# -*- python -*- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # This file is part of Installsystems. # # Installsystems is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Installsystems is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with Installsystems. If not, see . ''' InstallSystems Generic Tools Library ''' import hashlib import jinja2 import locale import math import os import re import shutil import socket import time import urllib2 from subprocess import call, check_call, CalledProcessError import installsystems from progressbar import Widget, ProgressBar, Percentage from progressbar import FileTransferSpeed from progressbar import Bar, BouncingBar, ETA, UnknownLength from installsystems.tarball import Tarball from installsystems.exception import * from installsystems.printer import * ################################################################################ # Classes ################################################################################ class PipeFile(object): ''' Pipe file object if a file object with extended capabilities like printing progress bar or compute file size, md5 on the fly ''' class FileTransferSize(Widget): ''' Custom progressbar widget Widget for showing the transfer size (useful for file transfers) ''' format = '%6.2f %s%s' prefixes = ' kMGTPEZY' __slots__ = ('unit', 'format') def __init__(self, unit='B'): self.unit = unit def update(self, pbar): ''' Updates the widget with the current SI prefixed speed ''' if pbar.currval < 2e-6: # =~ 0 scaled = power = 0 else: power = int(math.log(pbar.currval, 1000)) scaled = pbar.currval / 1000.**power return self.format % (scaled, self.prefixes[power], self.unit) def __init__(self, path=None, mode="r", fileobj=None, timeout=None, progressbar=False): self.open(path, mode, fileobj, timeout, progressbar) def open(self, path=None, mode="r", fileobj=None, timeout=None, progressbar=False): if path is None and fileobj is None: raise AttributeError("You must have a path or a fileobj to open") if mode not in ("r", "w"): raise AttributeError("Invalid open mode. Must be r or w") self.timeout = timeout or socket.getdefaulttimeout() self.mode = mode self._md5 = hashlib.md5() self.size = 0 self.mtime = None self.consumed_size = 0 # we already have a fo, nothing to open if fileobj is not None: self.fo = fileobj # seek to 0 and compute filesize if we have and fd if hasattr(self.fo, "fileno"): self.seek(0) self.size = os.fstat(self.fo.fileno()).st_size # we need to open the path else: ftype = pathtype(path) if ftype == "file": self._open_local(path) elif ftype == "http": self._open_http(path) elif ftype == "ftp": self._open_ftp(path) elif ftype == "ssh": self._open_ssh(path) else: raise ISError("URL type not supported") # init progress bar # we use 0 because a null file is cannot show a progression during write if self.size == 0: widget = [ self.FileTransferSize(), " ", BouncingBar(), " ", FileTransferSpeed() ] maxval = UnknownLength else: widget = [ Percentage(), " ", Bar(), " ", FileTransferSpeed(), " ", ETA() ] maxval = self.size self._progressbar = ProgressBar(widgets=widget, maxval=maxval) # enable displaying of progressbar self.progressbar = progressbar def _open_local(self, path): ''' Open file on the local filesystem ''' self.fo = open(path, self.mode) sta = os.fstat(self.fo.fileno()) self.size = sta.st_size self.mtime = sta.st_mtime def _open_http(self, path): ''' Open a file accross an http server ''' try: headers = {"User-Agent": "%s v%s" % (installsystems.canonical_name, installsystems.version)} request = urllib2.Request(path, None, headers) self.fo = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=self.timeout) except Exception as e: raise ISError("Unable to open %s" % path, e) # get file size if "Content-Length" in self.fo.headers: self.size = int(self.fo.headers["Content-Length"]) else: self.size = 0 # get mtime try: self.mtime = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(self.fo.headers["Last-Modified"], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %Z"))) except: self.mtime = None def _open_ftp(self, path): ''' Open file via ftp ''' try: self.fo = urllib2.urlopen(path, timeout=self.timeout) except Exception as e: raise ISError("Unable to open %s" % path, e) # get file size try: self.size = int(self.fo.headers["content-length"]) except: self.size = 0 def _open_ssh(self, path): ''' Open current fo from an ssh connection ''' # try to load paramiko try: import paramiko except ImportError: raise ISError("URL type not supported. Paramiko is missing") # parse url (login, passwd, host, port, path) = re.match( "ssh://(([^:]+)(:([^@]+))?@)?([^/:]+)(:(\d+))?(/.*)?", path).group(2, 4, 5, 7, 8) if port is None: port = 22 if path is None: path = "/" try: # open ssh connection # we need to keep it inside the object unless it was cutted self._ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() self._ssh.load_system_host_keys() self._ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) # Here there is a bug arround conect with allow_agent if agent is not able to open with a key self._ssh.connect(host, port=port, username=login, password=passwd, allow_agent=True, look_for_keys=True, timeout=self.timeout) # swith in sftp mode sftp = self._ssh.open_sftp() # get the file infos sta = sftp.stat(path) self.size = sta.st_size self.mtime = sta.st_mtime # open the file self.fo = sftp.open(path, self.mode) # this is needed to have correct file transfert speed self.fo.set_pipelined(True) except Exception as e: # FIXME: unable to open file raise ISError(e) def close(self): if self.progressbar: self._progressbar.finish() debug(u"MD5: %s" % self.md5) debug(u"Size: %s" % self.consumed_size) self.fo.close() def read(self, size=None): if self.mode == "w": raise ISError("Unable to read in w mode") buf = self.fo.read(size) length = len(buf) self._md5.update(buf) self.consumed_size += length if self.progressbar and length > 0: self._progressbar.update(self.consumed_size) return buf def flush(self): if hasattr(self.fo, "flush"): return self.fo.flush() def write(self, buf): if self.mode == "r": raise ISError("Unable to write in r mode") self.fo.write(buf) length = len(buf) self._md5.update(buf) self.consumed_size += length if self.progressbar and length > 0: self._progressbar.update(self.consumed_size) return None def consume(self, fo=None): ''' if PipeFile is in read mode: Read all data from PipeFile and write it to fo if fo is None, data are discarded. This is useful to obtain md5 and size if PipeFile is in write mode: Read all data from fo and write it to PipeFile ''' if self.mode == "w": if fo is None: raise TypeError("Unable to consume NoneType") while True: buf = fo.read(1048576) # 1MiB if len(buf) == 0: break self.write(buf) else: while True: buf = self.read(1048576) # 1MiB if len(buf) == 0: break if fo is not None: fo.write(buf) @property def progressbar(self): ''' Return is progressbar have been started ''' return hasattr(self, "_progressbar_started") @progressbar.setter def progressbar(self, val): ''' Set this property to true enable progress bar ''' if installsystems.verbosity == 0: return if val == True and not hasattr(self, "_progressbar_started"): self._progressbar_started = True self._progressbar.start() @property def md5(self): ''' Return the md5 of read/write of the file ''' return self._md5.hexdigest() @property def read_size(self): ''' Return the current read size ''' return self.consumed_size @property def write_size(self): ''' Return the current wrote size ''' return self.consumed_size ################################################################################ # Functions ################################################################################ def smd5sum(buf): ''' Compute md5 of a string ''' if isinstance(buf, unicode): buf = buf.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()) m = hashlib.md5() m.update(buf) return m.hexdigest() def mkdir(path, uid=None, gid=None, mode=None): ''' Create a directory and set rights ''' os.makedirs(path) chrights(path, uid, gid, mode) def chrights(path, uid=None, gid=None, mode=None, mtime=None): ''' Set rights on a file ''' if uid is not None: os.chown(path, uid, -1) if gid is not None: os.chown(path, -1, gid) if mode is not None: os.chmod(path, mode) if mtime is not None: os.utime(path, (mtime, mtime)) def pathtype(path): ''' Return path type. This is useful to know what kind of path is given ''' if path.startswith("http://") or path.startswith("https://"): return "http" if path.startswith("ftp://") or path.startswith("ftps://"): return "ftp" elif path.startswith("ssh://"): return "ssh" else: return "file" def pathsearch(name, path=None): ''' Search PATH for a binary ''' path = path or os.environ["PATH"] for d in path.split(os.pathsep): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, name)): return os.path.join(os.path.abspath(d), name) return None def isfile(path): ''' Return True if path is of type file ''' return pathtype(path) == "file" def abspath(path): ''' Format a path to be absolute ''' ptype = pathtype(path) if ptype in ("http", "ftp", "ssh"): return path elif ptype == "file": if path.startswith("file://"): path = path[len("file://"):] return os.path.abspath(path) else: return None def getsize(path): ''' Get size of a path. Recurse if directory ''' total_sz = os.path.getsize(path) if os.path.isdir(path): for root, dirs, files in os.walk(path): for filename in dirs + files: filepath = os.path.join(root, filename) filestat = os.lstat(filepath) if stat.S_ISDIR(filestat.st_mode) or stat.S_ISREG(filestat.st_mode): total_sz += filestat.st_size return total_sz def human_size(num, unit='B'): ''' Return human readable size ''' prefixes = ('','Ki', 'Mi', 'Gi', 'Ti','Pi', 'Ei', 'Zi', 'Yi') power = int(math.log(num, 1024)) # max is YiB if power >= len(prefixes): power = len(prefixes) - 1 scaled = num / float(1024 ** power) return u"%3.1f%s%s" % (scaled, prefixes[power], unit) def time_rfc2822(timestamp): ''' Return a rfc2822 format time string from an unix timestamp ''' return time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S %z", time.gmtime(timestamp)) def guess_distro(path): ''' Try to detect which distro is inside a directory ''' if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "etc/debian_version")): return "debian" elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, "etc/arch-release")): return "archlinux" return None def prepare_chroot(path, mount=True): ''' Prepare a chroot environment by mounting /{proc,sys,dev,dev/pts} and try to guess dest os to avoid daemon launching ''' # try to mount /proc /sys /dev /dev/pts /dev/shm if mount: mps = ("proc", "sys", "dev", "dev/pts", "dev/shm") arrow("Mounting filesystems") for mp in mps: origin = u"/%s" % mp target = os.path.join(path, mp) if os.path.ismount(target): warn(u"%s is already a mountpoint, skipped" % target) elif os.path.ismount(origin) and os.path.isdir(target): arrow(u"%s -> %s" % (origin, target), 1) try: check_call(["mount", "--bind", origin, target], close_fds=True) except CalledProcessError as e: warn(u"Mount failed: %s.\n" % e) arrow("Tricks") exists = os.path.exists join = os.path.join # check path is a kind of linux FHS if not exists(join(path, "etc")) or not exists(join(path, "usr")): return # trick resolv.conf try: resolv_path = join(path, "etc", "resolv.conf") resolv_backup_path = join(path, "etc", "resolv.conf.isbackup") resolv_trick_path = join(path, "etc", "resolv.conf.istrick") if (exists("/etc/resolv.conf") and not exists(resolv_backup_path) and not exists(resolv_trick_path)): arrow("resolv.conf", 1) if exists(resolv_path): os.rename(resolv_path, resolv_backup_path) else: open(resolv_trick_path, "wb") shutil.copy("/etc/resolv.conf", resolv_path) except Exception as e: warn(u"resolv.conf tricks fail: %s" % e) # trick mtab try: mtab_path = join(path, "etc", "mtab") mtab_backup_path = join(path, "etc", "mtab.isbackup") mtab_trick_path = join(path, "etc", "mtab.istrick") if not exists(mtab_backup_path) and not exists(mtab_trick_path): arrow("mtab", 1) if os.path.exists(mtab_path): os.rename(mtab_path, mtab_backup_path) os.symlink("/proc/self/mounts", mtab_path) except Exception as e: warn(u"mtab tricks fail: %s" % e) # try to guest distro distro = guess_distro(path) # in case of debian disable policy if distro == "debian": arrow("Debian specific", 1) # create a chroot header try: open(join(path, "etc", "debian_chroot"), "w").write("CHROOT") except: pass # fake policy-rc.d. It must exit 101, it's an expected exitcode. policy_path = join(path, "usr", "sbin", "policy-rc.d") try: open(policy_path, "w").write("#!/bin/bash\nexit 101\n") except: pass # policy-rc.d needs to be executable chrights(policy_path, mode=0755) def unprepare_chroot(path, mount=True): ''' Rollback preparation of a chroot environment inside a directory ''' arrow("Untricks") exists = os.path.exists join = os.path.join # check path is a kind of linux FHS if exists(os.path.join(path, "etc")) and exists(os.path.join(path, "usr")): # untrick mtab mtab_path = join(path, "etc", "mtab") mtab_backup_path = join(path, "etc", "mtab.isbackup") mtab_trick_path = join(path, "etc", "mtab.istrick") if exists(mtab_backup_path) or exists(mtab_trick_path): arrow("mtab", 1) # order matter ! if exists(mtab_trick_path): try: os.unlink(mtab_path) except OSError: pass try: os.unlink(mtab_trick_path) except OSError: warn(u"Unable to remove %s" % mtab_trick_path) if exists(mtab_backup_path): try: os.unlink(mtab_path) except OSError: pass try: os.rename(mtab_backup_path, mtab_path) except OSError: warn(u"Unable to restore %s" % mtab_backup_path) # untrick resolv.conf resolv_path = join(path, "etc", "resolv.conf") resolv_backup_path = join(path, "etc", "resolv.conf.isbackup") resolv_trick_path = join(path, "etc", "resolv.conf.istrick") if exists(resolv_backup_path) or exists(resolv_trick_path): arrow("resolv.conf", 1) # order matter ! if exists(resolv_trick_path): try: os.unlink(resolv_path) except OSError: pass try: os.unlink(resolv_trick_path) except OSError: warn(u"Unable to remove %s" % resolv_trick_path) if exists(resolv_backup_path): try: os.unlink(resolv_path) except OSError: pass try: os.rename(resolv_backup_path, resolv_path) except OSError: warn(u"Unable to restore %s" % resolv_backup_path) # try to guest distro distro = guess_distro(path) # cleaning debian stuff if distro == "debian": arrow("Debian specific", 1) for f in ("etc/debian_chroot", "usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"): try: os.unlink(join(path, f)) except: pass # unmounting if mount: mps = ("proc", "sys", "dev", "dev/pts", "dev/shm") arrow("Unmounting filesystems") for mp in reversed(mps): target = join(path, mp) if os.path.ismount(target): arrow(target, 1) call(["umount", target], close_fds=True) def chroot(path, shell="/bin/bash", mount=True): ''' Chroot inside a directory and call shell if mount is true, mount /{proc,dev,sys} inside the chroot ''' # prepare to chroot prepare_chroot(path, mount) # chrooting arrow(u"Chrooting inside %s and running %s" % (path, shell)) call(["chroot", path, shell], close_fds=True) # revert preparation of chroot unprepare_chroot(path, mount) def is_version(version): ''' Check if version is valid ''' if re.match("^(\d+)(?:([-~+]).*)?$", version) is None: raise TypeError(u"Invalid version format %s" % buf) def compare_versions(v1, v2): ''' This function compare version :param v1: and version :param v2: Compare v1 and v2 return > 0 if v1 > v2 return < 0 if v2 > v1 return = 0 if v1 == v2 ''' # Ensure versions have the right format for version in v1, v2: iv = re.match("^(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)(?:([~+]).*)?$", str(version)) if iv is None: raise TypeError(u"Invalid version format: %s" % version) digitregex = re.compile(r'^([0-9]*)(.*)$') nondigitregex = re.compile(r'^([^0-9]*)(.*)$') digits = True while v1 or v2: pattern = digitregex if digits else nondigitregex sub_v1, v1 = pattern.findall(str(v1))[0] sub_v2, v2 = pattern.findall(str(v2))[0] if digits: sub_v1 = int(sub_v1 if sub_v1 else 0) sub_v2 = int(sub_v2 if sub_v2 else 0) if sub_v1 < sub_v2: rv = -1 elif sub_v1 > sub_v2: rv = 1 else: rv = 0 if rv != 0: return rv else: rv = strvercmp(sub_v1, sub_v2) if rv != 0: return rv digits = not digits return 0 def strvercmp(lhs, rhs): ''' Compare string part of a version number ''' size = max(len(lhs), len(rhs)) lhs_array = str_version_array(lhs, size) rhs_array = str_version_array(rhs, size) if lhs_array > rhs_array: return 1 elif lhs_array < rhs_array: return -1 else: return 0 def str_version_array(str_version, size): ''' Turns a string into an array of numeric values kind-of corresponding to the ASCII numeric values of the characters in the string. I say 'kind-of' because any character which is not an alphabetic character will be it's ASCII value + 256, and the tilde (~) character will have the value -1. Additionally, the +size+ parameter specifies how long the array needs to be; any elements in the array beyond the length of the string will be 0. This method has massive ASCII assumptions. Use with caution. ''' a = [0] * size for i, char in enumerate(str_version): char = ord(char) if ((char >= ord('a') and char <= ord('z')) or (char >= ord('A') and char <= ord('Z'))): a[i] = char elif char == ord('~'): a[i] = -1 else: a[i] = char + 256 return a def get_compressor_path(name, compress=True, level=None): ''' Return better compressor argv from its generic compressor name e.g: bzip2 can return pbzip2 if available or bzip2 if not ''' compressors = {"none": [["cat"]], "gzip": [["gzip", "--no-name", "--stdout"]], "bzip2": [["pbzip2", "--stdout"], ["bzip2", "--compress", "--stdout"]], "xz": [["xz", "--compress", "--stdout"]]} decompressors = {"none": [["cat"]], "gzip": [["gzip", "--decompress", "--stdout"]], "bzip2": [["pbzip2","--decompress", "--stdout"], ["bzip2", "--decompress", "--stdout"]], "xz": [["xz", "--decompress", "--stdout"]]} # no compress level for decompression if not compress: level = None allcompressors = compressors if compress else decompressors # check compressor exists if name not in allcompressors.keys(): raise ISError(u"Invalid compressor name: %s" % name) # get valid compressors for compressor in allcompressors[name]: path = pathsearch(compressor[0]) if path is None: continue if level is not None: compressor.append("-%d" % level) return compressor raise ISError(u"No external decompressor for %s" % name) def render_templates(target, context, tpl_ext=".istpl", force=False, keep=False): ''' Render templates according to tpl_ext Apply template mode/uid/gid to the generated file ''' for path in os.walk(target): for filename in path[2]: name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == tpl_ext: tpl_path = os.path.join(path[0], filename) file_path = os.path.join(path[0], name) arrow(tpl_path) if os.path.exists(file_path) and not force: raise ISError(u"%s will be overwritten, cancel template " "generation (set force=True if you know " "what you do)" % file_path) try: with open(tpl_path) as tpl_file: template = jinja2.Template(tpl_file.read()) with open(file_path, "w") as rendered_file: rendered_file.write(template.render(context)) except Exception as e: raise ISError(u"Render template fail", e) st = os.stat(tpl_path) os.chown(file_path, st.st_uid, st.st_gid) os.chmod(file_path, st.st_mode) if not keep: os.unlink(tpl_path) def argv(): ''' Return system argv after an unicode transformation with locale preference ''' try: return [unicode(x, encoding=locale.getpreferredencoding()) for x in sys.argv] except UnicodeDecodeError as e: raise ISError("Invalid character encoding in command line")