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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __init__ import __version__
from sjrpc.utils import RpcHandler
from sjrpc.utils import pure
from logging import debug, info
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from exceptions import FeatureNotImplemented
from common import LocalHost
from threading import Timer
from sjrpc.core import RpcError
_MOD_KVM = True
    import kvm
except ImportError:
    _MOD_KVM = False

_MOD_XEN = True
    import xen
except ImportError:
    _MOD_XEN = False

class NodeHandler(RpcHandler):
    Main node handler that exports the host capabilities to the server.
    def __init__(self, connection, detect_hv, allow_exec):
        super(RpcHandler, self).__init__()
        self._connection = connection
        self._allow_cmd_exec = allow_exec
        self._host_handle = None
        if detect_hv:
            debug('Hypervisor detection in progress')
                debug('Initializing connection to the local KVM hypervisor')
                self._host_handle = kvm.KvmHypervisor()
            elif _MOD_XEN:
                debug('Initializing connection to the local Xen hypervisor')
                self._host_handle = xen.XenHypervisor()
            if self._host_handle is None:
                debug('Hypervisor detection failed')
        if not detect_hv or self._host_handle is None:
            debug('Hypervisor detection disabled, running as regular node')
            self._host_handle = LocalHost()
        self.EXEC_METHODS = ['execute_command', 'shutdown']
        self.HV_TAG_MANDATORY = ['h']
        self.HV_TAG_MAP = {
            'version'   : ( lambda o: True,
                            lambda o,t: str(__version__)),
            'h'         : self._tag_map_direct('get_name'),
            'htype'     : self._tag_map_direct('get_hv_type'),
            'status'    : self._tag_map_direct('get_status'),
            'hserial'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_serial'),
            'hvendor'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_vendor'),
            'hmachine'  : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_product'),
            'hbios'     : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_bios'),
            'arch'      : self._tag_map_direct('get_arch'),
            'platform'  : self._tag_map_direct('get_platform'),
            'uname'     : self._tag_map_direct('get_uname'),
            'uptime'    : self._tag_map_direct('get_uptime'),
            'hvm'       : self._tag_map_direct('get_hvm_available'),
            'libvirtver': self._tag_map_direct('get_libvirt_version'),
            'hvver'     : self._tag_map_direct('get_hv_version'),
            'load'      : self._tag_map_direct('get_loadavg'),
            'cpu'       : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu'),
            'cpucore'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_core'),
            'cputhread' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_threads'),
            'cpufreq'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_frequency'),
            'cpuuse'    : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_usage'),
            'mem'       : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem'),
            'memfree'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_free'),
            'memused'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_used'),
            'disk'      : self._tag_map_keys('get_disks'),
            'sto'       : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'storage'),
                            lambda o,t: ' '.join(
                                        getattr(o, 'storage')().pool_list())),
            'nvm'       : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list'),
            'vmstarted' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_running'),
            'vmstopped' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_stopped'),
            'vmpaused'  : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_paused'),
        self.HV_TAG_GLOB = {
            'disk*'     : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_hv_disk),
            'sto*'      : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_hv_sto),
        self.VM_TAG_MANDATORY = ['hv', 'h']
        self.VM_TAG_MAP = {
            'version'   : ( lambda o: True,
                            lambda o,t: str(__version__)),
            'hv'        : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'hypervisor'),
                            lambda o,t: o.hypervisor().get_name()),
            # FIXME crappy tag implementation
            'status'    : ( lambda o: True,
                            lambda o,t: 'running' if o.is_active()
                                        else 'paused' if o.is_paused()
                                        else 'stopped'),
            'h'         : self._tag_map_direct('get_name'),
            'arch'      : self._tag_map_direct('get_arch'),
            'cpu'       : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu'),
            'mem'       : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem'),
            'memused'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_used'),
            'memfree'   : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_free'),
        self.VM_TAG_GLOB = {
            'disk*'     : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_vm_disk),
        # FIXME comment (populate the server with running VMs)
    def __getitem__(self, name):
        # filter the private members access
        if name.startswith('_'):
            raise KeyError('Remote name `%s` is private' % repr(name))
        # filter command execution methods
        elif not self._allow_cmd_exec and name in self.EXEC_METHODS:
            raise KeyError('Remote name `%s` is disabled by configuration'
                                                                % repr(name))
            debug('Called %s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
            return super(NodeHandler, self).__getitem__(name)
    def _tag_map_direct(self, method):
        return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
                 lambda o,t: getattr(o, method)())
    def _tag_map_counter(self, method):
        return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
                 lambda o,t: len(getattr(o, method)()))
    def _tag_map_keys(self, method):
        return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
                 lambda o,t: ' '.join(getattr(o, method)().keys()))
    def _tag_map_helper(self, helper):
        return ( lambda o, resolve=False: helper(o, resolve=resolve),
                 lambda o, tag_name=None, resolve=False:
                                helper(o, tag_name=tag_name, resolve=resolve))
    def _helper_hv_disk(self, hv, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
        result = {}
        disks = hv.get_disks()
        if len(disks):
            result['disk'] = ' '.join(disks.keys())
        for name, size in disks.iteritems():
            if size:
                result['disk%s_size' % name] = str(size)
        if not result:
            result = None
        return result
    def _helper_hv_sto(self, hv, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
        result = {}
        if hasattr(hv, 'storage'):
            pools =
            if len(pools):
                result['sto'] = ' '.join(pools)
            for pool_name in pools:
                pool =
                capa = pool.get_space_capacity()
                if capa:
                    result['sto%s_size' % pool_name] = str(capa)
                free = pool.get_space_free()
                if free:
                    result['sto%s_free' % pool_name] = str(free)
                used = pool.get_space_used()
                if used:
                    result['sto%s_used' % pool_name] = str(used)
                vol = pool.volume_list()
                if vol:
                    result['sto%s_vol' % pool_name] = ' '.join(vol)
        if not result:
            result = None
        return result
    def _helper_vm_disk(self, vm, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
        result = {}
        volumes = vm.get_volumes()
        if len(volumes):
            result['disk'] = ' '.join([str(i) for i in range(0, len(volumes))])
        for vol_id, vol in enumerate(volumes):
            path = vol.get_path()
            if path:
                result['disk%i_path' % vol_id] = str(path)
            capa = vol.get_space_capacity()
            if capa:
                result['disk%i_size' % vol_id] = str(capa)
        if not result:
            result = None
        return result
        #FIXME check is we are connected before
        #debug("register: begin")
            vm_current = self._host_handle.vm_list()
            for vm in vm_current:
                if vm not in self._register_vm:
                        self._connection.get_server().register(vm, 'vm')
                    except RpcError as e:
                        if e.exception == '#FIXME':
                            raise e
            for vm in self._register_vm:
                if vm not in vm_current:
                    except RpcError as e:
                        if e.exception == '#FIXME':
                            raise e
        except Exception as e:
            #debug("register: finally 1")
            self._register_timer = Timer(1.0, self._register)
            #debug("register: finally 2")
        #debug("register: end")
    def get_tags(self, tags=None, resolve=True):
        result = {}
        debug('get_tags: server requested tags `%s`' % tags)
        # return all tags if server does not request a subset
        if tags is None:
            # add simple tags
            tags = self.HV_TAG_MAP.keys()
            # add globbing tags
            for pattern, handler in self.HV_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
                # helper is available on the current host
                if handler[0](self._host_handle):
                    debug('get_tags: host implements `%s`' % pattern)
                    # get tags from helper
                    htags = handler[0](self._host_handle, resolve=False)
                    # append all tags
            debug('get_tags: no tag specified, expanded list to `%s`' % tags)
        # add mandatory tags if missing in the list
            for mtag in self.HV_TAG_MANDATORY:
                if mtag not in tags:
                    debug('get_tags: add missing mandatory tag `%s`' % mtag)
        # query host
        debug('get_tags: query host with tag list `%s`' % tags)
        for tag in tags:
            # first, test tag name againts list of plain name
            if tag in self.HV_TAG_MAP:
                debug('get_tags: plain mapping found for tag `%s`' % tag)
                if self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][0](self._host_handle):
                    # fetch tag data
                    q = self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][1](self._host_handle, tag)
                    debug('get_tags: host returned `%s`' % q)
                    # append tag information
                    if q is not None:
                        # when a dict is returned, it may contain >1 tags
                        # in this case the real tag name is given by the
                        # wrapper and it may differ from the mapping name
                        if isinstance(q, dict):
                            for key, val in q.iteritems():
                                result[key] = {}
                                result[key]['value'] = str(val)
                                # FIXME really fast
                                result[key]['ttl'] = -1
                        # or there's only one value
                            result[tag] = {}
                            result[tag]['value'] = str(q)
                            # FIXME really fast
                            result[tag]['ttl'] = -1
                        debug('get_tags: I wont return `%s`=`None`' % tag)
                    debug('get_tags: tag `%s` is NOT implemented' % tag)
            # if no direct tag mapping exists, test name against globbing a list
                debug('get_tags: searching for `%s` in globbing tags' % tag)
                # iter on globbing patterns, and get helper references
                # process the first globbing tag that match then exit because 
                # there should not exist two globbing pattern matching
                # one tag, ideally
                for pattern, handler in self.HV_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
                    # helper is available on the current host
                    if handler[0](self._host_handle, tag):
                        if fnmatchcase(tag, pattern):
                            debug('get_tags: processing tag `%s` with '
                                                'pattern `%s`' % (tag, pattern))
                            # get tags from helper
                            htags = handler[0](self._host_handle, tag)
                            # FIXME intead of extracting one tag, try not
                            # to build the whole list. Maybe it's too
                            # difficult and not worth to implement
                            if tag in htags:
                                debug('get_tags: found tag in helper result'
                                                'with value `%s`' % htags[tag])
                                result[tag] = {}
                                result[tag]['value'] = str(htags[tag])
                                # FIXME
                                result[tag]['ttl'] = -1
        return result
    def node_shutdown(self, reboot=True, gracefull=True):
        info('shutdown: server requested shutdown of local host')
        debug('shutdown: reboot=%s gracefull=%s' % (reboot, gracefull))
        if reboot:
            method = 'power_reboot' if gracefull else 'power_force_reboot'
            method = 'power_shutdown' if gracefull else 'power_off'
        if hasattr(self._host_handle, method):
            result = getattr(self._host_handle, method)()
            debug('shutdown: in progress ... action returned `%s`' % result)
            return result
            debug('shutdown: unable to proceed, this feature is not available')
            raise FeatureNotImplemented('host handler has no method `%s`'
                                                                    % method)
    def vm_tags(self, vm_names=None, tags=None, resolve=True):
        # list all VMs if the server did not provide names
        debug('vm_list: server requested list of vm `%s`' % vm_names)
        if vm_names is None:
            vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list()
            debug('vm_list: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`' % vm_names)
        # return all tags if server does not request a subset
        get_all = tags is None
        debug('vm_list: server requested tags `%s`' % tags)
        if get_all:
            # add simple tags
            tags = self.VM_TAG_MAP.keys()
            debug('vm_list: no tag specified, expanded list to `%s`' % tags)
        # add mandatory tags if missing in the list
            for mtag in self.VM_TAG_MANDATORY:
                if mtag not in tags:
                    debug('vm_list: add missing mandatory tag `%s`' % mtag)
        # query each vm
        result = {}
        for vm_name in vm_names:
            vm_tag = {}
                # copy tag list for local modifications (globbing)
                mytags = tags
                # open a wrapper to the VM
                debug('vm_list: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
                vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
                # expand tag list with globbing tags
                if get_all:
                    for pattern, handler in self.VM_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
                        # helper is available on this VM
                        if handler[0](vm):
                            debug('vm_list: vm implements `%s`' % pattern)
                            # get tags from helper
                            htags = handler[0](vm, resolve=False)
                            # append all tags
                # query the VM with each tag
                for tag in mytags:
                    # first, search tag in plain mappings
                    if tag in self.VM_TAG_MAP:
                        debug('vm_list: plain mapping found for tag `%s`' % tag)
                        # proceed if tag can be resolved on this VM
                        if self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][0](vm):
                            vm_tag[tag] = {}
                            # fetch data only if we only built the tag list
                            debug('vm_list: resolving tag %s`' % tag)
                            # call the wrapper mapping lambda
                            q = self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][1](vm, tag)
                            debug('vm_list: query returned `%s`' % q)
                            # when a dict is returned, it may contain >1 tag
                            # in this case the real tag name is given by the
                            # wrapper and it may differ from the mapping nam
                            if isinstance(q, dict):
                                for key, val in q.iteritems():
                                    if val is not None:
                                        if resolve:
                                            vm_tag[key]['value'] = str(q)
                                        # FIXME really fast
                                        vm_tag[key]['ttl'] = -1
                                        debug('vm_list: I wont return '
                                                        '`%s`=`None`' % key)
                            # or there's only one value
                            elif q is not None:
                                if resolve:
                                    vm_tag[tag]['value'] = str(q)
                                # FIXME really fast
                                vm_tag[tag]['ttl'] = -1
                                debug('vm_list: I wont return `%s`=`None`'
                                                                % tag)
                    # no tag mapping exist, test name against the globbing list
                        debug('vm_list: searching for `%s` in globbing tags'
                                                                        % tag)
                        # iter on globbing patterns, and get helper references
                        # process the first globbing tag that match then exit
                        # because there should not exist two globbing pattern
                        # matching one tag, ideally
                        for pattern, handler in self.VM_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
                            # helper is available on the current VM
                            if handler[0](vm, tag):
                                if fnmatchcase(tag, pattern):
                                    debug('get_tags: processing tag `%s` with '
                                                'pattern `%s`' % (tag, pattern))
                                    # get tags from helper
                                    htags = handler[0](vm, tag)
                                    # FIXME intead of extracting one tag, try
                                    # not to build the whole list. Maybe it's
                                    # too difficult and not worth implementing
                                    if tag in htags:
                                        debug('get_tags: found tag in helper '
                                          'result with value `%s`' % htags[tag])
                                        vm_tag[tag] = {}
                                        if resolve:
                                            vm_tag[tag]['value'] = str(
                                        # FIXME
                                        vm_tag[tag]['ttl'] = -1
                # save the tag list
                # FIXME: in case of exception, we won't return a single VM tag
                result[vm_name] = vm_tag
            except Exception as e:
                debug('(%s) : %s' % (repr(e), e))
        return result
    def vm_stop(self, vm_names=None, force=False):
        info('vm_stop: server requested stop of `%s`' % vm_names)
        debug('vm_stop: force stop is `%s`' % force)
        if vm_names is None:
            vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
            debug('vm_stop: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`' % vm_names)
        for vm_name in vm_names:
                debug('vm_stop: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
                vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
                if force:
                    debug('vm_stop: powering off `%s`' % vm_name)
                    info('vm_stop: shutdown requested for `%s`' % vm_name)
    def vm_start(self, vm_names=None):
        info('vm_start: server requested start of `%s`' % vm_names)
        if vm_names is None:
            vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_stopped()
            debug('vm_start: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`' % vm_names)
        for vm_name in vm_names:
                debug('vm_start: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
                vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
                info('vm_start: powering on `%s`' % vm_name)
    def vm_suspend(self, vm_names=None):
        info('vm_suspend: server requested suspend of `%s`' % vm_names)
        if vm_names is None:
            vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
            debug('vm_suspend: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`'
                                                                    % vm_names)
        for vm_name in vm_names:
                debug('vm_suspend: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
                vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
                info('vm_suspend: pause execution of `%s`' % vm_name)
    def vm_resume(self, vm_names=None):
        info('vm_resume: server requested resume of `%s`' % vm_names)
        if vm_names is None:
            vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
            debug('vm_resume: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`'
                                                                    % vm_names)
        for vm_name in vm_names:
                debug('vm_resume: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
                vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
                info('vm_resume: resume execution of `%s`' % vm_name)
    def execute_command(self, command):
        info('execute_command: starting execution of `%s`' % command)
        output = self._host_handle.execute(command)
        info('execute_command: finished execution of `%s`' % command)
        return output