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archrelease 1.27 KiB
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Pierre Schmitz's avatar
Pierre Schmitz committed
abort() {
	echo ${1:-'archrelease: Cancelled'}
	exit 1
Pierre Schmitz's avatar
Pierre Schmitz committed

if [ "$1" = '' ]; then
	abort 'Usage: archrelease <repo>'
# TODO: validate repo is really repo-arch

if [ ! -f PKGBUILD ]; then
Pierre Schmitz's avatar
Pierre Schmitz committed
	abort 'archrelease: PKGBUILD not found'
trunk=$(basename $(pwd))

# Normally this should be trunk, but it may be something
# such as 'gnome-unstable'
if [ "$(basename $(dirname $(pwd)))" == "repos" ]; then
	abort 'archrelease: Should not be in repos dir (try from trunk/)'
if [ ! -z "$(svn status -q)" ]; then
Pierre Schmitz's avatar
Pierre Schmitz committed
	abort 'archrelease: You have not committed your changes yet!'
echo -n "releasing package to ${1}..."
pushd .. >/dev/null
if [ -d "repos/${1}" ]; then
	declare -a trash
	while read -r file; do
	done < <(svn ls "repos/$1")
	svn rm -q "${trash[@]}"
if [ ! -d repos ]; then
	mkdir repos
	svn add -q repos
if [ ! -d "repos/${1}" ]; then
	mkdir "repos/${1}"
	svn add -q "repos/${1}"
known_files=$(svn ls "trunk")
for file in $known_files; do
	if [ "$file" != "${file%/}" ]; then
		abort "archrelease: subdirectories are not supported in package directories!"
for file in $known_files; do
	svn copy -q -r HEAD "trunk/$file" "repos/${1}/"
svn commit -q -m "archrelease: copy trunk to ${1}" || abort
popd >/dev/null
echo 'done'