Benziane Chakib authored
- list_vm now does tag filtering and vm name filtering - start and stop vm have name filtering - stop_vm have now an optional parameter to force poweroff
Benziane Chakib authored- list_vm now does tag filtering and vm name filtering - start and stop vm have name filtering - stop_vm have now an optional parameter to force poweroff
exceptions.py 582 B
All errors in ccnode are implemented here as exceptions
class HypervisorError(Exception):
Exception class for handling hypervisor related errors
def __init__(self, exception, message):
self.exception = exception
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return '%s -> %s' % (self.message, self.exception)
class VMError(Exception):
Exception class for handling vm related errors
class StorageError(Exception):
Base exception class for handling storage objects