Thibault VINCENT authoredThibault VINCENT authored
handlers.py 25.52 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from sjrpc.core import RpcError
from __init__ import __version__
from sjrpc.utils import RpcHandler
from sjrpc.utils import pure
from logging import debug, warning, info
from exceptions import HypervisorError
from common import LocalHost
_MOD_KVM = True
import kvm
except ImportError:
_MOD_KVM = False
_MOD_XEN = True
import xen
except ImportError:
_MOD_XEN = False
class NodeHandler(RpcHandler):
Main node handler that exports the host capabilities to the server.
def __init__(self, connection, detect_hv=True, safe_mode=True,
super(NodeHandler, self).__init__()
self._connection = connection
self._safe_mode = safe_mode
# create interface with host
self._host_handle = None
if detect_hv:
debug('Hypervisor detection in progress')
if _MOD_KVM and not force_xen:
debug('Initializing connection to the local KVM hypervisor')
self._host_handle = kvm.KvmHypervisor()
elif _MOD_XEN:
debug('Initializing connection to the local Xen hypervisor')
self._host_handle = xen.XenHypervisor()
if self._host_handle is None:
debug('Hypervisor detection failed')
if not detect_hv or self._host_handle is None:
debug('Hypervisor detection disabled, running as regular node')
self._host_handle = LocalHost()
# methods that execute administrative commands, to be banned when
# running in safe mode
self.UNSAFE_METHODS = ['execute_command', 'shutdown']
# hypervisor tags
self.HV_TAG_MANDATORY = ['h']
self.HV_TAG_MAP = {
# infinite TTL
'version' : ( lambda o: True,
lambda o,t: str(__version__),
'libvirtver': self._tag_map_direct('get_libvirt_version', -1),
'htype' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hv_type', -1),
'hserial' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_serial', -1),
'hvendor' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_vendor', -1),
'hmachine' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_product', -1),
'arch' : self._tag_map_direct('get_arch', -1),
'hvm' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hvm_available', -1),
'cpu' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu', -1),
'cpucore' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_core', -1),
'cputhread' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_threads', -1),
# one day
'hbios' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_bios', 24*3600),
'hvver' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hv_version', 24*3600),
'platform' : self._tag_map_direct('get_platform', 24*3600),
'uname' : self._tag_map_direct('get_uname', 24*3600),
'cpufreq' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_frequency', 24*3600),
'mem' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem', 24*3600),
'disk' : self._tag_map_keys('get_disks', 24*3600),
'h' : self._tag_map_direct('get_name', 24*3600),
# one hour
# one minute
'memfree' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_free', 60),
'memused' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_used', 60),
'sto' : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'storage'),
lambda o,t: ' '.join(
getattr(o, 'storage')().pool_list()),
# 5 seconds
'uptime' : self._tag_map_direct('get_uptime', 5),
'cpuuse' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_usage', 5),
'load' : self._tag_map_direct('get_loadavg', 5),
'nvm' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list', 5),
'vmstarted' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_running', 5),
'vmstopped' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_stopped', 5),
'vmpaused' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_paused', 5),
self.HV_TAG_GLOB = {
'disk*' : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_hv_disk, 24*3600),
'sto*' : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_hv_sto, 60),
# guest VM tags
self.VM_TAG_MANDATORY = ['hv', 'h']
self.VM_TAG_MAP = {
# infinite TTL
'version' : ( lambda o: True,
lambda o,t: str(__version__),
'hv' : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'hypervisor'),
lambda o,t: o.hypervisor().get_name(),
'htype' : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'hypervisor'),
lambda o,t: o.hypervisor().get_hv_type(),
'arch' : self._tag_map_direct('get_arch', -1),
'h' : self._tag_map_direct('get_name', -1),
# one day
# one hour
'cpu' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_core', 3600),
'mem' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem', 3600),
# one minute
# 5 seconds
'status' : ( lambda o: True,
lambda o,t: 'running' if o.is_active()
else 'paused' if o.is_paused()
else 'stopped',
5), # FIXME crappy tag implementation
#'cpuuse' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_usage'),
self.VM_TAG_GLOB = {
'disk*' : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_vm_disk, 3600),
self._register_vm = []
def __getitem__(self, name):
# filter the private members access
if name.startswith('_'):
raise KeyError('Remote name `%s` is private' % repr(name))
# filter command execution methods
elif not self._safe_mode and name in self.UNSAFE_METHODS:
raise KeyError('Remote name `%s` is disabled by configuration'
% repr(name))
debug('Called %s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
return super(NodeHandler, self).__getitem__(name)
def _tag_map_direct(self, method, ttl):
return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
lambda o,t: getattr(o, method)(),
def _tag_map_counter(self, method, ttl):
return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
lambda o,t: len(getattr(o, method)()),
def _tag_map_keys(self, method, ttl):
return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
lambda o,t: ' '.join(getattr(o, method)().keys()),
def _tag_map_helper(self, helper, ttl):
return ( lambda o, resolve=False: helper(o, resolve=resolve),
lambda o, tag_name=None, resolve=False:
helper(o, tag_name=tag_name, resolve=resolve),
def _helper_hv_disk(self, hv, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
result = {}
disks = hv.get_disks()
if len(disks):
result['disk'] = ' '.join(disks.keys())
for name, size in disks.iteritems():
if size:
result['disk%s_size' % name] = str(size)
if not result:
result = None
return result
def _helper_hv_sto(self, hv, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
result = {}
if hasattr(hv, 'storage'):
pools = hv.storage().pool_list()
if len(pools):
result['sto'] = ' '.join(pools)
for pool_name in pools:
pool = hv.storage().pool_get(pool_name)
capa = pool.get_space_capacity()
if capa:
result['sto%s_size' % pool_name] = str(capa)
free = pool.get_space_free()
if free:
result['sto%s_free' % pool_name] = str(free)
used = pool.get_space_used()
if used:
result['sto%s_used' % pool_name] = str(used)
vol = pool.volume_list()
if vol:
result['sto%s_vol' % pool_name] = ' '.join(vol)
if not result:
result = None
return result
def _helper_vm_disk(self, vm, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
result = {}
volumes = vm.get_volumes()
if len(volumes):
result['disk'] = ' '.join([str(i) for i in range(0, len(volumes))])
for vol_id, vol in enumerate(volumes):
path = vol.get_path()
if path:
result['disk%i_path' % vol_id] = str(path)
capa = vol.get_space_capacity()
if capa:
result['disk%i_size' % vol_id] = str(capa)
if not result:
result = None
return result
def scheduler_run(self):
# call handler scheduler
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'scheduler_run'):
# (un)register sub nodes if this host has the capability
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'vm_list'):
vm_current = self._host_handle.vm_list()
for vm in vm_current:
if vm not in self._register_vm:
info('registering vm `%s`' % vm)
self._connection.get_server().register(vm, 'vm')
except RpcError as e:
if e.exception == '#FIXME':
raise e
for vm in self._register_vm:
if vm not in vm_current:
info('unregistering vm `%s`' % vm)
except RpcError as e:
if e.exception == '#FIXME':
raise e
except Exception as e:
debug("REGISTER except `%s`:`%s`" % (repr(e), e))
def get_tags(self, tags=None, noresolve_tags=None):
result = {}
debug('get_tags: server requested tags=`%s` noresolve_tags=`%s`'
% (tags, noresolve_tags))
# build a single list of tags
mytags = {}
if tags:
for t in tags:
mytags[t] = True
if noresolve_tags:
for t in noresolve_tags:
if t not in mytags:
mytags[t] = False
# return all tags if server does not request a subset
if not mytags:
# add simple tags
for t in self.HV_TAG_MAP.keys():
mytags[t] = True
# add globbing tags
for pattern, handler in self.HV_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current host
if handler[0](self._host_handle):
debug('get_tags: host implements `%s`' % pattern)
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[0](self._host_handle, resolve=False)
# append all tags
for t in htags:
mytags[t] = True
debug('get_tags: no tag specified, expanded list to `%s`'
% mytags.keys())
# add mandatory tags if missing in the list, or set noresolve
for t in self.HV_TAG_MANDATORY:
if t not in mytags or not mytags[t]:
debug('get_tags: add/correct mandatory tag `%s`' % t)
mytags[t] = True
# query host
debug('get_tags: query host with tag list `%s`' % mytags.keys())
for tag, resolve in mytags.iteritems():
# first, test tag name againts list of plain name
if tag in self.HV_TAG_MAP:
debug('get_tags: plain mapping found for tag `%s`' % tag)
if self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][0](self._host_handle):
debug('get_tags: tag `%s` is available on host' % tag)
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][2]
if resolve:
debug('get_tags: resolving now tag `%s`' % tag)
# fetch tag data
q = self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][1](self._host_handle, tag)
debug('get_tags: host returned `%s`' % q)
if q is not None:
# append tag data
result[tag]['value'] = str(q)
debug('get_tags: I wont return `%s`=`None`'
% tag)
debug('get_tags: tag `%s` is NOT implemented' % tag)
# if no direct tag mapping exists, test name against globbing
# a list
debug('get_tags: searching for `%s` in globbing tags' % tag)
# iter on globbing patterns, and get helper references
# process the first globbing tag that match then exit bcause
# there should not exist two globbing pattern matching
# one tag, ideally
for pattern, handler in self.HV_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current host
if handler[0](self._host_handle, tag):
debug('get_tags: testing pattern `%s`' % pattern)
if fnmatchcase(tag, pattern):
debug('get_tags: processing tag `%s` with '
'pattern `%s`' % (tag, pattern))
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[1](self._host_handle, tag)
# FIXME intead of extracting one tag, try not
# to build the whole list. Maybe it's too
# difficult and not worth to implement
if tag in htags:
debug('get_tags: found tag in helper result'
' with value `%s`' % htags[tag])
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = handler[2]
if resolve:
result[tag]['value'] = str(htags[tag])
debug("get_tags: released lock")
return result
def _sub_tag_list(self, sub_obj):
result = []
# add simple tags
# add globbing tags
for pattern, handler in self.VM_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current host
if handler[0](sub_obj):
debug('sub_tags: sub node implements `%s`' % pattern)
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[0](sub_obj, resolve=False)
debug('sub_tags: handler provides `%s`' % htags)
# append all tags
for t in htags.keys():
return result
def sub_tags(self, sub_id, tags=None, noresolve_tags=None):
debug('sub_tags: server requested tags for `%s`' % sub_id)
if sub_id not in self._host_handle.vm_list():
debug('sub_tags: sub node `%s` is unknown !' % sub_id)
raise CCException('sub node `%s` is unknown' % sub_id)
# open a wrapper to the VM
debug('sub_tags: fetching vm data for `%s`' % sub_id)
sub = self._host_handle.vm_get(sub_id)
# build a single list of tags
debug('sub_tags: server requested tags `%s` + `%s`'
% (tags, noresolve_tags))
available_tags = self._sub_tag_list(sub)
mytags = {}
# return all resolved tags case
if tags is None and noresolve_tags is None:
for t in available_tags:
mytags[t] = True
elif tags is None or noresolve_tags is None:
if tags is None:
for t in available_tags:
mytags[t] = True
for t in noresolve_tags:
mytags[t] = False
for t in available_tags:
mytags[t] = False
for t in tags:
mytags[t] = True
for t in noresolve_tags:
mytags[t] = False
for t in tags:
mytags[t] = True
debug('sub_tags: expanded list to `%s`' % mytags.keys())
# add mandatory tags if missing in the list, or set noresolve
for t in self.VM_TAG_MANDATORY:
if t not in mytags or not mytags[t]:
debug('sub_tags: add/correct mandatory tag `%s`' % t)
mytags[t] = True
# query the subnode
result = {}
# expand tag list with globbing tags
if get_all:
for pattern, handler in self.VM_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on this VM
if handler[0](vm):
debug('sub_tags: vm implements `%s`' % pattern)
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[0](vm, resolve=False)
# append all tags
# query the VM with each tag
for tag, resolve in mytags.iteritems():
# first, search tag in plain mappings
if tag in self.VM_TAG_MAP:
debug('sub_tags: plain mapping found for tag `%s`'
% tag)
# proceed if tag can be resolved on this VM
if self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][0](sub):
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][2]
if resolve:
debug('sub_tags: resolving tag %s`' % tag)
# call the wrapper mapping lambda
q = self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][1](sub, tag)
debug('sub_tags: tag query returned `%s`' % q)
if q is not None:
if resolve:
result[tag]['value'] = str(q)
debug('sub_tags: I wont return `%s`=`None`'
% tag)
# no tag mapping exist, test name against the globbing list
debug('sub_tags: searching for `%s` in globbing tags'
% tag)
# iter on globbing patterns, and get helper references
# process the first globbing tag that match then exit
# because there should not exist two globbing pattern
# matching one tag, ideally
for pattern, handler in self.VM_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current VM
if handler[0](sub, tag):
if fnmatchcase(tag, pattern):
debug('sub_tags: processing tag `%s` with '
'pattern `%s`' % (tag, pattern))
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[1](sub, tag)
# FIXME intead of extracting one tag, try
# not to build the whole list. Maybe it's
# too difficult and not worth implementing
if tag in htags:
debug('sub_tags: found tag in helper '
'result with value `%s`' % htags[tag])
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = handler[2]
if resolve:
result[tag]['value'] = str(
except Exception as e:
debug('sub_tags: `%s` --> `%s`' % (repr(e), e))
return result
def node_shutdown(self, reboot=True, gracefull=True):
warning('node_shutdown: server requested shutdown of local host')
info('node_shutdown: reboot=%s gracefull=%s', reboot, gracefull)
if reboot:
method = 'power_reboot' if gracefull else 'power_force_reboot'
method = 'power_shutdown' if gracefull else 'power_off'
if hasattr(self._host_handle, method):
result = getattr(self._host_handle, method)()
info('node_shutdown: in progress ... action returned `%s`', result)
return result
warning('node_shutdown: unable to proceed, this feature is not available')
raise NotImplementedError('host handler has no method `%s`' %method)
def vm_stop(self, vm_names=None, force=False):
info('vm_stop: server requested stop of `%s`' % vm_names)
debug('vm_stop: force stop is `%s`' % force)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
debug('vm_stop: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`' % vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_stop: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
if force:
debug('vm_stop: powering off `%s`' % vm_name)
info('vm_stop: shutdown requested for `%s`' % vm_name)
def vm_start(self, vm_names=None):
info('vm_start: server requested start of `%s`' % vm_names)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_stopped()
debug('vm_start: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`' % vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_start: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
info('vm_start: powering on `%s`' % vm_name)
def vm_suspend(self, vm_names=None):
info('vm_suspend: server requested suspend of `%s`' % vm_names)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
debug('vm_suspend: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`'
% vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_suspend: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
info('vm_suspend: pause execution of `%s`' % vm_name)
def vm_resume(self, vm_names=None):
info('vm_resume: server requested resume of `%s`' % vm_names)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
debug('vm_resume: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`'% vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_resume: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
info('vm_resume: resume execution of `%s`' % vm_name)
def execute_command(self, command):
warning('execute_command: starting execution of `%s`' % command)
output = self._host_handle.execute(command)
warning('execute_command: finished execution of `%s`' % command)
return output