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** ast.h for 42sh
** Made by Seblu
** Login   <>
** Started on  Sun Jul 30 04:40:03 2006 Seblu
** Last update Sun Jul 30 05:35:28 2006 Seblu

#ifndef AST_H_
# define AST_H_

# include <sys/types.h>
# include <errno.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <assert.h>

** If ast node
typedef struct
  ts_ast_node		*cond;
  ts_ast_node		*cond_true;
  ts_ast_node		*cond_false;
} ts_if_node;

** For ast node
typedef struct
  char			*name;
  ts_ast_node		*values;
  ts_ast_node		*exec;
} ts_for_node;

** Case ast node
typedef struct
  char			*word;
  struct s_case_item	**items;
} ts_case_node;

** While ast node
typedef struct
  ts_ast_node		*cond;
  ts_ast_node		*exec;
} ts_while_node;

** Enumerate different type of redirection
typedef enum
    R_LESS,		/*  <   */
    R_LESSAND,		/*  <&  */
    R_GREAT,		/*  >   */
    R_GREATAND,		/*  >&  */
    R_DGREAT,		/*  >>  */
    R_LESSGREAT,	/*  <>  */
    R_CLOBBER,		/*  >|  */
    R_DLESS,		/*  <<  */
    R_DLESSDASH		/*  <<- */
  } te_redir_type;

** Redirection ast node
typedef struct
  te_redir_type		type;
  int			fd;
  char			*string;
} ts_redir_node;

** Command ast node
typedef struct
  char			**argv;
  ts_redir		**redirs;
  char			**prefix;
} ts_cmd_node;

** Binary ast node
** Generic type, it's a contener !
** T_PIPE, T_SEP_* , T_AND, T_OR : binary operator
** T_BANG : unary operator but ts_bin_op with right pointer is always NULL
typedef struct
  ts_ast_node		*left;
  ts_ast_node		*right;
} ts_bin_node;

** Subshell ast node
typedef struct
  ts_ast_node		*head;
} ts_subshell_node;

** Funcdec node
  char			*name;
  ts_ast_node		*body;
} ts_funcdec_node;

** Enumerate all node type
typedef enum

  } te_node_type;

** This is a type for a node item
typedef union
  ts_if_node		node_if;
  ts_for_node		node_for;
  ts_case_node		node_case;
  ts_while_node		node_while;
  ts_while_node		node_until;
  ts_cmd_node		node_cmd;
  ts_op_node		node_and;
  ts_op_node		node_or;
  ts_subshell_node	node_subshell;
  ts_funcdec_node	node_funcdec;
  ts_op_node		node_bang;
  ts_op_node		node_pipe;
  ts_op_node		node_sep_semicomma;
  ts_op_node		node_sep_and;

/*   ts_case_item	node_case_item; */
/*   ts_wordlist	node_wl; */
/*   ts_case_list	node_case_list; */
} tu_node_item;

** Generic ast node type
typedef struct
  te_node_type		type;
  tu_node_item		node;
} ts_ast_node;

** structure wordlist ex : for var in wordlist do
** word : word
** next : next word finally Sexy NULL
struct			s_wordlist
  char			*word;
  struct s_wordlist	*next;

struct			s_case_item
  char			**patterns;
  int			allocated;
  int			pos;

struct			s_item
  struct s_wordlist	*pl;
  struct s_ast		*cmd_list;

** temporary structure
** which contains prefix and
** suffix command informations
** argv word or assigment words terminated by NULL
** redirs redirection pointer
** pos position in argv array
** nb_arg_alloc positions allocated
struct			s_cmd_opt
  char			**argv;
  struct s_redir	*redirs;
  int			pos;
  int			nb_arg_alloc;
** create temporary structure
** in order to get prefix and
** suffix informations
struct s_cmd_opt	*tmp_create_cmdopt(struct s_cmd_opt    	*opt,
					   struct s_redir      	*redir,
					   char			*arg);
** add redirection to temporary
** structure s_redir
struct s_redir          *tmp_add_redir(struct s_redir *base, struct s_redir *nelt);
** create temporary structure s_redir
struct s_redir          *tmp_create_redir(enum e_redir      type,
					  char              *filename,
					  int               fd,
					  struct s_redir    *redir);
** Every time, any argument given so this functions must be on the heap,
** they are not copied. Don't forget to dup string, for function create_cmd,
** function add_redir and function create_for

** Create an and node
** @param lhs left hand side
** @param rhs right hand side
** @return new ast node
struct s_ast		*ast_create_and(struct s_ast *lhs, struct s_ast *rhs);
** Create an or node
** @param lhs left hand side
** @param rhs right hand side
** @return new ast node
struct s_ast		*ast_create_or(struct s_ast *lhs, struct s_ast *rhs);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_case_clause(char		*word,
						struct s_ast	*case_list);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_if(struct s_ast *cond,
				       struct s_ast *positive,
				       struct s_ast *negative);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_funcdec(char *name, struct s_ast *body);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_subshell(struct s_ast *cmd);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_for(char		*varname,
					struct s_ast	*value,
					struct s_ast	*exec);
** create cmd node
struct s_ast		*ast_create_cmd(struct s_cmd_opt     	*prefix,
					 char		       	*cmd,
					 struct s_cmd_opt     	*suffix);

/* struct s_ast		*ast_create_list(struct s_ast **item); */
struct s_ast		*ast_create_until(struct s_ast *cond,
					  struct s_ast *exec);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_while(struct s_ast *cond,
					  struct s_ast *exec);
** create pipe node
struct s_ast		*ast_create_pipe(struct s_ast		*cmd1,
					 struct s_ast		*cmd2);
** create shell structure
struct s_42sh		*ast_create_ast(struct s_42sh	*shell,
					struct s_ast   	*ast);

struct s_ast		*ast_create_patterns(char *word, struct s_ast *case_item);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_case_list(struct s_ast	*item,
					      struct s_ast	*case_list);
struct s_ast      	*ast_create_wordlist(struct s_ast	*wl,
					     char		*w);
** change ast type : PIPE -> BANG_PIPE and CMD -> BANG_CMD
struct s_ast		*ast_create_bang(struct s_ast *ast);
struct s_ast		*ast_create_sep_op(struct s_ast		*cmd1,
					   enum e_type		sep_op,
					   struct s_ast		*cmd2);

/* void			ast_destruct_list(struct s_ast *node); */
void			ast_destruct_cmd(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_pipe(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_redir(struct s_redir *red);

/* void			ast_print(struct s_ast *ast); */
void			ast_destruct_sep_op(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_for(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_until(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_while(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_if(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_bang(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_wordlist(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_case(struct s_ast *node);
** Destruct an and node
** @param node head of node to destruct
void			ast_destruct_and(struct s_ast *node);
** Destruct an or node
** @param node head of node to destruct
void			ast_destruct_or(struct s_ast *node);
void			ast_destruct_subshell(struct s_ast *node);

#endif /* !AST_H_ */