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This module contains the RpcConnection class, more informations about this
class are located in it docstring.

from __future__ import absolute_import

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import ssl
import struct
import socket
import logging

from sjrpc.core.protocols.rpc import RpcProtocol
from sjrpc.core.protocols import Protocol
from sjrpc.core.exceptions import RpcError
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class RpcConnection(object):
    This class manage a single peer connection.
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    You can wrap an existing socket with the default constructor::

      >>> conn = RpcConnection(mysocket)

    Or create a new socket automatically with from_addr constructor::

      >>> conn = RpcConnection.from_addr(host, port)

    If you prefer SSL connection, you can use the from_addr_ssl constructor::

      >>> conn = RpcConnection.from_addr_ssl(host, port)

    By default, an :class:`RpcProtocol` is created on label 0, you can access
    to this rpc through the `conn.rpc` shortcut::


    Also, the connection object expose :meth:`call` and :meth:`async_call`
    method from default rpc, so you can use it directly on connection::

     >>>'ping') # Equivalent to the exemple before

    .. seealso::
       You can read the :ref:`Default rpc, aka Rpc0` section to know more about
       the default rpc

    :param sock: the socket object of this newly created :class:`RpcConnection`
    :param \*args,\*\*kwargs: arguments to pass to the default rpc protocol
        automatically registered on label 0.
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    SHORTCUTS_MAINRPC = ('call', 'async_call')
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    def __init__(self, sock, loop=None, enable_tcp_keepalive=False,
                 *args, **kwargs):
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        # Sock of this connection:
        self._sock = sock

        # Get the pyev loop:
        if loop is None:
            self.loop = pyev.default_loop()
            self.loop = loop

        # Activate TCP keepalive on the connection:
        if enable_tcp_keepalive:
            self._sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_KEEPALIVE, 1)
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        # Watcher list:
        self._watchers = set()

        # Socket inbound/outbound buffers:
        self._inbound_buffer = ''
        self._outbound_buffer = ''
        self._remains = struct.calcsize(RpcConnection.MESSAGE_HEADER_FALLBACK)
        self._proto_receiving = None

        # Initialize main read/write watchers:
        self._sock_reader = self.create_watcher(pyev.Io,
        self._sock_writer = self.create_watcher(pyev.Io,
        # Is the RpcConnection connected to its peer:
        self._connected = True

        # "Need to send" loop signal:
        self._need_to_send = self.create_watcher(pyev.Async,

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        # Setup logging facility:
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('sjrpc.%s' % self.getpeername())

        # Protocols registered on this connection:
        self._protocols = {}
        self.register_protocol(0, RpcProtocol, *args, **kwargs)

        # Create shortcuts to the main rpc (protocol 0) for convenience:
        for name in RpcConnection.SHORTCUTS_MAINRPC:
            setattr(self, name, getattr(self.get_protocol(0), name))
        # By default, enter in fallback mode, no label, all frames are
        # redirected on Rpc0:
        self.fallback = True
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        # Send our capabilities to the peer:
        self._remote_capabilities = None

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    def from_addr(cls, addr, port, conn_timeout=30.0, *args, **kwargs):
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        Construct the instance of :class:`RpcConnection` without providing
        the :class:`socket` object. Socket is automatically created and passed
        to the standard constructor before to return the new instance.

        :param addr: the target ip address
        :param port: the target port
        :param conn_timeout: the connection operation timeout
        :param \*args,\*\*kwargs: extra argument to pass to the constructor (see
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        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
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        sock.connect((addr, port))
        return cls(sock, *args, **kwargs)

    def from_addr_ssl(cls, addr, port, cert=None,
                      conn_timeout=30, *args, **kwargs):
        Construct :class:`RpcConnection` instance like :meth:`from_addr`, but
        enable ssl on socket.

        :param cert: ssl client certificate or None for ssl without certificat
        sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
        sock.connect((addr, port))
        req = ssl.CERT_NONE if cert is None else ssl.CERT_REQUIRED
        sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock, certfile=cert, cert_reqs=req,
        return cls(sock, *args, **kwargs)
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    def __repr__(self):
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    def __hash__(self):
        return self._sock.__hash__()

    def __nonzero__(self):
        return self._connected

    def _send_capabilities(self):
        Send capabilities to the peer, only work in fallback mode for
        compatibility with old sjRpc.

        Send a special message through the Rpc0 with these fields:
        - special: 'capabilities'
        - capabilities: {'version': REMOTE_VERSION, 'capabilities': []}
        from sjrpc import __version__
        cap = {'version': __version__, 'capabilities':['rpc', 'tunnel']}
        rpc0 = self.get_protocol(0)
        rpc0.send_special('capabilities', capabilities=cap)

    def _dispatch(self, watcher, revents):
        Read next message from socket and dispatch it to accoding protocol
        # Try to received remaining data from the socket:
        buf = self._sock.recv(self._remains)
        if buf == '':
        self._remains -= len(buf)

        if self._proto_receiving is None:
            self._inbound_buffer += buf
            if self._remains == 0:
                if self.fallback:
                    pl_size = struct.unpack(RpcConnection.MESSAGE_HEADER_FALLBACK, self._inbound_buffer)[0]
                    label = 0
                    label, pl_size = struct.unpack(RpcConnection.MESSAGE_HEADER, self._inbound_buffer)

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                # Get the registered protocol for the specified label:
                self._proto_receiving = self._protocols.get(label)

                # If frame's label is not binded to a protocol, we create a
                # dummy protocol to consume the payload:
                if self._proto_receiving is None:
                    self._proto_receiving = Protocol(self, -1)

                self._inbound_buffer = ''
                self._remains = pl_size
            if self._remains == 0:
                if self.fallback:
                    self._remains = struct.calcsize(RpcConnection.MESSAGE_HEADER_FALLBACK)
                    self._remains = struct.calcsize(RpcConnection.MESSAGE_HEADER)
                self._inbound_buffer = ''
                self._proto_receiving = None

    def _writer(self, watcher, revent):
        Write data on the socket.
        if self._outbound_buffer:
                if self.fallback:
                    sent = self._sock.send(self._outbound_buffer[:4096])
                    sent = self._sock.send(self._outbound_buffer)
            except socket.error as err:
                errmsg = 'Fatal error while sending through socket: %s' % err
                raise RpcError('SocketError', errmsg)
            self._outbound_buffer = self._outbound_buffer[sent:]

        if not self._outbound_buffer:

    def _cb_need_to_send(self, watcher, revents):

# Public API

    def rpc(self):
        return self.get_protocol(0)

    def run(self):
        Main loop execution.

    def create_watcher(self, watcher_class, **kwargs):
        Create a new pyev watcher and return it.
        kwargs['loop'] = self.loop
        watcher = watcher_class(**kwargs)
        return watcher
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        Low level method to send a message through the socket, generally
        used by protocols.
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            raise RpcError('RpcError', 'Not connected to the peer')
        size = len(payload)
        if self.fallback:
            header = struct.pack(RpcConnection.MESSAGE_HEADER_FALLBACK, size)
            header = struct.pack(RpcConnection.MESSAGE_HEADER, label, size)
        self._outbound_buffer += header + payload
    def set_capabilities(self, capabilities):
        Set capabilities of remote host (and disable fallback mode).

        Should be called by Rpc0 when the peer send its capabilities message.
        self._remote_capabilities = capabilities
        self.fallback = False

    def register_protocol(self, label, protocol_class, *args, **kwargs):
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        Register a new protocol for the specified label.
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        if label in self._protocols:
            raise KeyError('A protocol is already registered for this label')
        elif not isinstance(label, int):
            raise ValueError('Label must be an integer')
        self._protocols[label] = protocol_class(self, label, *args, **kwargs)
        return self._protocols[label]
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    def unregister_protocol(self, label):
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        Unregister the specified protocol label for this connection.
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        if label in self._protocols and label != 0:
            del self._protocols[label]
            raise KeyError('No protocol registered for this label')
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        Get the protocol registered for specified label.
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        proto = self._protocols.get(label)
        if proto is None:
            raise KeyError('No protocol registered for this label')
        return proto
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        Shutdown this connection.
        # Shutdown each registered watcher:
        for watcher in self._watchers:
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        # Shutdown each registered protocols:
        for proto in self._protocols.itervalues():
        # Close the connection socket:
        self._connected = False
        except socket.error as err:
            #self.logger.warn('Error while socket close: %s', err)
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    def get_handler(self):
        Return the handler binded to the :class:`RpcConnection`.

        :return: binded handler
        return self._handler

    def set_handler(self, handler):
        Define a new handler for this connection.
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        :param handler: the new handler to define.
        self._handler = handler

    def get_fd(self):
        Get the file descriptor of the socket managed by this connection.
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        :return: the file descriptor number of the socket
            return self._sock.fileno()
        except socket.error:
            return None

    def getpeername(self):
        Get the peer name.

        :return: string representing the peer name
        return '%s:%s' % self._sock.getpeername()