'''
@@ -80,16 +70,13 @@ class SourceImage(Image):
             # create description example from template
             arrow("Creating description example", 2, verbose)
-            open(os.path.join(path, "description"), "w").write(
-                installsystems.template.description)
+            open(os.path.join(path, "description"), "w").write(istemplate.description)
             # create parser example from template
             arrow("Creating parser script example", 2, verbose)
-            open(os.path.join(parser_path, ""), "w").write(
-                installsystems.template.parser)
+            open(os.path.join(parser_path, ""), "w").write(istemplate.parser)
             # create setup example from template
             arrow("Creating setup script example", 2, verbose)
-            open(os.path.join(setup_path, ""), "w").write(
-                installsystems.template.setup)
+            open(os.path.join(setup_path, ""), "w").write(istemplate.setup)
         except Exception as e:
             raise Exception("Unable to example file: %s" % e)
@@ -105,16 +92,35 @@ class SourceImage(Image):
             raise Exception("Unable to set rights on %s: %s" % (pf, e))
         return cls(path, verbose, pbzip2)
-    def build(self):
+    def __init__(self, path, verbose=True, pbzip2=True):
+        Image.__init__(self, pbzip2)
+        self.base_path = path
+        self.parser_path = os.path.join(path, "parser")
+        self.setup_path = os.path.join(path, "setup")
+        self.data_path = os.path.join(path, "data")
+        self.verbose = verbose
+        self.valid_source_image()
+        self.description = self.parse_description()
+    def valid_source_image(self):
+        '''Check if we are a valid SourceImage'''
+        for d in (self.base_path, self.parser_path, self.setup_path, self.data_path):
+            if not os.path.exists(d):
+                raise Exception("Missing directory: %s" % d)
+            if not os.path.isdir(d):
+                raise Exception("Not a directory: %s" % d)
+            if not os.access(d, os.R_OK|os.X_OK):
+                raise Exception("Unable to access to %s" % d)
+    def build(self, overwrite=False):
         '''Create packaged image'''
-        t0 = time.time()
         # compute script tarball paths
         tarpath = os.path.join(self.base_path,
                                "%s-%s%s" % (self.description["name"],
         # check if free to create script tarball
-        if os.path.exists(tarpath):
+        if os.path.exists(tarpath) and overwrite == False:
             raise Exception("Tarball already exists. Remove it before")
         # printing pbzip2 status
         if self.pbzip2_path:
@@ -148,10 +154,6 @@ class SourceImage(Image):
                     recursive=True, filter=self.tar_scripts_filter)
         # closing tarball file
-        # compute building time
-        t1 = time.time()
-        dt = int(t1 - t0)
-        arrow("Build time: %s" % datetime.timedelta(seconds=dt), 2, self.verbose)
     def data_tarballs(self):
         '''List all data tarballs in data directory'''
diff --git a/installsystems/ b/installsystems/
index 694b676..de0a1e2 100644
--- a/installsystems/
+++ b/installsystems/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ def cp(source, destination):
 def get_path_type(path):
     '''Return path type. This is usefull to know what king of path is given'''
+    from installsystems.image import Image
     if path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("https://"):
         return "http"
     elif path.startswith("ssh://"):
@@ -47,9 +48,3 @@ def complete_path(path):
         return os.path.abspath(path)
         return None
-def path_strip_file(path):
-    '''Remove file:// header of a local file path'''
-    if path.startswith("file://"):
-        return path[len("file://")]
-    return path