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#!/usr/bin/env python

This module provide an abstraction to the clients configuration directory.

The client configuration directory contains a list of ``.json`` files, each
file contains the configuration for one client. The username of the client is
the filename (excluding the extension).

The schema of the json file is described below::

     'password': '<client password>',
     'role': '<node|client>',
     'tags': {'tag1': 'value'},
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     'perms': Null

Usage example:

>>> conf = CCConf('/etc/cloudcontrol/clients')
>>> conf.create_account(login='rms', password='secret', role='client')
>>> conf.create_account(login='server42', password='secret', role='node')
>>> print conf.authentify('server42', 'pouet')
>>> print conf.authentify('server42', 'secret')
>>> conf.add_tag('rms', 'admin')
{'password': 'secret'
 'role': 'client',
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 'perms': None}
>>> conf.remove_account('rms')

import hashlib
import base64
import random
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import threading
import logging
import json
import os
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from functools import wraps

class CCConf(object):
    Create a new configuration interface.

    :param path_directory: the directory to store the configuration files

    CONF_TEMPLATE = {'password': None,
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                     'role': None,
                     'rights': []}
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    RE_SALTPW = re.compile(r'{(?P<method>[A-Z]+)}(?P<password>.+)')

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    def __init__(self, path_directory):
        self._path = path_directory
        self._lock = threading.Lock()

    def _writer(func):
        Decorator used to threadsafize methods that made write operations on
        client configuration tree.

        def f(self, *args, **kwargs):
            with self._lock:
                return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

        return f

    def _get_conf(self, login):
        Return the configuration of a client by its login.

        :param login: login of the client
        :return: the configuration of the client
        :raise CCConf.UnknownAccount: if user login is unknown

        filename = os.path.join(self._path, '%s.json' % login)
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            conf = json.load(open(filename, 'r'))
            logging.debug('Getting configuration %s: %s' % (filename, conf))
            return conf
            raise CCConf.UnknownAccount('%s is not a file' % filename)

    def _set_conf(self, login, conf, create=False):
        Update the configuration of a client by its login.

        :param login: login of the client
        :param conf: configuration to set for the client
        :raise CCConf.UnknownAccount: if user login is unknown

        filename = os.path.join(self._path, '%s.json' % login)
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        logging.debug('Writing configuration %s: %s' % (filename, conf))
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        if os.path.isfile(filename) ^ create:
            json.dump(conf, open(filename, 'w'))
            raise CCConf.UnknownAccount('%s is not a file' % filename)

    def show(self, login):
        Show the configuration for specified account.

        :param login: the login of the client
        :return: configuration of user

        return self._get_conf(login)

    def _unsaltify(self, string, digest_size):
        string = base64.decodestring(string)
        password = string[0:digest_size]
        salt = string[digest_size:]
        return password, salt

    def _get_randsalt(self, size=10):
        salt = ''
        for _ in xrange(size):
            salt += chr(random.randint(1, 255))
        return salt

    def _auth_ssha(self, provided_passwd, configured_passwd=None):
        if configured_passwd is not None:
            salt = self._unsaltify(configured_passwd, 20)[1]
            salt = self._get_randsalt()
        digest = hashlib.sha1(str(provided_passwd) + salt).digest()
        return '{SSHA}%s' % base64.b64encode(digest + salt)

    def _auth_sha(self, provided_passwd, configured_passwd=None):
        digest = hashlib.sha1(str(provided_passwd)).digest()
        return '{SHA}%s' % base64.b64encode(digest)

    def _auth_smd5(self, provided_passwd, configured_passwd=None):
        if configured_passwd is not None:
            salt = self._unsaltify(configured_passwd, 16)[1]
            salt = self._get_randsalt()
        digest = hashlib.sha1(str(provided_passwd) + salt).digest()
        return '{SMD5}%s' % base64.b64encode(digest + salt)

    def _auth_md5(self, provided_passwd, configured_passwd=None):
        digest = hashlib.sha1(str(provided_passwd)).digest()
        return '{MD5}%s' % base64.b64encode(digest)

    def _auth_plain(self, provided_passwd, configured_passwd=None):
        return provided_passwd

    def _hash_password(self, password, method='ssha'):
        Hash a password using given method and return it.

        :param password: the password to hash
        :param method: the hashing method
        :return: hashed password
        meth = '_auth_%s' % method.lower()
        if hasattr(self, meth):
            auth = getattr(self, meth)
            return auth(password)
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            raise CCConf.BadMethodError('Bad hashing method: %s' % repr(method))
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    def authentify(self, login, password):
        Authentify the client providing its login and password. The function
        return the role of the client on success, or ``None``.

        :param login: the login of the client
        :param password: the password of the client
        :return: the client's role or None on failed authentication
        :raise CCConf.UnknownAccount: if user login is unknown

        conf = self._get_conf(login)
        passwd_conf = conf['password']
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        # Check if account logging is disabled:
        if passwd_conf is None:
            return None

        is_valid = False
        m = CCConf.RE_SALTPW.match(passwd_conf)
        if m is None:
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            is_valid = self._auth_plain(passwd_conf, password)
            meth = '_auth_%s' %'method').lower()
            if hasattr(self, meth):
                auth = getattr(self, meth)
                is_valid = auth(password,'password')) == passwd_conf
                logging.warning('Bad authentication method for %s: '
                                '%s' % (login,'method')))
        if is_valid:
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            return conf['role']
            return None

    def set_password(self, login, password, method='ssha'):
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        Update the client's password in the configuration.

        :param login: login of the user
        :param password: new password
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        :param method: the hashing method to use
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        :raise CCConf.UnknownAccount: if user login is unknown

        conf = self._get_conf(login)
        password = self._hash_password(password, method)
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        conf['password'] = password
        self._set_conf(login, conf)

    def add_tag(self, login, tag_name, tag_value):
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        Add the tag to the user.

        :param login: login of the user
        :param tag_name: tag name to add to the user
        :param tag_value: the tag value
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        :raise CCConf.UnknownAccount: if user login is unknown

        logging.debug('Added tag %s for %s account' % (login, tag))
        conf = self._get_conf(login)
        conf['tags'][tag_name] = tag_value
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        self._set_conf(login, conf)

    def remove_tag(self, login, tag):
        Remove the tag to the user.

        :param login: login of the user
        :param tag: tag to remove to the user
        :raise CCConf.UnknownAccount: if user login is unknown

        logging.debug('Removed tag %s for %s account' % (login, tag))
        conf = self._get_conf(login)
        if tag in conf['tags']:
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            del conf['tags'][tag]
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        self._set_conf(login, conf)

    def remove_account(self, login):
        Remove the configuration of the account.

        :param login: login of the account to remove
        :raise CCConf.UnknownAccount: if user login is unknown

        logging.debug('Removed %s account' % login)
        filename = os.path.join(self._path, '%s.json' % login)
        if os.path.exists(filename):
            raise CCConf.UnknownAccount('%s is not a file' % filename)

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    def create_account(self, login, role, password):
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        Create a new account.

        :param login: login of the new user
        :param password: password of the new user
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        :param role: the role of the new user
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        :raise CCConf.AlreadyExistingAccount: if the login is already

        logging.debug('Creating %s account with role %s' % (login, role))
        filename = os.path.join(self._path, '%s.json' % login)
        if os.path.exists(filename):
            raise CCConf.AlreadyExistingAccount('%s found' % filename)
            conf = CCConf.CONF_TEMPLATE.copy()

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            conf['role'] = role
            if password is not None:
                conf['password'] = self._hash_password(password)
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            self._set_conf(login, conf, create=True)

    def add_right(self, login, tql, method=None, allow=True, index=None):
        Add a right rule to the provided account.

        :param login: the login of the account
        :param tql: the TQL request to allow
        :param method: the method to which apply the right, None if all
        :param allow: True if the rules allow the call, or False if it deny.
        :param index: the index of the new rule, set None if the rule is
            appended to the end of the ruleset.

        .. note::
           If the index is out of range, the rule will be added to the end of
           the ruleset.

        conf = self._get_conf(login)
        rights = conf['rights']
        rule = {'tql': tql, 'method': method, 'allow': allow}
        if index is None:
            index = len(rights)
        rights.insert(index, rule)
        self._set_conf(login, conf)

    def remove_right(self, login, index):
        Remove a right rule from the provided account.

        :param login: the login of the account
        :param index: the index of the rule to delete

        conf = self._get_conf(login)
        rights = conf['rights']
        except IndexError:
            raise CCConf.OutOfRangeIndexError('Bad rule index %s' % repr(index))
        self._set_conf(login, conf)

    def list_accounts(self):
        List all registered accounts.

        :return: :class:`tuple` of :class:`str`, each item being an
            account login

        logins = []
        for filename in os.listdir(self._path):
            login, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
            if ext == '.json':

        return tuple(logins)

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    class UnknownAccount(Exception):

    class AlreadyExistingAccount(Exception):
    class BadMethodError(Exception):

    class OutOfRangeIndexError(Exception):