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Commit a059872c authored by Seblu's avatar Seblu
Browse files

checkservice: restart by default aftera timeout

parent 66c1bf62
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......@@ -37,28 +37,31 @@ fi
# default options
dbus=1 # relauch when dbus
debug=0 # debug mode
failed=1 # display failed service at the end
pacdiff=1 # run pacdiff
reload=1 # reload systemd
restart=1 # restart services (0: no, 1:yes, 2)
serialize=0 # run in parallel
status=1 # display status after systemctl
systemctl='' # systemctl command to call
timeout=5 # timeout duration
user_slice=0 # act on users services
verbose=0 # more details
# display application usage and exit 2
usage() {
echo "usage ${0##*/} [options]"
echo "description: check for updated files in a service"
echo 'options:'
echo ' -h: this help' >&2
echo " -t: timeout before restart (default: ${timeout}s)" >&2
echo " -d: debug mode" >&2
echo " -b/-B: restart (or not) ${0##*/} if dbus was updated (default: $dbus)" >&2
echo " -d/-D: call (or not) systemd daemon-reload (default: $reload)" >&2
echo " -l/-L: call (or not) systemd daemon-reload (default: $reload)" >&2
echo " -f/-F: display (or not) failed services before quit (default: $failed)" >&2
echo " -p/-P: call (or not) pacdiff before act (default: $pacdiff)" >&2
echo " -r/-R: restart (or reload) services (default: $systemctl)" >&2
echo " -r/-R: restart (or not) services with updated files (default: $restart)" >&2
echo " -s/-S: display (or not) status of restarted service (default: $status)" >&2
echo " -u/-U: act (or not) on services in users slice (default: $user_slice)" >&2
echo " -v/-V: verbose mode (or disable it)" >&2
echo " -z/-Z: serialize (or not) action (default: $serialize)" >&2
exit 2
......@@ -75,16 +78,17 @@ in_array() {
return 1 # Not Found
while getopts 'hBbDdFfPpRrSsUuVvZz' opt; do
while getopts 'hBbdFfLlPpRrSst:UuZz' opt; do
case $opt in
B) dbus=0;; b) dbus=1;;
D) reload=0;; d) reload=1;;
d) debug=1;;
F) failed=0;; f) failed=1;;
L) reload=0;; l) reload=1;;
P) pacdiff=0;; p) pacdiff=1;;
R) systemctl='reload';; r) systemctl='restart';;
R) restart=0;; r) restart=1;;
S) status=0;; s) status=1;;
t) timeout="$OPTARG";;
U) user_slice=0;; u) user_slice=1;;
V) verbose=0;; v) verbose=1;;
Z) serialize=0;; z) serialize=1;;
*) usage;;
......@@ -99,10 +103,10 @@ trap '' SIGHUP
(( $UID != 0 )) && echo 'You need to be root' && exit 1
# call pacdiff
(( pacdiff )) && pacdiff
(( $pacdiff )) && pacdiff
# reload units list
(( reload )) && systemctl --system daemon-reload
(( $reload )) && systemctl --system daemon-reload
# list of running services
declare -a services
......@@ -110,12 +114,12 @@ services=($(systemctl --no-legend --full --type service --state running|cut -f1
# list of bus names
declare -a buses
buses=($(dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call --print-reply /org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames|sed -rn 's/\s*string "(.*)"/\1/p'))
buses=($(dbus-send --system --dest=org.freedesktop.DBus --type=method_call \--print-reply \
/org/freedesktop/DBus org.freedesktop.DBus.ListNames|sed -rn 's/\s*string "(.*)"/\1/p'))
# beggar count
# count beggar services
declare -a needy=() pids=()
declare -i pid=0
for svc in "${services[@]}"; do
unit_path="$(systemctl -p ControlGroup show "$svc"|cut -f 2 -d=)"
busname="$(systemctl -p BusName show "$svc"|cut -f 2 -d=)"
......@@ -125,7 +129,7 @@ for svc in "${services[@]}"; do
# check if unit is in system slice
(( user_slice )) && [[ "$unit_path" =~ /user\.slice/ && ! "$user_slice" == true ]] && continue
(( $user_slice )) && [[ "$unit_path" =~ /user\.slice/ && ! "$user_slice" == true ]] && continue
pids=( $(< "$SYSTEMD_CGROUP_BASE_PATH/$unit_path/tasks") )
if (( "${#pids[*]}" == 0 )); then
echo "${c_error}** Unable to get pid of $svc: Tasks file is empty${c_rst}" >&2
......@@ -140,43 +144,57 @@ for svc in "${services[@]}"; do
deleted=$(grep -F '(deleted)' "$maps_path" |sed -nr 's|^\S+ ..x. \S+ \S+ \S+ \s+||p'|sort|uniq)
if [[ -n $deleted ]] || { [[ -n "$busname" ]] && ! in_array "$busname" "${buses[@]}"; }; then
if (( verbose )); then
if (( $debug )); then
echo "${c_title}Service:${c_svc} $svc${c_rst}"
echo "${c_title}Pid:${c_rst} $pid"
echo "${c_title}Bus:${c_rst} $busname"
echo "${c_title}Commands:${c_rst} systemctl ${systemctl:-restart} '$svc'"
echo -n "${c_title}BusName detected on the system bus: ${c_rst}"
echo -n "${c_title}BusName matching on the system bus: ${c_rst}"
in_array "$busname" "${buses[@]}" && echo 'Yes' || echo 'No'
echo "${c_title}Deleted files:${c_rst}"
echo "$deleted"
echo "systemctl ${systemctl:-restart} '$svc'"
if [[ -n $systemctl ]]; then
systemctl "$systemctl" "$svc" &
# wait process to terminate when serialize
(( serialize )) && wait
# display status directly when serialize and not quiet
(( serialize )) && (( status )) && systemctl --lines=0 status "$svc"
# display what we will do
for svc in "${needy[@]}"; do
echo "systemctl restart '$svc'"
# if nothing to restart we have done
(( $restart == 0 || ${#needy[*]} == 0 )) && exit 0
# wait the timeout
(( $timeout > 0 )) && {
echo "Waiting for ${timeout} seconds"
echo "Use Ctrl+C to undo"
sleep $timeout
# do the job, restart updated services
for svc in "${needy[@]}"; do
systemctl restart "$svc" &
# wait process to terminate when serialize
(( $serialize )) && wait
# display status directly when serialize and not quiet
(( $serialize )) && (( $status )) && systemctl --lines=0 status "$svc"
# show units status
if (( serialize == 0 )) && (( status )) && [[ -n $systemctl && -n ${needy[*]} ]]; then
if (( $serialize == 0 )) && (( $status )) && [[ -n $systemctl && -n ${needy[*]} ]]; then
systemctl --lines=0 status "${needy[@]}"
(( failed )) && systemctl --failed --all --no-pager --no-legend --full list-units
(( $failed )) && systemctl --failed --all --no-pager --no-legend --full list-units
# warn if dbus was restart
if in_array dbus.service "${needy[@]}"; then
echo "${c_warn}After dbus restart, you should run ${0##*/} twice${c_rst}" >&2
if (( dbus )) && [[ -n $systemctl && -z $CHECKSERVICE_WAS_RESTARTED ]]; then
if (( $dbus )) && [[ -n $systemctl && -z $CHECKSERVICE_WAS_RESTARTED ]]; then
echo "${c_warn}Doing it for you. No need to thanks me!${c_rst}" >&2
exec "$0" "$@"
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