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** lexer.c for 42sh
** Made by Seblu
** Login   <>
** Started on  Sun Jul 30 04:36:53 2006 Seblu
** Last update Fri Aug 25 15:16:23 2006 Seblu
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
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#include <ctype.h>
#include <assert.h>
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#include "parser.h"
#include "../shell/shell.h"
#include "../readline/readline.h"
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#include "../common/common.h"
#include "../common/macro.h"
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** Token recognition rationale:
** - Separator are chars which used to cut token but which are deleted.
** - Operators are chars which used to cut token and which are returned as token.
** - Quotes are chars which must be return entierrely.
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** - Others are chars considered like words.
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** ============
** ============
// Order is very important for correct recognition !
static const ts_token operators[] =
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    {TOK_NEWLINE, "\n", 1},
    {TOK_AND, "&&", 2},
    {TOK_SEPAND, "&", 1},
    {TOK_OR, "||", 2},
    {TOK_PIPE, "|", 1},
    {TOK_DSEMI, ";;", 2},
    {TOK_SEP, ";", 1},
    {TOK_DLESSDASH, "<<-", 3},
    {TOK_DLESS, "<<", 2},
    {TOK_LESSGREAT, "<>", 2},
    {TOK_LESSAND, "<&", 2},
    {TOK_LESS, "<", 1},
    {TOK_DGREAT, ">>", 2},
    {TOK_GREATAND, ">&", 2},
    {TOK_CLOBBER, ">|", 2},
    {TOK_GREAT, ">", 1},
    {TOK_NONE, NULL, 0}
typedef struct		s_quote
  const char		*start;
  const size_t		lenstart;
  const char		*stop;
  const size_t		lenstop;
} ts_quote;

static const ts_quote quotes[] =
    {"\"", 1, "\"", 1},
    {"'", 1, "'", 1},
    {"`", 1, "`", 1},
    {"${", 2, "}", 1},
    {"$(", 2, ")", 1},
    {"$((", 2, "))", 2},
    {NULL, 0, NULL, 0},
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** Check if @arg buf + *buf_pos point on the start of quote sequence.
** @warning Recognition start at buf + *buf_pos !
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** @param buf a string buffer
** @param buf_pos position in the buffer, which is incremented if found to point on
** the last char of the quote !
** @param quote quote type found
** @return true (!0) if a quote is found, else false (0)
static int	is_quote_start(const char *buf, size_t *buf_pos, const ts_quote **quote);

** Check if @arg buf + *buf_pos point on the stop of quote sequence.
** @warning Recognition start at buf + *buf_pos !
** @param buf a string buffer
** @param buf_pos position in the buffer, which is incremented if found to point on
** the last char of the quote !
** @param quote quote type to found
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** @return true (!0) if a quote is found, else false (0)
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static int	is_quote_stop(const char *buf, size_t *buf_pos, const ts_quote *quote);
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** Return a predicat about c is a separator
** @param c Must be a character
** @return true if c is a separator
#define		is_sep(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t' || (c) == '\v')

** Check if the buffer point to an operator. Il it's true and buf_pos is
** not NULL, *buf_pos is correctly incremented to point on the next token
** @warning Recgnition start at buf !
** @param buf a string buffer where recognition start
** @param buf_pos buffer position to increment correctly if operator is found
** @param token reconized token operator
** @return true (!0) if find, else false (0)
static int	is_operator(const char *buf, size_t *buf_pos, ts_token *token);

** Read lexer's stream, and return the next token.
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** @param lex lexer struct
static void	lexer_eattoken(ts_lexer *lex);

** This function is only call when the end of a line occur in
** a quote or after a backslash
** @param lexer lexer struct
** @return 1 if can read a line, 0 if eof
static int	lexer_eatline(ts_lexer *lexer);
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** Cut a token in one or more line.
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** @param lexer lexer struct
static int	lexer_cut(ts_lexer *lexer);
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** Correctly set a token. In first, it call macro token_free to
** desallow memory if it's a word.
** @param token token to set
** @param id new token id
** @param s new token string
static void	token_set(ts_token *token, te_tokenid id, const char *s);

** ===========
** ===========

ts_lexer	*lexer_init(FILE *fs)
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  ts_lexer	*new;

  secmalloc(new, sizeof (ts_lexer));
  new->fs = fs;
  new->buf = NULL;
  new->buf_size = new->buf_pos = 0;
  new-> = TOK_NONE;
  new->token.str = NULL;
  new->token.len = 0;
  new->eof = 0;
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  return new;
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ts_token	lexer_lookahead(ts_lexer *lexer)
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  if (lexer-> == TOK_NONE)
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  return lexer->token;
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ts_token	lexer_gettoken(ts_lexer *lexer)
  ts_token	buf = { TOK_EOF, "EOF", 3 };
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  if (lexer-> == TOK_NONE)
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  buf = lexer->token;
  lexer-> = TOK_NONE;
  lexer->token.str = NULL;
  return buf;
void		lexer_heredocument(ts_lexer *lexer)
  lexer = lexer;

static void	token_set(ts_token *token, te_tokenid id, const char *s)
  if (token->id == TOK_WORD)
    free((char*) token->str);
  token->id = id;
  token->str = s;
  if (s) token->len = strlen(s);
  else token->len = 0;
static void	lexer_eattoken(ts_lexer *lexer)
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  //if eof, set token EOF
  if (lexer->eof) {
    token_set(&lexer->token, TOK_EOF, "EOF");
  //if last char was read free buffer
  if (lexer->buf_size > 0 && lexer->buf_pos == lexer->buf_size) {
    lexer->buf = NULL;
    lexer->buf_size = 0;
  //read a line if buf is empty
  if (!lexer->buf_size && ((lexer->buf = readline(NULL)) != NULL)) {
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    lexer->buf_size = strlen(lexer->buf);
    lexer->buf_pos = 0;
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  //if eof is read, bye bye
  if (lexer->buf == NULL) {
    lexer->eof = 1;
    token_set(&lexer->token, TOK_EOF, "EOF");
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  //cut a slice of stream
  while (!lexer_cut(lexer))
    ;; //retry again
static int	lexer_eatline(ts_lexer *lexer)
  char		*buf, *buf2;
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  buf = lexer->buf;
  if (lexer->buf_size > 0 && buf[lexer->buf_size - 1] == '\n')
    buf[lexer->buf_size - 1] = 0;
  if (lexer->buf_size > 1 && buf[lexer->buf_size - 2] == '\\')
    buf[lexer->buf_size - 2] = 0;
  //show incomplet recognition prompt
  //retrieve a new line
  if (!(buf2 = readline(NULL))) {
    lexer->eof = 1;
    return 0;
  lexer->buf = strmerge(2, buf, buf2);
  lexer->buf_size = strlen(lexer->buf);
  return 1;
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static int	lexer_cut(ts_lexer *lexer)
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  const char	*buf = lexer->buf;
  size_t	*buf_pos = &lexer->buf_pos, token_start, token_pos;
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  int		end_found = 0;
  char		backed = 0, quoted = 0;
  const ts_quote*quote;
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  // Rationale: Search begin of token
  //eat separators (" ",\t, \v)
  while (buf[*buf_pos] && is_sep(buf[*buf_pos]))
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  //eat comment
  if (buf[*buf_pos] == '#')
    while (buf[*buf_pos] && buf[*buf_pos] != '\n')
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  //check if first chars is an operator
  if (is_operator(buf + *buf_pos, buf_pos, &lexer->token))
    return 1;
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  token_start = token_pos = *buf_pos;
  // Rationale: Search end of token
  for (; buf[token_pos]; ++token_pos) {
    // backslah newline => eatline
    if ((backed || quoted) && buf[token_pos] == '\n' && lexer_eatline(lexer))
      return 0; //new line added, you can try again
    // backed, go to next char
    else if (backed) backed = 0;
    // check end of quoting
    else if (quoted && is_quote_stop(buf, &token_pos, quote)) quoted = 0;
    // quotin not ended !
    else if (quoted) continue;
    // if backslash go in state backed
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    else if (!backed && buf[token_pos] == '\\') backed = 1;
    // if sep, a token was found !
    else if (is_sep(buf[token_pos])) end_found = 1;
    // if it's an operator cut
    else if (is_operator(buf + token_pos, NULL, NULL)) end_found = 1;
    // check to start quoting
    else if (!quoted && is_quote_start(buf, &token_pos, &quote)) quoted = 1;
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    if (end_found) break;
  lexer->buf_pos = token_pos; //update real lexer position buffer
  token_set(&lexer->token, TOK_WORD,
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	    strndup(buf + token_start, token_pos - token_start));
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  return 1;
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static int	is_operator(const char *buf, size_t *buf_pos, ts_token *token)
  for (register int i = 0; operators[i].id != TOK_NONE; ++i)
    if (!strncmp(buf, operators[i].str, operators[i].len)) {
      if (buf_pos)
	*buf_pos += operators[i].len;
      if (token)
	token_set(token, operators[i].id, operators[i].str);
      return 1;
  return 0;

static int	is_quote_start(const char *buf, size_t *buf_pos, const ts_quote **quote)
  for (register int i = 0; quotes[i].start; ++i)
    if (!strncmp(buf + *buf_pos, quotes[i].start, quotes[i].lenstart)) {
      *buf_pos +=  quotes[i].lenstart - 1;
      if (quote)
	*quote = quotes + i;
      return 1;
  return 0;

static int	is_quote_stop(const char *buf, size_t *buf_pos, const ts_quote *quote)
  if (!strncmp(buf + *buf_pos, quote->stop, quote->lenstop)) {
    *buf_pos +=  quote->lenstop - 1;
    return 1;
  return 0;