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"""This module acts as a little framework for defining tags in a simple way.
Just define a string or a function and it will be introspected and used as a
tag value.
import re
import os as os_
import platform as platform_
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
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from socket import getfqdn
from cloudcontrol.common.client.tags import ttl, refresh, background

@ttl(3600 * 24)  # one day
def h():
    """Hostname tag."""
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    return getfqdn()

# CPU related tags
def arch():
    """Hardware CPU architecture."""
    return {
        u'i386': u'x86',
        u'i486': u'x86',
        u'i586': u'x86',
        u'i686': u'x86',
        u'x86_64': u'x64',
    }.get(platform_.machine(), u'unknown')

def cpu():
    """Number of CPU (core) on the host."""
        return unicode(cpu_count())
    except NotImplementedError:
        return None

def cpuuse():
    """CPU usage in percentage."""
    return u'%.1f' % psutil.cpu_percent()

# memory related tags
def mem():
    """Total physical memory available on system."""
    return unicode(psutil.avail_phymem() + psutil.used_phymem())

def memfree():
    """Available physical memory on system."""
    return unicode(psutil.avail_phymem())

def memused():
    """Used physical memory on system."""
    return unicode(psutil.used_phymem())

# disks related tags
def disk():
    """List of disk devices on the host."""
    disk_pattern = re.compile(r'[sh]d[a-z]+')

    return u' '.join(d for d in os_.listdir(
        '/sys/block/') if disk_pattern.match(d))

# other hardware related tags
def chaserial():
    """Blade chassis serial number."""
    return open('/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_serial').read().strip() or None

def chaasset():
    """Blade chassis asset tag."""
    return open('/sys/class/dmi/id/chassis_asset_tag').read().strip() or None

def hmodel():
    """Host hardware model."""
    return open('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name').read().strip() or None

def hserial():
    """Host hardware serial number."""
    return open('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_serial').read().strip() or None

def hvendor():
    """Host hardware vendor."""
    return open('/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor').read().strip() or None

def hbios():
    """Host BIOS version."""
    return u'%s (%s)' % (
        open('/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_version').read().strip() or None,
        open('/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_date').read().strip() or None,

# Operating system related tags
def os():
    """Operating system (linux/windows)."""
    return unicode(platform_.system().lower())

def platform():
    """Python platform.platform() info."""
    return unicode(platform_.platform())

def uname():
    """As uname command (see python os.uname)."""
    return u' '.join(os_.uname()) or None

def uptime():
    """Uptime of the system in seconds."""
    return open('/proc/uptime').read().split()[0].split(u'.')[0] or None

def load():
    """Average of the number of processes in the run queue over the last 1, 5
    and 15 minutes."""
    load_ = None
        load_ = u' '.join(unicode(l) for l in os_.getloadavg())
    except OSError:
    return load_
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def plugins(handler):
    return ' '.join(handler.plugins) or None