#!/usr/bin/env python
CloudControl CLI command module
import ConfigParser
from cccli.exception import *
from cccli.printer import color
from sjrpc.client import SimpleRpcClient
from sjrpc.core.exceptions import *
# check valid command chars
if not re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+", argv[0]):
cmdlist = [ x[4:] for x in dir(self) if x.startswith("cmd_") ]
matchlist = [ x for x in cmdlist if re.match("%s.+"%argv[0], x) ]
if argv[0] in cmdlist:
elif len(matchlist) == 1:
argv[0] = matchlist[0]
elif len(matchlist) > 1:
raise BadCommand("Too many command: %s"%", ".join(matchlist))
raise BadCommand()
self._cmd = getattr(self, "cmd_%s"%argv[0])
def usage(cls, cmdname):
'''Return usage of a command'''
fname = "cmd_%s"%cmdname
if not hasattr(cls, fname):
raise BadArgument(cmdname)
if hasattr(getattr(cls, fname), "usage"):
return getattr(getattr(cls, fname), "usage")
return ""
def call(self):
'''Run command'''
if re.match("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$", self._argv[0]):
name = "cmd_%s"%self._argv[0]
if hasattr(self, name):
cmd = getattr(self, name)
return cmd(self._argv)
raise BadCommand(self._argv[0])
def cmd_exit(self, argv):
'''Quit application with respect'''
raise SystemExit()
cmd_exit.usage = "exit"
cmd_exit.desc = "Quit application with respect"
def cmd_quit(self, argv):
'''Quit application with respect'''
raise SystemExit()
cmd_quit.usage = "quit"
cmd_quit.desc = "Quit application with respect"
def cmd_version(self, argv):
'''Print cli version'''
cmd_version.usage = "version"
cmd_version.desc = "Print cli version"
def cmd_usage(self, argv):
'''Print usage of a command'''
if len(argv) != 2:
raise BadArgument()
usage = Command.usage(argv[1])
if usage != "":
cmd_usage.usage = "usage [command]"
cmd_usage.desc = "Print usage of a command"
def cmd_help(self, argv):
'''Print help'''
if len(argv) == 1:
# build command list
cmdlist = list()
doclist = list()
for x in dir(self):
m = re.match("^cmd_([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$", x)
if m:
if hasattr(getattr(self, x), "__doc__"):
doclist.append(getattr(getattr(self, x), "__doc__"))
# printing commands list
width = max(map(len, cmdlist)) + 3
self.printer.out("%sCommands:%s"%(color["lwhite"], color["reset"]))
for c, d in zip(cmdlist, doclist):
line = "%s"%c
line = line.ljust(width,)
line += "- %s"%d
elif len(argv) == 2:
fname = "cmd_%s"%argv[1]
if hasattr(self, fname):
if hasattr(getattr(self, fname), "__doc__"):
self.printer.out("Description: %s"%getattr(getattr(self, fname), "__doc__"))
self.printer.out("Usage: %s"%getattr(getattr(self, fname), "usage"))
Self.Printer.out("Details: %s"%getattr(getattr(self, fname), "details"))
raise BadArgument(argv[1])
raise BadArgument()
cmd_help.usage = "help [command]"
cmd_help.desc = "Print help about a command"
def cmd_alias(self, argv):
'''Show or create alias'''
if len(argv) == 1:
for n, v in self.cli.alias.items():
elif len(argv) == 2:
if argv[1] not in self.cli.alias:
raise BadArgument(argv[1])
self.printer.out("%s=%s"%(argv[1], self.cli.alias[argv[1]]))
elif len(argv) == 3:
self.cli.alias[argv[1]] = argv[2]
raise BadArgument()
cmd_alias.usage = "alias [name] [value]"
cmd_alias.desc = "Show or create aliases"
def cmd_unalias(self, argv):
'''Remove an alias'''
if len(argv) != 2:
raise BadArgument()
if argv[1] not in self.cli.alias:
raise BadArgument("%s: No such alias"%argv[1])
del self.cli.alias[argv[1]]
cmd_unalias.usage = "unalias [name]"
cmd_unalias.desc = "Remove an aliases"
def cmd_rcmd(self, argv):
'''Show remote commands'''
for cmds in self.cli.rpc.list_commands():
cmd_rcmd.usage = "rcmd"
cmd_rcmd.desc = "Print remote command list"
def cmd_history(self, argv):
'''Show history of commands'''
if not self.cli.history:
raise cmdError("History is not available")
cmd_history.usage = "history"
cmd_history.desc = "Show commands history"
def _startstopsdestroypauseresume(self, argv):
# arg stuff
if len(argv) == 1:
tql = str.join(" ", argv[1:])
# print tql list result
self.printer.out("Your request give the following result:")
self.printer.out("Count: %s"%len(items))
if self.printer.ask("Are you sure to %s? (yes/NO) "%argv[0]) != "yes":
if self.printer.ask("You request is on more than 5 objets. Are you really sure to %s its? (Yes, I am) "%argv[0]) != "Yes, I am":
'''Start objects'''
def cmd_stop(self, argv):
'''Stop objects'''
cmd_stop.usage = "stop [tql]"
def cmd_pause(self, argv):
'''Pause objects'''
cmd_pause.usage = "pause [tql]"
def cmd_resume(self, argv):
'''Resume objects'''
cmd_resume.usage = "resume [tql]"
def cmd_destroy(self, argv):
'''Force objects to stop'''
cmd_destroy.usage = "destroy [tql]"
class Alias(dict):
''' Alias wrapper'''
def load(self, filename):
'''load alias from file'''
if os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
fparser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
if fparser.has_section("alias"):
def save(self, filename):
'''save alias on file'''
if os.access(filename, os.R_OK or os.W_OK):
fparser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
for n,v in self.items():
fparser.set("alias", n, v)
fparser.write(open(filename, "w"))