# -*- python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Started 10/05/2011 by Seblu ''' Image stuff ''' import os import stat import time import json import difflib import ConfigParser import subprocess import re import shutil import gzip import gzipstream #until python support gzip not seekable import cStringIO import installsystems import installsystems.template as istemplate import installsystems.tools as istools import installsystems.tarfile as tarfile #until python2.7 is default from installsystems.printer import * from installsystems.tools import PipeFile from installsystems.tarball import Tarball class Image(object): ''' Abstract class of images ''' format = "1" extension = ".isimage" @staticmethod def check_image_name(buf): ''' Check if @buf is a valid image name ''' if re.match("^[-_\w]+$", buf) is None: raise Exception("Invalid image name %s" % buf) @staticmethod def check_image_version(buf): ''' Check if @buf is a valid image version ''' if re.match("^\d+$", buf) is None: raise Exception("Invalid image version %s" % buf) @staticmethod def compare_versions(v1, v2): ''' Compare v1 and v2 return > 0 if v1 > v2 return < 0 if v2 > v1 return = 0 if v1 == v2 ''' # check v1 try: i1 = int(v1) except ValueError: if isinstance(v1, basestring): v1m = re.search("\d+", v1) if v1m is None: raise Exception("Invalid version %s" % v1) i1 = int(v1m.group(0)) # check v2 try: i2 = int(v2) except ValueError: if isinstance(v2, basestring): v2m = re.search("\d+", v1) if v2m is None: raise Exception("Invalid version %s" % v2) i2 = int(v2m.group(0)) return i1 - i2 class SourceImage(Image): ''' Image source manipulation class ''' @classmethod def create(cls, path, force=False): ''' Create an empty source image ''' # check local repository if not istools.isfile(path): raise NotImplementedError("SourceImage must be local") # main path parser_path = os.path.join(path, "parser") setup_path = os.path.join(path, "setup") payload_path = os.path.join(path, "payload") # create base directories arrow("Creating base directories") try: for d in (path, parser_path, setup_path, payload_path): if not os.path.exists(d) or not os.path.isdir(d): os.mkdir(d) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to create directory: %s: %s" % (d, e)) # create example files arrow("Creating examples") arrowlevel(1) # create dict of file to create examples = {} # create description example from template examples["description"] = {"path": "description", "content": istemplate.description % { "name": "", "version": "1", "description": "", "author": "", "is_min_version": installsystems.version}} # create changelog example from template examples["changelog"] = {"path": "changelog", "content": istemplate.changelog} # create parser example from template examples["parser"] = {"path": "parser/01-parser.py", "content": istemplate.parser} # create setup example from template examples["setup"] = {"path": "setup/01-setup.py", "content": istemplate.setup} for name in examples: try: arrow("Creating %s example" % name) expath = os.path.join(path, examples[name]["path"]) if not force and os.path.exists(expath): warn("%s already exists. Skipping!" % expath) continue open(expath, "w").write(examples[name]["content"]) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to create example file: %s" % e) try: # setting executable rights on files in setup and parser arrow("Setting executable rights on scripts") umask = os.umask(0) os.umask(umask) for dpath in (parser_path, setup_path): for f in os.listdir(dpath): istools.chrights(os.path.join(dpath, f), mode=0777 & ~umask) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to set rights on %s: %s" % (pf, e)) arrowlevel(-1) def __init__(self, path): # check local repository if not istools.isfile(path): raise NotImplementedError("SourceImage must be local") Image.__init__(self) self.base_path = path self.parser_path = os.path.join(path, "parser") self.setup_path = os.path.join(path, "setup") self.payload_path = os.path.join(path, "payload") self.validate_source_files() self.description = self.parse_description() self.changelog = self.parse_changelog() # script tarball path self.image_name = "%s-%s%s" % (self.description["name"], self.description["version"], self.extension) def validate_source_files(self): ''' Check if we are a valid SourceImage directories ''' for d in (self.base_path, self.parser_path, self.setup_path, self.payload_path): if not os.path.exists(d): raise Exception("Missing directory: %s" % d) if not os.path.isdir(d): raise Exception("Not a directory: %s" % d) if not os.access(d, os.R_OK|os.X_OK): raise Exception("Unable to access to %s" % d) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.base_path, "description")): raise Exception("No description file") def build(self, force=False, check=True): ''' Create packaged image ''' # check if free to create script tarball if os.path.exists(self.image_name) and force == False: raise Exception("Tarball already exists. Remove it before") # Check python file if check: self.check_scripts(self.parser_path) self.check_scripts(self.setup_path) # Create payload files payloads = self.create_payloads() # generate a JSON description jdesc = self.generate_json_description(payloads) # creating scripts tarball self.create_image(jdesc) def create_image(self, jdescription): ''' Create a script tarball in current directory ''' # create tarball arrow("Creating image tarball") arrowlevel(1) arrow("Name %s" % self.image_name) try: tarball = Tarball.open(self.image_name, mode="w:gz", dereference=True) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to create tarball %s: %s" % (self.image_name, e)) # add .description.json arrow("Add description.json") tarball.add_str("description.json", jdescription, tarfile.REGTYPE, 0644) # add changelog if self.changelog is not None: arrow("Add changelog") tarball.add_str("changelog", self.changelog.verbatim, tarfile.REGTYPE, 0644) # add .format arrow("Add format") tarball.add_str("format", self.format, tarfile.REGTYPE, 0644) # add parser scripts self._add_scripts(tarball, self.parser_path) # add setup scripts self._add_scripts(tarball, self.setup_path) # closing tarball file tarball.close() arrowlevel(-1) def create_payloads(self): ''' Create all data payloads in current directory Doesn't compute md5 during creation because tarball can be created manually ''' arrow("Creating payloads") arrowlevel(1) # build list of payload files candidates = os.listdir(self.payload_path) if len(candidates) == 0: arrow("No payload") arrowlevel(-1) return [] # create payload files l_l = [] for pay in candidates: source_path = os.path.join(self.payload_path, pay) dest_path = "%s-%s-%s%s" % (self.description["name"], self.description["version"], pay, Payload.extension) source_stat = os.stat(source_path) isdir = stat.S_ISDIR(source_stat.st_mode) if os.path.exists(dest_path): arrow("Payload %s already exists" % dest_path) else: arrow("Creating payload %s" % dest_path) if isdir: self._create_payload_tarball(dest_path, source_path) else: self._create_payload_file(dest_path, source_path) # create payload object payobj = Payload(pay, "%s-%s" % (self.description["name"], self.description["version"]), dest_path, isdir=isdir) payobj.uid = source_stat.st_uid payobj.gid = source_stat.st_gid payobj.mode = stat.S_IMODE(source_stat.st_mode) payobj.mtime = source_stat.st_mtime l_l.append(payobj) arrowlevel(-1) return l_l def _create_payload_tarball(self, tar_path, data_path): ''' Create a payload tarball This is needed by payload directory ''' # compute dname to set as a base directory dname = os.path.basename(data_path) try: dfo = PipeFile(tar_path, "w", progressbar=True) # Tarballing tarball = Tarball.open(fileobj=dfo, mode="w|gz", dereference=False) tarball.add(data_path, arcname="/", recursive=True, filter=self._create_payload_tarball_filter) tarball.close() dfo.close() except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to create payload tarball %s: %s" % (tar_path, e)) def _create_payload_tarball_filter(self, tarinfo): ''' Have the same behaviour as --numeric-owner on gnu tar Remove string name and group to escape weird translation ''' tarinfo.uname = "" tarinfo.gname = "" return tarinfo def _create_payload_file(self, dest, source): ''' Create a payload file Only gzipping it ''' fsource = PipeFile(source, "r", progressbar=True) # open file not done in GzipFile, to escape writing of filename # in gzip file. This change md5. fdest = open(dest, "wb") fdest = gzip.GzipFile(filename=os.path.basename(source), fileobj=fdest, mtime=os.stat(source).st_mtime) fsource.consume(fdest) fsource.close() fdest.close() def _add_scripts(self, tarball, directory): ''' Add scripts inside a directory into a tarball ''' basedirectory = os.path.basename(directory) arrow("Add %s scripts" % basedirectory) arrowlevel(1) # adding base directory ti = tarball.gettarinfo(directory, arcname=basedirectory) ti.mode = 0755 ti.uid = ti.gid = 0 ti.uname = ti.gname = "root" tarball.addfile(ti) # adding each file for fi in sorted(os.listdir(directory)): fp = os.path.join(directory, fi) # check name if not re.match("\d+-.*\.py$", fi): debug("%s skipped: invalid name" % fi) continue # check execution bit if not os.access(fp, os.X_OK): debug("%s skipped: not executable" % fi) continue # adding file ti = tarball.gettarinfo(fp, arcname=os.path.join(basedirectory, fi)) ti.mode = 0755 ti.uid = ti.gid = 0 ti.uname = ti.gname = "root" tarball.addfile(ti, open(fp, "rb")) arrow("%s added" % fi) arrowlevel(-1) def check_scripts(self, directory): ''' Check if scripts inside a directory can be compiled ''' basedirectory = os.path.basename(directory) arrow("Checking %s scripts" % basedirectory) arrowlevel(1) # checking each file for fi in sorted(os.listdir(directory)): fp = os.path.join(directory, fi) # check name if not re.match("\d+-.*\.py$", fi): debug("%s skipped: invalid name" % fp) continue # check execution bit if not os.access(fp, os.X_OK): debug("%s skipped: not executable" % fp) continue # compiling file fs = open(fp, "r").read() compile(fs, fp, mode="exec") arrow(fi) arrowlevel(-1) def generate_json_description(self, payloads): ''' Generate a JSON description file ''' arrow("Generating JSON description") arrowlevel(1) # copy description desc = self.description.copy() # timestamp image arrow("Timestamping") desc["date"] = int(time.time()) # watermark desc["is_build_version"] = installsystems.version # append payload infos arrow("Checksumming") desc["payload"] = {} for payload in payloads: desc["payload"][payload.name] = payload.info arrowlevel(-1) # serialize return json.dumps(desc) def parse_description(self): ''' Raise an exception is description file is invalid and return vars to include ''' arrow("Parsing description") d = dict() try: descpath = os.path.join(self.base_path, "description") cp = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser() cp.read(descpath) for n in ("name","version", "description", "author"): d[n] = cp.get("image", n) # get min image version if cp.has_option("image", "is_min_version"): d["is_min_version"] = cp.get("image", "is_min_version") else: d["is_min_version"] = 0 # check image name self.check_image_name(d["name"]) # check image version self.check_image_version(d["version"]) # check installsystems min version if self.compare_versions(installsystems.version, d["is_min_version"]) < 0: raise Exception("Minimum Installsystems version not satisfied") except Exception as e: raise Exception("Bad description: %s" % e) return d def parse_changelog(self): ''' Create a changelog object from a file ''' # try to find a changelog file try: path = os.path.join(self.base_path, "changelog") fo = open(path, "r") except IOError: return None # we have it, we need to check everything is ok arrow("Parsing changelog") try: cl = Changelog(fo.read()) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Bad changelog: %s" % e) return cl class PackageImage(Image): ''' Packaged image manipulation class ''' @classmethod def diff(cls, pkg1, pkg2): ''' Diff two packaged images ''' arrow("Differnce from images #y#%s v%s#R# to #r#%s v%s#R#:" % (pkg1.name, pkg1.version, pkg2.name, pkg2.version)) # Extract images for diff scripts files fromfiles = set(pkg1._tarball.getnames(re_pattern="(parser|setup)/.*")) tofiles = set(pkg2._tarball.getnames(re_pattern="(parser|setup)/.*")) for f in fromfiles | tofiles: # preparing from info if f in fromfiles: fromfile = os.path.join(pkg1.id, f) fromdata = pkg1._tarball.extractfile(f).readlines() else: fromfile = "/dev/null" fromdata = "" # preparing to info if f in tofiles: tofile = os.path.join(pkg2.id, f) todata = pkg2._tarball.extractfile(f).readlines() else: tofile = "/dev/null" todata = "" # generate diff for line in difflib.unified_diff(fromdata, todata, fromfile=fromfile, tofile=tofile): # coloring diff if line.startswith("+"): out("#g#%s#R#" % line, endl="") elif line.startswith("-"): out("#r#%s#R#" % line, endl="") elif line.startswith("@@"): out("#c#%s#R#" % line, endl="") else: out(line, endl="") def __init__(self, path, fileobj=None, md5name=False): ''' Initialize a package image fileobj must be a seekable fileobj ''' Image.__init__(self) self.path = istools.abspath(path) self.base_path = os.path.dirname(self.path) # tarball are named by md5 and not by real name self.md5name = md5name try: if fileobj is None: fileobj = PipeFile(self.path, "r") else: fileobj = PipeFile(mode="r", fileobj=fileobj) memfile = cStringIO.StringIO() fileobj.consume(memfile) # close source fileobj.close() # get donwloaded size and md5 self.size = fileobj.read_size self.md5 = fileobj.md5 memfile.seek(0) self._tarball = Tarball.open(fileobj=memfile, mode='r:gz') except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to open image %s: %s" % (path, e)) self._metadata = self.read_metadata() # print info arrow("Image %s v%s loaded" % (self.name, self.version)) arrow("Author: %s" % self.author, 1) arrow("Date: %s" % istools.time_rfc2822(self.date), 1) # build payloads info self.payload = {} for pname, pval in self._metadata["payload"].items(): if self.md5name: ppath = os.path.join(self.base_path, self._metadata["payload"][pname]["md5"]) else: ppath = os.path.join(self.base_path, "%s-%s%s" % (self.id, pname, Payload.extension)) self.payload[pname] = Payload(pname, self.id, ppath, **pval) def __getattr__(self, name): ''' Give direct access to description field ''' if name in self._metadata: return self._metadata[name] raise AttributeError @property def id(self): ''' Return image versionned name / id ''' return "%s-%s" % (self.name, self.version) @property def filename(self): ''' Return image filename ''' return "%s%s" % (self.id, self.extension) def read_metadata(self): ''' Parse tarball and return metadata dict ''' desc = {} # check format img_format = self._tarball.get_str("format") if img_format != self.format: raise Exception("Invalid tarball image format") desc["format"] = img_format # check description try: img_desc = self._tarball.get_str("description.json") desc.update(json.loads(img_desc)) self.check_image_name(desc["name"]) self.check_image_version(desc["version"]) # add is_min_version if not present if "is_min_version" not in desc: desc["is_min_version"] = 0 # check installsystems min version if self.compare_versions(installsystems.version, desc["is_min_version"]) < 0: raise Exception("Minimum Installsystems version not satisfied") except Exception as e: raise Exception("Invalid description: %s" % e) # try to load changelog try: img_changelog = self._tarball.get_str("changelog") desc["changelog"] = Changelog(img_changelog) except KeyError: desc["changelog"] = Changelog("") except Exception as e: warn("Invalid changelog: %s" % e) return desc def show(self, verbose=False, changelog=False): ''' Display image content ''' out('#light##yellow#Name:#reset# %s' % self.name) out('#light##yellow#Version:#reset# %s' % self.version) out('#yellow#Date:#reset# %s' % istools.time_rfc2822(self.date)) out('#yellow#Description:#reset# %s' % self.description) out('#yellow#Author:#reset# %s' % self.author) if verbose: # field is_build_version is new in version 5. I can be absent. try: out('#yellow#IS build version:#reset# %s' % self.is_build_version) except AttributeError: pass # field is_min_version is new in version 5. I can be absent. try: out('#yellow#IS minimum version:#reset# %s' % self.is_min_version) except AttributeError: pass out('#yellow#MD5:#reset# %s' % self.md5) if verbose: payloads = self.payload for payload_name in payloads: payload = payloads[payload_name] out('#light##yellow#Payload:#reset# %s' % payload_name) out(' #yellow#Date:#reset# %s' % istools.rfc2822(payload.mtime)) out(' #yellow#Size:#reset# %s' % (istools.human_size(payload.size))) out(' #yellow#MD5:#reset# %s' % payload.md5) # display image content out('#light##yellow#Content:#reset#') self._tarball.list(verbose) # display changelog if changelog: self.changelog.show(int(self.version), verbose) def check(self, message="Check MD5"): ''' Check md5 and size of tarballs are correct Download tarball from path and compare the loaded md5 and remote ''' arrow(message) arrowlevel(1) # check image fo = PipeFile(self.path, "r") fo.consume() fo.close() if self.size != fo.read_size: raise Exception("Invalid size of image %s" % self.name) if self.md5 != fo.md5: raise Exception("Invalid MD5 of image %s" % self.name) # check payloads for pay_name, pay_obj in self.payload.items(): arrow(pay_name) pay_obj.check() arrowlevel(-1) def cat(self, filename): ''' Display filename in the tarball ''' for filename in self._tarball.getnames(glob_pattern=filename): arrow(filename) out(self._tarball.get_str(filename)) def download(self, directory, force=False, image=True, payload=False): ''' Download image in directory Doesn't use in memory image because we cannot access it This is done to don't parasitize self._tarfile access to memfile ''' # check if destination exists directory = os.path.abspath(directory) if image: dest = os.path.join(directory, self.filename) if not force and os.path.exists(dest): raise Exception("Image destination already exists: %s" % dest) # some display arrow("Downloading image in %s" % directory) debug("Downloading %s from %s" % (self.id, self.path)) # open source fs = PipeFile(self.path, progressbar=True) # check if announced file size is good if fs.size is not None and self.size != fs.size: raise Exception("Downloading image %s failed: Invalid announced size" % self.name) # open destination fd = open(self.filename, "wb") fs.consume(fd) fs.close() fd.close() if self.size != fs.consumed_size: raise Exception("Download image %s failed: Invalid size" % self.name) if self.md5 != fs.md5: raise Exception("Download image %s failed: Invalid MD5" % self.name) if payload: for payname in self.payload: arrow("Downloading payload %s in %s" % (payname, directory)) self.payload[payname].info self.payload[payname].download(directory, force=force) def extract(self, directory, force=False, payload=False, gendescription=False): ''' Extract content of the image inside a repository ''' # check destination if not os.path.isdir(directory): istools.mkdir(directory) if not force and len(os.listdir(directory)) != 0: raise Exception("%s is not empty" % directory) # extract content arrow("Extracting image in %s" % directory) self._tarball.extractall(directory) # generate description file from description.json if gendescription: arrow("Generating description file in %s" % directory) with open(os.path.join(directory, "description"), "w") as f: f.write(istemplate.description % self._metadata) # launch payload extract if payload: for payname in self.payload: # here we need to decode payname which is in unicode to escape # tarfile to encode filename of file inside tarball inside unicode dest = os.path.join(directory, "payload", payname.encode("utf-8")) arrow("Extracting payload %s in %s" % (payname, dest)) self.payload[payname].extract(dest, force=force) def run_parser(self, **kwargs): ''' Run parser scripts ''' self._run_scripts("parser", **kwargs) def run_setup(self, **kwargs): ''' Run setup scripts ''' self._run_scripts("setup", **kwargs) def _run_scripts(self, directory, **kwargs): ''' Run scripts in a tarball directory ''' arrow("Run %s scripts" % directory) arrowlevel(1) # get list of parser scripts l_scripts = self._tarball.getnames(re_pattern="%s/.*\.py" % directory) # order matter! l_scripts.sort() # run scripts for n_scripts in l_scripts: arrow(os.path.basename(n_scripts)) old_level = arrowlevel(1) # extract source code try: s_scripts = self._tarball.get_str(n_scripts) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Extracting script %s fail: %s" % (n_scripts, e)) # compile source code try: o_scripts = compile(s_scripts, n_scripts, "exec") except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to compile %s fail: %s" % (n_scripts, e)) # define execution context gl = {} for k in kwargs: gl[k] = kwargs[k] gl["image"] = self # execute source code try: exec o_scripts in gl except Exception as e: raise Exception("Execution script %s fail: %s" % (n_scripts, e)) arrowlevel(level=old_level) arrowlevel(-1) class Payload(object): ''' Payload class represents a payload object ''' extension = ".isdata" legit_attr = ('isdir', 'md5', 'size', 'uid', 'gid', 'mode', 'mtime') def __init__(self, name, imgid, path, **kwargs): object.__setattr__(self, "name", name) object.__setattr__(self, "imgid", imgid) object.__setattr__(self, "path", path) # register legit param for attr in self.legit_attr: setattr(self, attr, None) # set all named param for kwarg in kwargs: # do not use hasattr which user getattr and so call md5 checksum... if kwarg in self.legit_attr: setattr(self, kwarg, kwargs[kwarg]) def __getattr__(self, name): # get all value with an understance as if there is no underscore if hasattr(self, "_%s" % name): return getattr(self, "_%s" % name) raise AttributeError def __setattr__(self, name, value): # set all value which exists have no underscore, but where undesrcore exists if name in self.legit_attr: object.__setattr__(self, "_%s" % name, value) else: object.__setattr__(self, name, value) def checksummize(self): ''' Fill missing md5/size about payload ''' fileobj = PipeFile(self.path, "r") fileobj.consume() fileobj.close() if self._size is None: self._size = fileobj.read_size if self._md5 is None: self._md5 = fileobj.md5 @property def md5(self): ''' Return md5 of payload ''' if self._md5 is None: self.checksummize() return self._md5 @property def size(self): ''' Return size of payload ''' if self._size is None: self.checksummize() return self._size @property def uid(self): ''' Return uid of owner of orginal payload ''' return self._uid if self._uid is not None else 0 @property def gid(self): ''' Return gid of owner of orginal payload ''' return self._gid if self._gid is not None else 0 @property def mode(self): ''' Return mode of orginal payload ''' if self._mode is not None: return self._mode else: umask = os.umask(0) os.umask(umask) return 0666 & ~umask @property def filename(self): ''' Return the filename of the original payload ''' return "%s-%s%s" % (self.imgid, self.name, self.extension) @property def mtime(self): ''' Return last modification time of orginal payload ''' return self._mtime if self._mtime is not None else time.time() @property def info(self): ''' Return a dict of info about current payload This info will be inserted in descript.json Auto calculated info like name and filename must not be here ''' return {"md5": self.md5, "size": self.size, "isdir": self.isdir, "uid": self.uid, "gid": self.gid, "mode": self.mode, "mtime": self.mtime} def check(self): ''' Check that path correspond to current md5 and size ''' if self._size is None or self._md5 is None: debug("Check is called on payload with nothing to check") return True fileobj = PipeFile(self.path, "r") fileobj.consume() fileobj.close() if self._size != fileobj.read_size: raise Exception("Invalid size of payload %s" % self.name) if self._md5 != fileobj.md5: raise Exception("Invalid MD5 of payload %s" % self._md5) def download(self, dest, force=False): ''' Download payload in directory ''' # if dest is a directory try to create file inside if os.path.isdir(dest): dest = os.path.join(dest, self.filename) # try to create leading directories elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)): istools.mkdir(os.path.dirname(dest)) # check validity of dest if os.path.exists(dest): if os.path.isdir(dest): raise Exception("Destination %s is a directory" % dest) if not force: raise Exception("File %s already exists" % dest) # Open remote file debug("Downloading %s from %s" % (self.name, self.path)) fs = PipeFile(self.path, progressbar=True) # check if announced file size is good if fs.size is not None and self.size != fs.size: raise Exception("Downloading payload %s failed: Invalid announced size" % self.name) fd = open(dest, "wb") fs.consume(fd) # closing fo fs.close() fd.close() # checking download size if self.size != fs.read_size: raise Exception("Downloading payload %s failed: Invalid size" % self.name) if self.md5 != fs.md5: raise Exception("Downloading payload %s failed: Invalid MD5" % self.name) def extract(self, dest, force=False, filelist=None): ''' Extract payload into dest filelist is a filter of file in tarball force will overwrite existing file if exists ''' if self.isdir: self.extract_tar(dest, force=force, filelist=filelist) else: self.extract_file(dest, force=force) def extract_tar(self, dest, force=False, filelist=None): ''' Extract a payload which is a tarball. This is used mainly to extract payload from a directory ''' # check validity of dest if os.path.exists(dest): if not os.path.isdir(dest): raise Exception("Destination %s is not a directory" % dest) if not force and len(os.listdir(dest)) > 0: raise Exception("Directory %s is not empty (need force)" % dest) else: istools.mkdir(dest) # try to open payload file try: fo = PipeFile(self.path, progressbar=True) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to open payload file %s" % self.path) # check if announced file size is good if fo.size is not None and self.size != fo.size: raise Exception("Invalid announced size on payload %s" % self.path) # try to open tarball on payload try: t = Tarball.open(fileobj=fo, mode="r|gz", ignore_zeros=True) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Invalid payload tarball: %s" % e) # filter on file to extact members = (None if filelist is None else [ t.gettarinfo(name) for name in filelist ]) try: t.extractall(dest, members) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Extracting failed: %s" % e) # closing fo t.close() fo.close() # checking download size if self.size != fo.read_size: raise Exception("Downloading payload %s failed: Invalid size" % self.name) if self.md5 != fo.md5: raise Exception("Downloading payload %s failed: Invalid MD5" % self.name) def extract_file(self, dest, force=False): ''' Copy a payload directly to a file Check md5 on the fly ''' # if dest is a directory try to create file inside if os.path.isdir(dest): dest = os.path.join(dest, self.name) # try to create leading directories elif not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(dest)): istools.mkdir(os.path.dirname(dest)) # check validity of dest if os.path.exists(dest): if os.path.isdir(dest): raise Exception("Destination %s is a directory" % dest) if not force: raise Exception("File %s already exists" % dest) # opening destination (must be local) try: f_dst = open(dest, "wb") except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to open destination file %s" % dest) # try to open payload file try: f_gsrc = PipeFile(self.path, "r", progressbar=True) f_src = gzipstream.GzipStream(stream=f_gsrc) except Exception as e: raise Exception("Unable to open payload file %s" % self.path) # check if announced file size is good if f_gsrc.size is not None and self.size != f_gsrc.size: raise Exception("Invalid announced size on payload %s" % self.path) # launch copy shutil.copyfileobj(f_src, f_dst) # closing fo f_dst.close() f_gsrc.close() f_src.close() # checking download size if self.size != f_gsrc.read_size: raise Exception("Downloading payload %s failed: Invalid size" % self.name) if self.md5 != f_gsrc.md5: raise Exception("Downloading payload %s failed: Invalid MD5" % self.name) # settings file orginal rights istools.chrights(dest, self.uid, self.gid, self.mode, self.mtime) class Changelog(dict): ''' Object representing a changelog in memory ''' def __init__(self, data): self.verbatim = "" self.load(data) def load(self, data): ''' Load a changelog file ''' version = None lines = data.split("\n") for line in lines: # ignore empty lines if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue # ignore comments if line.lstrip().startswith("#"): continue # try to match a new version m = re.match("\[(\d+)\]", line.lstrip()) if m is not None: version = int(m.group(1)) self[version] = [] continue # if line are out of a version => invalid format if version is None: raise Exception("Invalid format: Line outside version") # add line to version changelog self[version] += [line] # save original self.verbatim = data def show(self, version=None, verbose=False): ''' Show changelog for a given version or all ''' out('#light##yellow#Changelog:#reset#') # if no version take the hightest if version is None: version = max(self) # display asked version if version in self: self._show_version(version) # display all version in verbose mode if verbose: for ver in sorted((k for k in self if k < version), reverse=True): self._show_version(ver) def _show_version(self, version): ''' Display a version content ''' out(' #yellow#Version:#reset# %s' % version) for line in self[version]: out(" %s" % line)