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#!/usr/bin/env python

import inspect
import logging
from sjrpc.utils import RpcHandler, pure
from sjrpc.core import RpcError
from exceptions import (AlreadyRegistered, AuthenticationError, RightError,
                        ReservedTagError, BadObjectError, BadRoleError,
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def listed(func):
    func.__listed__ = True
    return func

class Reporter(object):
    Simple class used to report error, warning and success of command execution.

    def __init__(self):
        self._reports = {}

    def get_dict(self):
        return self._reports.copy()

    def success(self, oid, message):
        self._reports[oid] = ('success', message)
    def warn(self, oid, message):
        self._reports[oid] = ('warn', message)
    def error(self, oid, message):
        self._reports[oid] = ('error', message)

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class CCHandler(RpcHandler):
    Base class for handlers of CloudControl server.
    def __init__(self, server):
        self._server = server

    def __getitem__(self, name):
        if name.startswith('_'):
            # Filter the private members access:
            raise KeyError('Remote name %s is private.' % repr(name))
            logging.debug('Called %s.%s', self.__class__.__name__, name)
            return super(CCHandler, self).__getitem__(name)
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    def list_commands(self, conn):
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        cmd_list = []

        for attr in dir(self):
            attr = getattr(self, attr, None)
            if getattr(attr, '__listed__', False):
                cmd = {}
                cmd['name'] = attr.__name__
                doc = inspect.getdoc(attr)
                if doc:
                    cmd['description'] = inspect.cleandoc(doc)
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        return cmd_list

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class OnlineCCHandler(CCHandler):

    def on_disconnect(self, conn):
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    def _check(self, conn, method, tql):
        client = self._server.search_client_by_connection(conn)
        allow = self._server.check(client, method, tql)
        if not allow:
            raise RightError('You are not allowed to do this action.')

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class HypervisorHandler(OnlineCCHandler):
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    Handler binded to 'node' role.

    def register(self, conn, obj_id, role):
        Register an object managed by the calling node.

        .. note:
           the obj_id argument passed to this handler is the object id of the
           registered object (not the fully qualified id, the server will
           preprend the id by "node_id." itself).

        :param obj_id: the id of the object to register
        :param role: the role of the object to register

        client = self._server.search_client_by_connection(conn)
        self._server.sub_register(client.login, obj_id, role)

    def unregister(self, conn, obj_id):
        Unregister an object managed by the calling node.

        .. note:
           the obj_id argument passed to this handler is the object id of the
           unregistered object (not the fully qualified id, the server will
           preprend the id by "node_id." itself).

        :param obj_id: the id of the object to unregister

        client = self._server.search_client_by_connection(conn)
        self._server.sub_unregister(client.login, obj_id)
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class CliHandler(OnlineCCHandler):
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    Handler binded to 'cli' role.

    def list(self, conn, query):
        List all objects registered on this instance.

        self._check(conn, 'list', query)
        logging.debug('Executed list function with query %s', query)
    def _vm_action(self, query, method, *args, **kwargs):
        vms = self._server.list(query, show=set(('r', 'h')))
        hypervisors = list(self._server.iter_connected_role('hv'))
            vm_to_start = []
            for vm in vms:
                if vm['r'] != 'vm':
                elif vm['id'].split('.')[0] == hv.login:
            if vm_to_start:
      , vm_to_start, *args, **kwargs)

    def start(self, conn, query):
        self._check(conn, 'start', query)
        self._vm_action(query, 'vm_start')
    def stop(self, conn, query):
        self._check(conn, 'stop', query)
        self._vm_action(query, 'vm_stop', force=False)
    def destroy(self, conn, query):
        self._check(conn, 'destroy', query)
        self._vm_action(query, 'vm_stop', force=True)
    def pause(self, conn, query):
        self._check(conn, 'pause', query)
        self._vm_action(query, 'vm_suspend')
    def resume(self, conn, query):
        self._check(conn, 'resume', query)
        self._vm_action(query, 'vm_resume')
    def passwd(self, conn, query, password, method='ssha'):
        Define a new password for specified user.
        self._check(conn, 'passwd', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')

                self._server.conf.set_password(obj['a'], password, method)

        return errs.get_dict()
    def addaccount(self, conn, login, role, password=None):
        Create a new account with specified login.
        if role in WelcomeHandler.ROLES:
            self._server.conf.create_account(login, role, password)
            raise BadRoleError('%r is not a legal role.' % role)
    def addtag(self, conn, query, tag_name, tag_value):
        Add a tag to the account which match the specified query.

        self._check(conn, 'addtag', query)

        if tag_name in self._server.RESERVED_TAGS:
            raise ReservedTagError('Tag %r is read-only' % tag_name)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                tags =['a'])['tags']
                if tag_name in tags:
                    errs.warn(obj['id'], 'tag already exists, changed from %r'
                                         ' to %r' % (tags[tag_name], tag_value))
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'tag created')
                self._server.conf.add_tag(obj['a'], tag_name, tag_value)

        return errs.get_dict()
    def deltag(self, conn, query, tag_name):
        Remove a tag of the account with specified login.

        self._check(conn, 'deltag', query)

        if tag_name in self._server.RESERVED_TAGS:
            raise ReservedTagError('Tag %r is read-only' % tag_name)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                tags =['a'])['tags']
                if tag_name in tags:
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'tag deleted')
                    errs.warn(obj['id'], 'unknown tag')
                self._server.conf.remove_tag(obj['a'], tag_name)

        return errs.get_dict()
    def tags(self, conn, query):
        Return all static tags attached to the specified login.

        self._check(conn, 'tags', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        for obj in objects:
            if 'a' not in obj:
                raise BadObjectError('All objects must have the "a" tag.')
            otags =['a'])['tags']
            otags.update({'id': obj['id']})
    def delaccount(self, conn, query):
        Delete the account with specified login.

        self._check(conn, 'delaccount', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                except CCConf.UnknownAccount:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'unknown account')
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'account deleted')
        return errs.get_dict()
    def close(self, conn, query):
        Close an account without deleting it.

        self._check(conn, 'close', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                tags =['a'])['tags']
                if 'close' in tags:
                    errs.warn(obj['id'], 'account already closed')
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'closed')
                self._server.conf.add_tag(obj['a'], 'close', 'yes')

        return errs.get_dict()

    def declose(self, conn, query):
        Re-open an closed account.

        self._check(conn, 'declose', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                tags =['a'])['tags']
                if 'close' in tags:
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'account declosed')
                    errs.warn(obj['id'], 'account not closed')
                self._server.conf.remove_tag(obj['a'], 'close')

        return errs.get_dict()
    def kill(self, conn, query):
        Disconnect all connected accounts selected by query.

        self._check(conn, 'kill', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                print obj
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                except NotConnectedAccountError:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'account is not connected')
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'account killed')

        return errs.get_dict()
    def rights(self, conn, query):
        Get the rights of an object set.

        self._check(conn, 'rights', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        rules = {}
        for obj in objects:
            if 'a' in obj:
                rules[obj['a']] =['a'])['rights']
                raise BadObjectError('All objects must have the "a" tag.')
        return rules
    def addright(self, conn, query, tql, method=None, allow=True, index=None):
        Add a right rule to the selected objects.

        self._check(conn, 'addright', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                    self._server.conf.add_right(obj['a'], tql, method,
                                                allow, index)
                except conf.UnknownAccount:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'unknown account')
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'right rule added')
        return errs.get_dict()
    def delright(self, conn, query, index):
        Remove a right rule from the selected objects.

        self._check(conn, 'delright', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('a',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        with self._server.conf:
            for obj in objects:
                if 'a' not in obj:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'not an account')
                    self._server.conf.remove_right(obj['a'], index)
                except conf.UnknownAccount:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'unknown account')
                except conf.OutOfRangeIndexError:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], 'index out of range')
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'right rule deleted')
        return errs.get_dict()
    def execute(self, conn, query, command):
        Execute command on matched objects (must be roles hv or host).

        :param query: the tql query to select objects.
        :param command: the command to execute on each object
        :return: a dict where key is the id of a selected object, and the value
            a tuple (errcode, message) where errcode is (success|error|warn) and
            message an error message or the output of the command in case of

        self._check(conn, 'execute', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('r',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        for obj in objects:
            if obj['r'] not in ('hv', 'host'):
                errs.error(obj['id'], 'bad role')
                objcon = self._server.get_connection(obj['id'])
            except KeyError:
                errs.error(obj['id'], 'node not connected')
                returned ='execute_command', command)
                errs.success(obj['id'], returned)
        return errs.get_dict()

    def shutdown(self, conn, query, reboot=True, gracefull=True):
        Execute a shutdown on selected objects (must be roles hv or host).

        :param query: the tql query to select objects.
        :param reboot: reboot the host instead of just shut it off
        :param gracefull: properly shutdown the host
        :return: a dict where key is the id of a selected object, and the value
            a tuple (errcode, message) where errcode is (success|error|warn) and
            message an error message.

        self._check(conn, 'execute', query)
        objects = self._server.list(query, show=set(('r',)))
        errs = Reporter()
        for obj in objects:
            if obj['r'] not in ('hv', 'host'):
                errs.error(obj['id'], 'bad role')
                objcon = self._server.get_connection(obj['id'])
            except KeyError:
                errs.error(obj['id'], 'node not connected')
                                                      reboot, gracefull)
                except RpcError as err:
                    errs.error(obj['id'], '%s (exc: %s)' % (err.message,
                    errs.success(obj['id'], 'ok')
        return errs.get_dict()

    def dbstats(self, conn):
        Return statistics about current database status.
        return self._server.objects.stats()

    def proxy_client(self, conn, login, command, *args, **kwargs):
        client = self._server.get_connection(login)
        return, *args, **kwargs)
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class WelcomeHandler(CCHandler):
    Default handler used on client connections of the server.

    :cvar ROLES: role name/handler mapping
    ROLES = {
        'cli': CliHandler,
        'hv': HypervisorHandler,
        'host': None,
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    def authentify(self, conn, login, password):
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        Authenticate the client.
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        conf = self._server.conf
        with conf:
                role = self._server.conf.authentify(login, password)
            except CCConf.UnknownAccount:
                raise AuthenticationError('Unknown login')
                if 'close' in['tags']:
                    raise AuthenticationError('Account is closed')
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        if role not in WelcomeHandler.ROLES:
            raise BadRoleError('%r is not a legal role' % role)

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        if role is None:
  'New authentication from %s: failure',
                         login.encode('ascii', 'ignore'))
            raise AuthenticationError('Bad login/password')
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            # If authentication is a success, try to register the client:
                self._server.register(login, role, conn)
                raise AuthenticationError('Already connected')
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            return role