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#!/usr/bin/env python

CloudControl CLI command module
import re
import ConfigParser
import os
import shlex
import imp

from cccli.exception import *
from sjrpc.core.exceptions import *
from cccli.printer import Printer, color
from optparse import OptionParser
import cccli.commands

class Commands(object):
    '''Command manager'''

    def __init__(self, cli):
        # save cli context
        self.cli = cli
        # build command list
        self.cmds = self.load_commands(cccli.commands.__path__[0], Command)
        # build remote function list
            self.functions = set([ c["name"]  for c in"functions") ])
        except RpcError as e:
            raise cliError("RPCError: Unable to retrieve remote commands: %s"%str(e))
        # remove not available remote commands
        for cname in tuple(self.cmds):
            cobj = self.cmds[cname](self.cli, cname)
            if isinstance(cobj, RemoteCommand):
                    if len(cobj.remote_functions()) == 0:
                        raise NotImplementedError("No remote function")
                    if not cobj.remote_functions().issubset(self.functions):
                        del self.cmds[cname]
                        self.cli.printer.debug("Command %s not available"%cname)
                except NotImplementedError as e:
                    self.cli.printer.debug("Command %s lack of remote_functions"%cname)
                    del self.cmds[cname]

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.cmds)

    def __contains__(self, item):
        return item in self.cmds.keys()

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.cmds.keys())

    def __repr__(self):
        return repr(self.cmds.keys())

    def __call__(self, argv):
        # check argv
        if len(argv) == 0:
            raise cmdBadName()
        # find right commands to call
        if argv[0] not in self:
            matchlist = [ x for x in self if re.match("%s.+"%re.escape(argv[0]), x) ]
            if len(matchlist) == 1:
                argv[0] = matchlist[0]
                raise cmdBadName()
        # create class and call it
        cmd = self.cmds[argv[0]](self.cli, argv[0])
        return cmd(argv)

    def usage(self, argv0):
        '''Return usage of a command'''
        u = self.cmds[argv0](self.cli, argv0).usage()
        return u if u is not None else ""

    def help(self, argv0):
        '''Return  of a command'''
        h = self.cmds[argv0](self.cli, argv0).help()
        return h if h is not None else ""

    def load_commands(self, path, cls):
        '''Load sublasss of cls from package name'''
        for name in os.listdir(path):
            if name.endswith(".py") and not name.startswith("__"):
                fpath = os.path.join(path, name)
                module = imp.load_source(os.path.splitext(name)[0], fpath)
                for key, entry in module.__dict__.items():
                        if issubclass(entry, cls) and entry.__name__.startswith("Command_"):
                            cmds[entry.__name__[8:]] = entry
                    except TypeError:
        return cmds

class Aliases(dict):
    ''' Aliases manager'''
    def load(self, filename):
        '''load alias from file'''
        if filename is not None:
            fparser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
            if fparser.has_section("alias"):

    def save(self, filename):
        '''save alias on file'''
        if filename is not None:
            fparser = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
            for n,v in self.items():
                fparser.set("alias", n, v)
            fparser.write(open(filename, "w"))

    def substitute(self, argv):
        # trip is the number of subtitution of an alias
        # maximum number of trip is set to 10
        for trip in range(10):
            if argv[0] in self:
                oldargv = argv[1:]
                argv = shlex.split(self[argv[0]])
        return argv

class Command(object):
    '''Base of all command class'''

    def __init__(self, cli, argv0):
        self.cli = cli
        self.printer = self.cli.printer = argv0

    def __call__(self, argv):
        '''Code called when command is invoked'''
        raise NotImplementedError

    def name(self):
        '''Name of the command'''
        raise NotImplementedError

    def usage(self):
        return "Usage: %s"

    def help(self):
        return self.__doc__

class OptionCommand(Command):
    '''Commands with options handling'''

    class OptionCommandParser(OptionParser):
        '''Parser of Option for OptionCommand'''

        def error(self, e):
            raise cmdBadArgument(e)

        def exit(self):
            raise cmdExit()

    def __init__(self, cli, argv0):
        Command.__init__(self, cli, argv0)
        self.optionparser = OptionCommand.OptionCommandParser(prog=argv0)
        self.set_usage("%prog [options]")
        self.options = None
        self.args = list()

    def usage(self):
        '''Return usage string'''
        return self.optionparser.format_help().strip()

    def parse_args(self, argv):
        '''Wrapper to parse_args'''
        (self.options, self.args) = self.optionparser.parse_args(argv[1:])

    def add_option(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Proxy to OptionParser'''
        self.optionparser.add_option(*args, **kwargs)

    def remove_option(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Proxy to OptionParser'''
        self.optionparser.remove_option(*args, **kwargs)

    def set_usage(self, *args, **kwargs):
        '''Proxy to OptionParser'''
        self.optionparser.set_usage(*args, **kwargs)

class RemoteCommand(OptionCommand):
    '''Command which needs connection to server'''

    def __init__(self, cli, argv0):
        OptionCommand.__init__(self, cli, argv0)
        # ignore tag option
        self.add_option("-I", "--ignore-tag", action="append",
                        dest="ignore", default=[],
                        help="Don't display a tag in objects")
        # no print count at end option
        self.add_option("--no-count", action="store_true",
                        dest="nocount", default=False,
                        help="Don't print count at end of objects")
        # index printing
        self.add_option("-i", "--index", action="store_true",
                        dest="index", default=False,
                        help="Print object lines indexed")
        self.rpc = cli.rpc

    def remote_functions(self):
        '''Return a set of needed remote functions'''
        raise NotImplementedError

    def print_objects(self, objectlist):
        '''Trivial objectlist printing of tag'''
        if objectlist is None:
        # get default index from local options
        _order = objectlist.get("order", None)
        for (i, o) in enumerate(objectlist["objects"]):
            if self.options.index:
                self.printer.out("[%s] "%i, nl="")
            self.print_tags(o, order=_order)
        if not self.options.nocount:
            length = len(objectlist["objects"])
            if length > 1:
                self.printer.out("Objects count: %s" % length)

    def print_tags(self, taglist, order=None):
        '''Display a tag with tagdisplay settings'''
        order = () if order is None else order
        # copy dict to show
        tl = taglist.copy()
        # remove ignore tags
        for tn in self.options.ignore:
            tl.pop(tn, None)
        # list to print
        pls = []
        # print firstly order tags
        for tn in order:
            tv = tl.pop(tn, None)
            if tv is not None:
                pls.append("%s%s:%s%s"%(self.tdtc(tn), tn, self.tdc(tn), self.tdr(tn, tv)))
        # print tags without order, alpha ordered
        for tn in sorted(tl.keys()):
            pls.append("%s%s:%s%s"%(self.tdtc(tn), tn, self.tdc(tn), self.tdr(tn, tl[tn])))
        self.printer.out("%s%s"%(" ".join(pls), color["reset"]))

class TqlCommand(RemoteCommand):
    '''Command which handle TQL stuff'''

    def __init__(self, cli, argv0):
        RemoteCommand.__init__(self, cli, argv0)
        self.set_usage("%prog [options] <tql>")
        # set tql filter stuff
        self.tql_filter = ""
        self.add_option("-r", "--raw", action="callback", dest="raw",
                        help="Don't append security filter to TQL")
        # set tql check stuff
        self.add_option("-d", "--direct", action="store_true",
                        dest="direct", default=False,
                        help="Directly send TQL to server")
        # set tql status stuff
        self.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_false",
                        dest="status", default=True,
                        help="Dont status of call request")
        # tql printer option
        self.add_option("--print-tql", action="store_true",
                        dest="tql_print", default=False,
                        help="Print TQL before sending to server")
        # set tagdisplay stuff
        self.tdr = self.cli.tagdisplay.resolve
        self.tdc = self.cli.tagdisplay.color
        self.tdtc = self.cli.tagdisplay.titlecolor
        self.add_option("--no-tagdisplay", action="callback",
                        help="No tagdisplay custom display")
        self.add_option("--no-color", action="callback",
                        help="No output coloration")

    def _cb_notagdisplay(self, option, opt, value, parser):
        '''Callback for option --no-tagdisplay'''
        self.tdr = lambda tagname, tagvalue: tagvalue
        self.tdc = self.cli.tagdisplay.default_color
        self.tdtc = self.cli.tagdisplay.default_titlecolor

    def _cb_nocolor(self, option, opt, value, parser):
        '''Callback for option --no-color'''
        self.tdr = lambda tagname, tagvalue: tagvalue
        self.tdc = lambda tagname: ""
        self.tdtc = lambda tagname: ""

    def _cb_raw(self, option, opt, value, parser):
        '''Callback for option --raw'''
        self.tql_filter = ""

    def rpccall(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Call a RPC method an show tql return
        _callback: call function _callback after each rpccall
        _status: display call status
        _tql_index: is index in args where filter should be appended (def: 1)
        _tql_print: print tql with filter
        _exception: catch or not RPCError exception
        _direct: call directly, no listing before
        _arg_list: list of arg which are added to args one by one (=> multiple call)

        # set on line modified options
        _saved_options = {}
        for _o in kwargs.copy():
            if _o.startswith("_"):
                o = _o[1:]
                _saved_options[o] = getattr(self.options, o) if hasattr(self.options, o) else None
                setattr(self.options, o, kwargs[_o])
        # set tql_index to 1 if any
        if not hasattr(self.options, "tql_index"):
            self.options.tql_index = 1
        # check tql index
        if self.options.tql_index < 0 or self.options.tql_index >= len(args):
            raise cmdError("No indexed TQL")
        # append filter (empty if raw mode)
        if self.tql_filter != "":
            l = list(args)
            l[self.options.tql_index] += self.tql_filter
            args = tuple(l)
        # Tql printer
        if self.options.tql_print:
            self.printer.out("TQL: %s"%args[self.options.tql_index])
        # Tql check
            out= self._unsecure_rpccall(args, **kwargs)
            out = self._secure_rpccall(args, **kwargs)
        # restore saved options
        for (k, v) in _saved_options.items():
            if v is None:
                delattr(self.options, k)
                setattr(self.options, k, v)
        # return output
        return out

    def _unsecure_rpccall(self, args, **kwargs):
        '''Just call an RPC without checking before'''
            if not hasattr(self.options, "arg_list"):
                d =*args, **kwargs)
                if hasattr(self.options, "callback"):
                if hasattr(self.options, "status") and self.options.status:
                    self.options.ignore += [ "output" ]
                # arg_list mode call command for each argument
                # return is returned as a list
                d = []
                for arg in self.options.arg_list:
                    args2 = args + [ arg ]
                    r =*args2, **kwargs)
                    if hasattr(self.options, "callback"):
                    if hasattr(self.options, "status") and self.options.status:
                        self.options.ignore += [ "output" ]
            return d
        except RpcError as e:
            if hasattr(self.options, "exception"):
            raise cmdError("RPCError: %s"%str(e))

    def _secure_rpccall(self, args, **kwargs):
        '''Call RPC after listing, confirmation and with id'''
        # get objects id
            objs ="list", args[self.options.tql_index])
        except RpcError as e:
            raise cmdError("RPCError: %s"%str(e))
        # no result, goodbye
        if len(objs["objects"]) == 0:
            raise cmdError("No selected object by TQL.")
        # be sure boby want do that
        if self.printer.ask("%sProceed?%s (yes): "%(color["lred"], color["reset"])) != "yes":
            raise cmdWarning("User aborted")
        # bobby doing many things, he needs to be really sure!
        if len(objs["objects"]) > 5:
            self.printer.out("%sYou will act on more than 5 objets!%s"%(color["uyellow"], color["reset"]))
            if self.printer.ask("%sAre you really sure?%s (Yes Mistress): "
                                %(color["lred"], color["reset"])) != "Yes Mistress":
                raise cmdWarning("User aborted")
        # per validated id execution (this is a kind of atomic implementation)
        for obj in objs["objects"]:
            # make a list from tupe for editing
            args2 = list(args)
            # ovewrite tql object by id from object
            args2[self.options.tql_index] = "id=%s"%obj["id"]
            # now we can make call
            self._unsecure_rpccall(args2, **kwargs)