Thibault VINCENT authoredThibault VINCENT authored
interface.py 7.42 KiB
This is the base interface to all the Cloud Control Hypervisor libraries.
It defines abstract classes that represent any kind of entity
we could handle with this library.
We call our most basic entity a Host, basicly a couple (Machine, Operating
For instance a Host is whether a Hypervisor or a Virtual Machine, however other
type of hosts could easly be implemented
#TODO: Implements KvmHV methods and KvmVM methods
class Host(object):
Base host class:
A host is an abstraction of any type of machine
def get_name(self):
Returns the host's name
def get_memory_stats(self):
Returns a tuple representing memory usage
(free, used, total)
def get_status(self):
Returns host's status
def get_cpu_stats(self):
Returns cpu stats as a tuple representing:
(nb_cpu, nb_core_per_cpu, cpu_usage)
def get_network_conf(self):
Returns network configuration
def get_storage_conf(self):
Returns storage configuration
def get_storage_stats(self):
Returns storage statistics
def get_info(self):
get info about the host
class Hypervisor(Host):
Base interface class for all hypervisor types and libraries
that interacts with them
_id = 0
def __init__(self):
super(Hypervisor, self).__init__()
self.__class__._id += 1
self.hv_type = 'None'
def list_vms(self):
Lists current defined virtual machines in the hypervisor
Returns a dict of vms
def get_id(self):
Get id of the current hypervisor
Should always be 0
return self._id
def stop_vm(self, vm_name):
Stops the given virtual machinoe
:param vm_name: name of the VM
:Returns: the name of the VM
class VM(Host):
Base Virtual Machine class
_id_count = 0
def __init__(self):
Initiate a Virtual Machine
Each VM instace has a unique ID
self.__class__._id_count += 1
self._id = self.__class__._id_count
def get_id(self):
Gets the id of the virtual machine
:Returns: :class:`int` id of the VM
return self._id
def get_status(self):
returns VM's status:
- running
- blocked in ressource
- paused by user
- being shutdown
- is shut off
- is crached
def shutdown(self):
Shut down given vm
def suspend(self):
Suspend vm
def resume(self):
Resume vm
class HVStorage(object):
Base class representing storage interface of a hypervisor
:param hypervisor: in instance of :class:`Hypervisor`
def get_pools(self):
Returns a dict of storage pools bound to the host
def get_volume_names(self, pool=None):
Returns volume names stored in this pool or all pools
def add_pool(self, name, pool_type):
Add new storage pool
:param name: the name of the storage pool to add
:type name: :class:`str`
:param pool_type: The type of the pool : LVM Group, Phisical Disk,
NFS Server ...
def del_pool(self, name):
Delete a storage pool
def add_volume(self, pool, name, space):
Adds a volume to the specified pool
:param pool: the pool in which to create the volume
:type pool: :class:`virStoragePool`
:param name: name of the new volume
:type name: :class:`str`
:param space: size of the new volume in gigabytes
:type space: :class:`int`
def del_volume(self, pool, name, wipe=False):
Deletes a volume in the specified pool
:param pool: the pool in which delete the volume
:type pool: :class:`virStoragePool`
:param name: the name of the volume
:type name: :class:`str`
def find_space(self, new_space):
Tries to find a suitable chunk of space for volume allocation.
:param new_space: a space size in gigabytes
:type new_space: :class:`str`
:return: a :class:`tuple` of best location or :class:`False` if no
pool is suitable
def get_pool_name(self, pool):
Returns the name of this pool
:param pool: the storage pool name
:type pool: libvirt.`virStoragePool`
:return: :class:`str` name of the pool
def get_pool_state(self, pool):
Returns the running state of the pool
:param pool: the storage pool name
:type pool: libvirt.`virStoragePool`
def get_pool_space_total(self, pool):
Returns the storage capacity of this pool in bytes
:param pool: the pool to get information from
:type pool: :class:`virStoragePool`
:return: :class:`int` of capacity in bytes
def get_pool_space_available(self, pool):
Returns available space of this storage pool in bytes
:param pool: the pool to get information from
:type pool: :class:`virStoragePool`
:return: :class:`int` of available free space in bytes
def get_pool_space_used(self, pool):
Returns current storage pool usage in bytes
:param pool: the pool to get information from
:type pool: :class:`virStoragePool`
:return: :class:`int` of used space in bytes
def get_volume_path(self, pool, vol_name):
Returns the file path to the volume
:param pool: the storage pool containing this volume
:type pool: libvirt.`virStoragePool`
:param volume_name: name of the pool volume
:type volume_name: :class:`str`
:return: :class:`str` path to the volume file
def get_volume_allocation(self, pool, vol_name):
Returns the pool space used by this volume in bytes
:param pool: the pool containing this volume from
:type pool: :class:`virStoragePool`
:param vol_name: name of the volume to query
:type vol_name: :class:`str`
:return: :class:`int` of allocation in bytes
def get_volume_capacity(self, pool, vol_name):
Returns the capacity (usable space) of this volume in bytes
:param pool: the pool containing this volume from
:type pool: :class:`virStoragePool`
:param vol_name: name of the volume to query
:type vol_name: :class:`str`
:return: :class:`int` of capacity in bytes