======= Profile ======= A profile in a set of configuration options. cc-cli support FreeDesktop BaseDirectory specifications, see http://standards.freedesktop.org/basedir-spec/0.6/ to store his config files. Profiles are stored in ~/.config/cc-cli/profile. This file format is ini where every profile is a section. cc-cli load at every start the cli profile. You can specify a default profile in cli profile with option "profile". You will find examples in examples subdirectory in git repository. To quickly connect to mulptiple servers, you can define a profile by server. ======= Loading ======= Profile is loaded in this order: 1 load [cli] profile in ~/.config/cc-cli/profile 2 load profile specified by option profile in [cli] profile 3 load profile specified by environment 4 load profile specified on command line 5 load options from environment 6 load options from command line Please note: Environment variable CC_DEBUG is loaded before every work to be able to activate an early debugging. =========== Environment =========== You can set some options by environment variables. The following variables are recognised: CC_SERVER, CC_PORT, CC_LOGIN, CC_PASS, CC_DEBUG, CC_PROFILE. ===== Alias ===== CLI support aliasing. This is a very useful command substitution Alias is stored in ~/.config/cc-cli/alias You can use the alias command to set alias. Setting an alias w, which list online client alias w "list a&con!=offline&role=client" Setting an alias vm, which list running vm (and show cpu) alias vm "list vm&status=running$cpu" ======= History ======= CLI history is stored in ~/.local/share/cc-cli/history Expoert mode history is stored in ~/.local/share/cc-cli/expert === TQL === You can look in TQL file to see the power of tql. =========== New release =========== Update version in cccli/__init__.py Update version in debian/control Update version in debian/changelog