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#!/usr/bin/env python

CloudControl list command

from cccli.exception import *
from sjrpc.core.exceptions import *
from cccli.printer import Printer, color
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from cccli.command.command import TqlCommand
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import math
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class Command_list(TqlCommand):
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    '''List objects'''

    def __init__(self, cli, argv0):
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        TqlCommand.__init__(self, cli, argv0)
        self.set_usage("%prog [options] [tql]")
        self.add_option("-t", action="store_true", dest="table",
                        help="column aligment display")
        self.add_option("-l", action="store_true", dest="align",
                        help="line aligment display")
        self.add_option("-v", action="store_true", dest="vertical",
                        help="vertical display")
        self.add_option("-m", action="store_true", dest="mikrotik",
                        help="mikrotik display")
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    def __call__(self, argv):
        if len(self.args) == 0:
        objs = self.rpccall("list", str.join("", self.args), _status=False, _direct=True)
        if len(objs["objects"]) == 0:
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        elif self.options.mikrotik:
        elif self.options.vertical:
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            self.print_objects(objs, index=self.options.index)
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    def remote_functions(self):
        return set(("list",))

    def list_align(self, objs):
        '''Listing line aligned'''
        # get max size by tag
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        tags = dict()
        for o in objs["objects"]:
            for (t,v) in o.items():
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                tags[t] = max(len(self.tdr(t, v)), tags.get(t, 0))
        # build initial print order
        order = [ t for t in objs.get("order", []) if t in tags ]
        order.extend(sorted(set(tags.keys()) - set(order)))
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        # compute index width
        indexw = int(math.log10(len(objs["objects"])))
        # dislay each object by line
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        for (i,o) in enumerate(objs["objects"]):
            if self.options.index:
                line = ("[%d]"%i).ljust(indexw + 4)
                line = ""
            for t in order:
                line += "%s%s:%s%s "%(self.tdtc(t),
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                                      self.tdr(t, o.get(t, u"")).ljust(tags[t]))
            self.printer.out("%s%s"%(line, color["reset"]))
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    def list_table(self, objs):
        '''Listing table style'''
        # get max size by tag
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        tags = dict()
        for o in objs["objects"]:
            for (t,v) in o.items():
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                tags[t] = max(len(self.tdr(t, v)), tags.get(t, len(t)))
        # build initial print order
        order = [ t for t in objs.get("order", []) if t in tags ]
        order.extend(sorted(set(tags.keys()) - set(order)))
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        if self.options.index:
            # compute index width
            indexw = max(int(math.log10(len(objs["objects"]))+1), len("index "))
            # print index title
            self.printer.out("index ", nl="")
        # print tag title in order
        for t in order:
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            self.printer.out(self.tdtc(t), nl="")
            self.printer.out(t.ljust(tags[t]), nl=" ")
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        # print tags in order
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        for (i,o) in enumerate(objs["objects"]):
            for t in order:
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                if self.options.index:
                    self.printer.out(("%d "%i).ljust(indexw), nl="")
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                self.printer.out(self.tdc(t), nl="")
                self.printer.out(self.tdr(t, o.get(t, u"")).ljust(tags[t]) ,nl=" ")
    def list_vertical(self, objs):
        '''Vertical display'''
        term_height, term_width = self.printer.get_term_size()
        # set margin for tags
        margin = 3
        # build full tag order list:
        tags = set((t for o in objs['objects'] for t in o.keys()))
        order = [t for t in objs.get("order", []) if t in tags]
        order.extend(sorted(tags - set(order)))
        # compute index width
        indexw = int(math.log10(len(objs["objects"]))) + 1
        for (i, o) in enumerate(objs["objects"]):
            line = ""
            if self.options.index:
                # +3 is the len("["), len("]"), len(" ")
                line = ("[%d]"%i).ljust(indexw + 3)
            # write id
            tag = order[0]
            line += "%s%s:%s%s "%(self.tdtc(tag), tag, self.tdc(tag), self.tdr(tag, o.get(tag)))
            line += os.linesep
            for t in order[1:]:
                # write tag
                if o.get(t) is not None:
                    # write tag title
                    buf, line_pos = self._format_indent_text(t + ":", margin, margin, term_width)
                    line += " " * margin + self.tdtc(t) + buf
                    # write tag value
                    buf, line_pos = self._format_indent_text(self.tdr(t, o.get(t)) + " ", line_pos, margin, term_width)
                    line += self.tdc(t)
                    if line_pos != margin:
                        line += (buf + os.linesep)
                        line += (buf[:-(margin + 1)] + os.linesep)
            self.printer.out("%s%s"%(line[:-1], color["reset"]))

    def list_mikrotik(self, objs):
        '''Mikrotik style display'''
        term_height, term_width = self.printer.get_term_size()
        # check if the line width is not too small for this kind of listing,
        # 10 seem to be a good minimum value:
        if term_width < 10:
            raise cmdError("term width is too small")
        # calculate the size of the marge, the taken value is equal to the
        # maximum id length, capped to the 1/3 of the terminal width:
        list_id = [len(o['id']) for o in objs['objects'] if len(o['id']) < term_width / 3]
        if list_id:
            margin = max(list_id) + 4
            margin = term_width / 3
        # compute index width (part of the margin if apply):
        if self.options.index:
            indexw = int(math.log10(len(objs["objects"]))) + 1
            margin += indexw
        # build full tag order list:
        tags = set((t for o in objs['objects'] for t in o.keys()))
        order = [t for t in objs.get("order", []) if t in tags]
        order.extend(sorted(tags - set(order)))
        # dislay each object
        for i, o in enumerate(objs["objects"]):
            line_pos = 0
            line = ""
            if self.options.index:
                line = ("[%d]"%i).ljust(indexw + 3)
                line_pos = len(line)
            # write the id tag on the margin:
            tag = order[0]
            # +2 is the size of space and ":"
            id_size = line_pos + len(tag) + len(self.tdr(tag, o.get(tag))) + 2
            line += "%s%s:%s%s "%(self.tdtc(tag), tag, self.tdc(tag), self.tdr(tag, o.get(tag, u"")))
            line_pos = margin
            if id_size <= term_width / 3:
                line += " " * (margin - id_size)
                line += os.linesep + " " * margin
            # write all other tags after id:
            for tag in order[1:]:
                if o.get(tag) is not None:
                    # the +2 is the size of space and ":"
                    tag_size = len(tag) + len(self.tdr(tag, o.get(tag))) + 2 
                    # if tag doesn't fit into the space left on current line,
                    # we jump on a new line:
                    if line_pos + tag_size > term_width and margin != line_pos:
                        line_pos = margin
                        line += os.linesep + " " * margin
                    # write tag name:
                    buf, line_pos = self._format_indent_text(tag + ":", line_pos, margin, term_width)
                    line += self.tdtc(tag) + buf
                    # write tag value:
                    buf, line_pos = self._format_indent_text(self.tdr(tag, o.get(tag)) + " ", line_pos, margin, term_width)
                    line += self.tdc(tag) + buf
            self.printer.out("%s%s%s"%(line, color["reset"], os.linesep))

    def _format_indent_text(self, text, current_pos, min_pos, max_pos):
        '''Reformat text to start in current_pos and fit in column between min_pos and max_pos
        For example format_indent_text("tototatatiti", 3, 2, 6) return line = "tot\n  otat\n  atit\n  i", current_pos = 3'''
        buf = ""
        last_size = 0
        while text:
            # the loop insert newline and indent in text
            tmp = text[:max_pos - current_pos]
            text = text[max_pos - current_pos:]
            last_size = current_pos + len(tmp)
            buf += tmp
            # if next text is not empty, newline and indent
            if text != "":
                buf += os.linesep + " " * min_pos
            # if next text is just a space, stop loop
            if text == " ":
                last_size = min_pos
            current_pos = min_pos
        return buf, last_size