To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags.
== v3 ==
Gaëtan Déléaz <> (9):
fix manpage installation and update manpage
remove bug section and fix title translation
Add mikrotick display in list command
Add vertical display in list command
Modify the display list_table
Modify the display list_align
add man page cc-cli.1.ex
add man page cc-cli.1
man page update
Matthieu Gonnet <> (2):
Add watch command
Add time command
Seblu <> (23):
bump dev version
update new tql tag
add new tag chaserial and chaasset
fix delright with * index
fix list -l and -r bug with empty objectlist
add command undefine
add tag p and fix typo
make date/time tagdisplay convertion only if decimal
Update debian source format to 3.0 (native) and new buildd makefile rules
Fix trailing whitespace and path of manpage
fix typo in migrate command
Remove p tag and get back his first value to hv tag
New migrate -l output
Add clone command
Remove OptionCommand from account
Check remote functions in local command
Fix history saving from server disconnect
RemoteCommand needs to set a non-empty list of remote functions
Fix trailing whitespaces
Alias substitution is now handled in alias manager
Change command loading schema
fix typo in cancel command doc
Improve commands loading
== v2 ==
Seblu <> (18):
Start v2 dev
fix delright don't use type index as integer
fix missing command module in
fix bad default string to unicode in list command and tagdisplay func
TqlCommand now handle index option
New rights display. Fix too many filter. Disable TQL indexing
indexing in list -l and list -t
fix bug in TqlCommand callback call. Fix exec command doesn't works.
rename command exec to execute
Split shutdown and execute in separate files
fix default shutdown option to reboot
Add command jobs
add command cancel
Add migrate command
fix bad alignment in list -l
new tagdisplay type date,time,datetime
fix time display in datetime time displaytag type
== v1 ==
Seblu <> (181):
Initial commit - Merge from vmcontrol global repository
Rome was not built in one day
Live free or die hard
add config file example
command auto expansion
fix unalias usage
Bug fixes
Add answer to server tag request (version tag)
naive implementation of stop command
fix execute command from argline
Allow server to terminate properly a cli connect by calling quit method
add history system
by default list show accouts
trivial start implementation
change debian packaging to native one
implement start/stop/pause/resume/destroy
update tag list
global cleaning / bug fixes
lexer handle quoting read from argline like stdin fix bug on debuging
remplace , by as in exception
TQL spec update
fix traceback on empty line in parser
catch connecion error
fix alias subs fix somes exception issues
list vm $toto -> list vm$toto
fix bad color length calculation by readline fix command history traceback
add option --force-yes to handle asking when not interactive
command clear
better list display
command uptime
fix roxterm bad handling \0001 and \0002
new tag in TQL
better list displaying
better start display fix ctrl+d bug in cmd start (and others)
remove dangling print
better connection and auth failure message
command settag
command deltag
rename settag to addtag command addaccount command delaccount
command passwd
fix addtag command
addaccount must take a role argument
command tags fix addtag and deltag usage
Use RPC connection directlty instead of proxy.
command expert
typo on vm related command
TQL now support sorting of argument with %
Add profile support
fix bug on !
fix prompt editon in expert mode
command whoami
better tags display
new start/stop/pause/resume commands remove global --force-yes options
command rights command addright command delright
new tql spec
use a raw config parser
New profile system
better handling of bad exceptions
handle EOF in command
disable history inside ask expert has its own history
command passwd take a tql
new initialization process new profile loading schema
command tags take tql
command close / declose
printer getpass no longer use module getpass new function to get term size
fix exception on invalid profile name as command line argument
add reserved tags concept to tql
simple completion on command
command uptime take tql
multiple command cleaning
Add a completion class to handle completion
better exception display of cliError in program entrance
Abstract readline completer by a simple completer which take a list of choice
Add alias to completion of command
correctly handle ? and ! completion and execution
Debug printing in grey
fix ? completion
New command list display (aligned by line)
fix loading history file
command kill
catch exception in command remote
Makefile now sexy handle source and binary debien pakage creation
add command exec
add command shutdown
update usage of addright
fix bug in command passwd
handle ttl and resolving in get_tags method
get_tags handle correctly None as tags args fix syntaxt error on get_tags
review of tag answer system now export tag uname
default listing is now empty
add os tag to cli handler
tql update: con is now set only on host which are online
CliHandler class has now its own module
add hanlder for tag uptime
add os tql tag
new get_tags api (again)
minor syntax improvment
add cli gramar
grammar fixes
add --no-debug (-D) option
--list-profile (-l) to list available profile quickly --login short become -L
only one profile loaded at a time
Global command refactoring
add a new OptionCommand class which add option parser to command class
fix some usage displaying
fix missing \n after password asking
add command cache
add command restart
improve vm commands
improve tags command
update tql in vm command
rigths use OptionCommand
printer fatal user signal module
Implement tagdisplay. This allow per tag coloring and typing.
import * only allowed at module level
tag glob in tagdisplay
new command server which merge cache and remote
tagdisplay command
fix tagdisplay bug. command tags use tagdisplay
new color theme
better tagdisplay type patter matching. Better match is selected
tag maching in tadisplay color
server now report server version
Implement option in shutdown command
delright can take a list of index or delete all with *
addright take index optional argument
fix bad regexp escaping
new TqlCommand class which handle command with tql server must send tags with string format
fix bad getpass removing history
Big rewrite of a lot of command by using new OptionCommand and TqlCommand Starting support of title color in tagdisplay system
fix some unicode issue
fix tags bad using of OptionCommand
addacount now use OptionCommand
command passwd use now TqlCommand
status is now printer everytime when asked
check args for quit command
check args for version command
add default usage for OptionCommand fix args check for command clear and history
args check in expert command
option exec and shutdown use TqlCommand
fix options conflict in shutdown command
strict arg check in whoami command
command kill and uptime now use TqlCommand
Alias now use OptionCOmmand
usage check if command exist before request usage
fix alias issue
VmCommand now use TqlCommand
tagdisplay command handle titlecolor definition
list now use TqlCommand
addacount now take a password argument and so use TqlCommand
update alias examples
Aliases remplace Aliase
update way of saving history and tagdisplay settings
handler uptime return time in seconds
Remove command uptime
commands tags use TqlCommand
command list use rpccall function
no -s option in TqlCommand when no needs (list, rights, tags)
change f to g in tagdisplay for si and bit types
Improve doc and examples
server -l become server -f
Big improving of TqlCommands (direct,raw,status)
Command start,stop,pause,resume,destroy use now TqlCommand
Don't print status if it's None
fix traceback when index in addright
server -f now ask server functions and not list_command
ctrl+d and ctrl+c in ask don't ask like typing enter
fix TQL tag
Introduce new object and tags API with server
Remove restart command
Command tags now use generic tag display func
command exec use new callback args
TqlCommand now handle --no-color option
list -l and list -t use new objects convention
fix bad list of ignoring tags for status display
command rights display using tagdisplay color system
print tag without order, alpha ordered by default
add tag vncport