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  1. Feb 12, 2012
    • Lukas Fleischer's avatar
      archrelease: Validate tags before releasing · 9ab0d945
      Lukas Fleischer authored
      Compare every single tag with a list of valid tags. This prevents broken
      releases which occurred whenever someone made a typo on the command
          $ ./archrelease community i686
          ==> ERROR: archrelease: Invalid tag: "community" (use -f to force release)
      Since the list is used in the ZSH completion as well, break it out to a
      separate file and move it to "lib/". Also, add a command line parameter
      to allow for releasing to an unknown repository when necessary.
      Signed-off-by: default avatarLukas Fleischer <>
      Signed-off-by: default avatarPierre Schmitz <>