Thibault VINCENT authoredThibault VINCENT authored
handlers.py 31.92 KiB
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from logging import debug, warning, info
from fnmatch import fnmatchcase
from time import sleep
from sjrpc.core import RpcError
from sjrpc.utils import RpcHandler
from sjrpc.utils import pure
from errors import HypervisorError
from common import LocalHost
from jobs import ReceiveFileJob, SendFileJob
from __init__ import __version__
_MOD_KVM = True
import kvm
except ImportError:
_MOD_KVM = False
_MOD_XEN = True
import xen
except ImportError:
_MOD_XEN = False
class NodeHandler(RpcHandler):
Main node handler that exports the host capabilities to the server.
def __init__(self, connection, detect_hv=True, safe_mode=True,
super(NodeHandler, self).__init__()
self._connection = connection
self._safe_mode = safe_mode
# create interface with host
self._host_handle = None
if detect_hv:
debug('Hypervisor detection in progress')
if _MOD_KVM and not force_xen:
debug('Initializing connection to the local KVM hypervisor')
self._host_handle = kvm.KvmHypervisor()
elif _MOD_XEN:
debug('Initializing connection to the local Xen hypervisor')
self._host_handle = xen.XenHypervisor()
if self._host_handle is None:
debug('Hypervisor detection failed')
if not detect_hv or self._host_handle is None:
debug('Hypervisor detection disabled, running as regular node')
self._host_handle = LocalHost()
# methods that execute administrative commands, to be banned when
# running in safe mode
self.UNSAFE_METHODS = ['execute_command', 'shutdown']
# hypervisor tags
self.HV_TAG_MANDATORY = ['h']
self.HV_TAG_MAP = {
# infinite TTL
'version' : ( lambda o: True,
lambda o,t: str(__version__),
'libvirtver': self._tag_map_direct('get_libvirt_version', -1),
'htype' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hv_type', -1),
'hserial' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_serial', -1),
'hvendor' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_vendor', -1),
'hmodel' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_product', -1),
'arch' : self._tag_map_direct('get_arch', -1),
'hvm' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hvm_available', -1),
'cpu' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu', -1),
'cpulogical': self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_thread', -1),
'chaserial' : self._tag_map_direct('get_chassis_serial', -1),
'chaasset' : self._tag_map_direct('get_chassis_asset', -1),
# one day
'hbios' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hw_bios', 24*3600),
'hvver' : self._tag_map_direct('get_hv_version', 24*3600),
'platform' : self._tag_map_direct('get_platform', 24*3600),
'uname' : self._tag_map_direct('get_uname', 24*3600),
'cpufreq' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_frequency', 24*3600),
'mem' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem', 24*3600),
'disk' : self._tag_map_keys('get_disks', 24*3600),
'h' : self._tag_map_direct('get_name', 24*3600),
# one hour
# one minute
'memfree' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_free', 60),
'memused' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_used', 60),
'sto' : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'storage'),
lambda o,t: ' '.join(
getattr(o, 'storage')().pool_list()),
# 5 seconds
'uptime' : self._tag_map_direct('get_uptime', 5),
'cpuuse' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_usage', 5),
'load' : self._tag_map_direct('get_loadavg', 5),
'nvm' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list', 5),
'vmstarted' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_running', 5),
'vmstopped' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_stopped', 5),
'vmpaused' : self._tag_map_counter('vm_list_paused', 5),
self.HV_TAG_GLOB = {
'disk*' : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_hv_disk, 24*3600),
'sto*' : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_hv_sto, 60),
# guest VM tags
self.VM_TAG_MANDATORY = ['hv', 'h']
self.VM_TAG_MAP = {
# infinite TTL
'hv' : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'hypervisor'),
lambda o,t: o.hypervisor().get_name(),
'htype' : ( lambda o: hasattr(o, 'hypervisor'),
lambda o,t: o.hypervisor().get_hv_type(),
'arch' : self._tag_map_direct('get_arch', -1),
'h' : self._tag_map_direct('get_name', -1),
# one day
# one hour
'cpu' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_core', 3600),
'mem' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem', 3600),
'memmax' : self._tag_map_direct('get_mem_maxbaloon', 3600),
'vncport' : self._tag_map_direct('get_vnc_port', 3600),
# one minute
# 5 seconds
'status' : ( lambda o: True,
lambda o,t: 'running' if o.is_active()
else 'paused' if o.is_paused()
else 'stopped',
5), # FIXME crappy tag implementation
#'cpuuse' : self._tag_map_direct('get_cpu_usage'),
self.VM_TAG_GLOB = {
'disk*' : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_vm_disk, 3600),
'nic*' : self._tag_map_helper(self._helper_vm_nic, 3600),
self._register_vm = []
def __getitem__(self, name):
# filter the private members access
if name.startswith('_'):
raise KeyError('Remote name `%s` is private' % repr(name))
# filter command execution methods
elif not self._safe_mode and name in self.UNSAFE_METHODS:
raise KeyError('Remote name `%s` is disabled by configuration'
% repr(name))
debug('Called %s.%s' % (self.__class__.__name__, name))
return super(NodeHandler, self).__getitem__(name)
def _tag_map_direct(self, method, ttl):
return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
lambda o,t: getattr(o, method)(),
def _tag_map_counter(self, method, ttl):
return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
lambda o,t: len(getattr(o, method)()),
def _tag_map_keys(self, method, ttl):
return ( lambda o: hasattr(o, method),
lambda o,t: ' '.join(getattr(o, method)().keys()),
def _tag_map_helper(self, helper, ttl):
return ( lambda o, resolve=False: helper(o, resolve=resolve),
lambda o, tag_name=None, resolve=False:
helper(o, tag_name=tag_name, resolve=resolve),
def _helper_hv_disk(self, hv, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
result = {}
disks = hv.get_disks()
if len(disks):
result['disk'] = ' '.join(disks.keys())
for name, size in disks.iteritems():
if size:
result['disk%s_size' % name] = str(size)
if not result:
result = None
return result
def _helper_hv_sto(self, hv, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
result = {}
if hasattr(hv, 'storage'):
pools = hv.storage().pool_list()
if len(pools):
result['sto'] = ' '.join(pools)
for pool_name in pools:
pool = hv.storage().pool_get(pool_name)
capa = pool.get_space_capacity()
if capa:
result['sto%s_size' % pool_name] = str(capa)
free = pool.get_space_free()
if free:
result['sto%s_free' % pool_name] = str(free)
used = pool.get_space_used()
if used:
result['sto%s_used' % pool_name] = str(used)
vol = pool.volume_list()
if vol:
result['sto%s_vol' % pool_name] = ' '.join(vol)
if not result:
result = None
return result
def _helper_vm_disk(self, vm, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
result = {}
volumes = vm.get_volumes()
if len(volumes):
result['disk'] = ' '.join([str(i) for i in range(0, len(volumes))])
for vol_id, vol in enumerate(volumes):
name = vol.get_name()
if name:
result['disk%i_vol' % vol_id] = str(name)
pool = vol.get_pool()
if pool:
result['disk%i_pool' % vol_id] = str(pool.name())
path = vol.get_path()
if path:
result['disk%i_path' % vol_id] = str(path)
capa = vol.get_space_capacity()
if capa:
result['disk%i_size' % vol_id] = str(capa)
if not result:
result = None
return result
def _helper_vm_nic(self, vm, tag_name=None, resolve=True):
result = {}
nics = vm.get_nics()
if len(nics):
result['nic'] = ' '.join([str(i) for i in range(0, len(nics))])
for nic_id, nic in enumerate(nics):
mac = nic.get('mac')
if mac:
result['nic%i_mac' % nic_id] = str(mac)
model = nic.get('model')
if model:
result['nic%i_model' % nic_id] = str(model)
source = nic.get('source')
if source:
result['nic%i_source' % nic_id] = str(source)
if not result:
result = None
return result
def scheduler_run(self):
# call handler scheduler
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'scheduler_run'):
# (un)register sub nodes if this host has the capability
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'vm_list'):
vm_current = self._host_handle.vm_list()
for vm in vm_current:
if vm not in self._register_vm:
info('registering vm `%s`' % vm)
self._connection.get_server().register(vm, 'vm')
except RpcError as e:
if e.exception == '#FIXME':
raise e
for vm in self._register_vm:
if vm not in vm_current:
info('unregistering vm `%s`' % vm)
except RpcError as e:
if e.exception == '#FIXME':
raise e
except Exception as e:
debug("REGISTER except `%s`:`%s`" % (repr(e), e))
# Tag query
def get_tags(self, tags=None, noresolve_tags=None):
result = {}
info('get_tags: server requested tags=`%s` noresolve_tags=`%s`', tags,
# build a single dict of tags, boolean means "resolve"
mytags = {}
if tags:
for t in tags:
mytags[t] = True
if noresolve_tags:
for t in noresolve_tags:
if t not in mytags:
mytags[t] = False
# return all tags if server does not request a subset
if not mytags:
# add simple tags
for t in self.HV_TAG_MAP.keys():
mytags[t] = True
# add globbing tags
for pattern, handler in self.HV_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current host
if handler[0](self._host_handle):
debug('get_tags: host implements `%s`', pattern)
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[0](self._host_handle, resolve=False)
# append all tags
for t in htags:
mytags[t] = True
except Exception as err:
warning('get_tags: `%s` -> `%s`', repr(err), err)
debug('get_tags: no tag specified, expanded list to `%s`',
# add mandatory tags if missing in the list, or set noresolve
for t in self.HV_TAG_MANDATORY:
if t not in mytags or not mytags[t]:
debug('get_tags: add/correct mandatory tag `%s`', t)
mytags[t] = True
# query host
info('get_tags: query host with tag list `%s`', mytags.keys())
for tag, resolve in mytags.iteritems():
# first, test tag name againts list of plain name
if tag in self.HV_TAG_MAP:
debug('get_tags: plain mapping found for tag `%s`', tag)
if self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][0](self._host_handle):
debug('get_tags: tag `%s` is available on host', tag)
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][2]
if resolve:
debug('get_tags: resolving now tag `%s`', tag)
# fetch tag data
q = self.HV_TAG_MAP[tag][1](self._host_handle, tag)
debug('get_tags: host returned `%s`', q)
if q is not None:
# append tag data
result[tag]['value'] = str(q)
debug('get_tags: I wont return `%s`=`None`',tag)
debug('get_tags: tag `%s` is NOT implemented', tag)
except Exception as err:
warning('get_tags: `%s` -> `%s`', repr(err), err)
# if no direct tag mapping exists, test name against globbing
# a list
debug('get_tags: searching for `%s` in globbing tags', tag)
# iter on globbing patterns, and get helper references
# process the first globbing tag that match then exit bcause
# there should not exist two globbing pattern matching
# one tag, ideally
for pattern, handler in self.HV_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current host
if handler[0](self._host_handle, tag):
debug('get_tags: testing pattern `%s`', pattern)
if fnmatchcase(tag, pattern):
debug('get_tags: processing tag `%s` with '
'pattern `%s`', tag, pattern)
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[1](self._host_handle, tag)
# FIXME intead of extracting one tag, try not
# to build the whole list. Maybe it's too
# difficult and not worth to implement
if tag in htags:
debug('get_tags: found tag in helper result'
' with value `%s`', htags[tag])
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = handler[2]
if resolve:
result[tag]['value'] = str(htags[tag])
except Exception as err:
warning('get_tags: `%s` -> `%s`', repr(err), err)
return result
def _sub_tag_list(self, sub_obj):
result = []
# add simple tags
# add globbing tags
for pattern, handler in self.VM_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current host
if handler[0](sub_obj):
debug('sub_tags: sub node implements `%s`' % pattern)
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[0](sub_obj, resolve=False)
debug('sub_tags: handler provides `%s`' % htags)
# append all tags
for t in htags.keys():
except Exception as err:
warning('_sub_tag_list: `%s` -> `%s`', repr(err), err)
return result
def sub_tags(self, sub_id, tags=None, noresolve_tags=None):
info('sub_tags: server requested tags for `%s`', sub_id)
if sub_id not in self._host_handle.vm_list():
warning('sub_tags: sub node `%s` is unknown !', sub_id)
raise HypervisorError('sub node `%s` is unknown' % sub_id)
# open a wrapper to the VM
debug('sub_tags: fetching vm data for `%s`', sub_id)
sub = self._host_handle.vm_get(sub_id)
# build a single list of tags
info('sub_tags: server requested tags `%s` + `%s`', tags,
available_tags = self._sub_tag_list(sub)
mytags = {}
# return all resolved tags case
if tags is None and noresolve_tags is None:
for t in available_tags:
mytags[t] = True
elif tags is None or noresolve_tags is None:
if tags is None:
for t in available_tags:
mytags[t] = True
for t in noresolve_tags:
mytags[t] = False
for t in available_tags:
mytags[t] = False
for t in tags:
mytags[t] = True
for t in noresolve_tags:
mytags[t] = False
for t in tags:
mytags[t] = True
debug('sub_tags: expanded list to `%s`', mytags.keys())
# add mandatory tags if missing in the list, or set noresolve
for t in self.VM_TAG_MANDATORY:
if t not in mytags or not mytags[t]:
debug('sub_tags: add/correct mandatory tag `%s`' % t)
mytags[t] = True
# query the subnode
result = {}
# query the VM with each tag
for tag, resolve in mytags.iteritems():
# first, search tag in plain mappings
if tag in self.VM_TAG_MAP:
info('sub_tags: plain mapping found for tag `%s`', tag)
# proceed if tag can be resolved on this VM
if self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][0](sub):
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][2]
if resolve:
debug('sub_tags: resolving tag `%s`', tag)
# call the wrapper mapping lambda
q = self.VM_TAG_MAP[tag][1](sub, tag)
info('sub_tags: tag query returned `%s`', q)
if q is not None:
if resolve:
result[tag]['value'] = str(q)
warning('sub_tags: I wont return `%s`=`None`'
, tag)
except Exception as err:
warning('sub_tags: plain: `%s` -> `%s`', repr(err), err)
# no tag mapping exist, test name against the globbing list
info('sub_tags: searching for `%s` in globbing tags', tag)
# iter on globbing patterns, and get helper references
# process the first globbing tag that match then exit
# because there should not exist two globbing pattern
# matching one tag, ideally
for pattern, handler in self.VM_TAG_GLOB.iteritems():
# helper is available on the current VM
if handler[0](sub, tag):
if fnmatchcase(tag, pattern):
debug('sub_tags: processing tag `%s` with '
'pattern `%s`' % (tag, pattern))
# get tags from helper
htags = handler[1](sub, tag)
# FIXME intead of extracting one tag, try
# not to build the whole list. Maybe it's
# too difficult and not worth implementing
if tag in htags:
info('sub_tags: found tag in helper '
'result with value `%s`' % htags[tag])
result[tag] = {}
result[tag]['ttl'] = handler[2]
if resolve:
result[tag]['value'] = str(
except Exception as err:
warning('sub_tags: glob: `%s` -> `%s`', repr(err),
except Exception as err:
warning('sub_tags: global: `%s` -> `%s`' % (repr(err), err))
return result
# Host control
def node_shutdown(self, reboot=True, gracefull=True):
warning('node_shutdown: server requested shutdown of local host')
info('node_shutdown: reboot=%s gracefull=%s', reboot, gracefull)
if reboot:
method = 'power_reboot' if gracefull else 'power_force_reboot'
method = 'power_shutdown' if gracefull else 'power_off'
if hasattr(self._host_handle, method):
result = getattr(self._host_handle, method)()
info('node_shutdown: in progress ... action returned `%s`', result)
return result
error('node_shutdown: unable to proceed, this feature is not available')
raise NotImplementedError('host handler has no method `%s`' %method)
def execute_command(self, command):
error('execute_command: starting execution of `%s`' % command)
output = self._host_handle.execute(command)
info('execute_command: finished execution of `%s`' % command)
return output
# VM management
def vm_define(self, data, format='xml'):
warning('vm_define: server requested creation of a new VM')
debug('vm_define: with description data `%s`' % data)
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'vm_define'):
name = self._host_handle.vm_define(data)
debug('vm_define: new VM has name `%s`' % name)
return name
raise NotImplementedError('host do not support VM creation')
def vm_undefine(self, name):
warning('vm_undefine: server requested deletion of `%s`' % name)
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'vm_get'):
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(name)
if hasattr(vm, 'undefine'):
raise NotImplementedError('VM object has not method `undefine`')
raise NotImplementedError('host do not support ')
def vm_export(self, name, format='xml'):
warning('vm_export: server requested configuration of `%s`' % name)
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'vm_get'):
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(name)
if hasattr(vm, 'get_config'):
return vm.get_config()
raise NotImplementedError('VM object has not method `get_config`')
raise NotImplementedError('host handler has not method `vm_get`')
def vm_stop(self, vm_names=None, force=False):
warning('vm_stop: server requested stop of `%s`' % vm_names)
debug('vm_stop: force stop is `%s`' % force)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
debug('vm_stop: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`' % vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_stop: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
if force:
debug('vm_stop: powering off `%s`' % vm_name)
info('vm_stop: shutdown requested for `%s`' % vm_name)
def vm_start(self, vm_names=None):
warning('vm_start: server requested start of `%s`' % vm_names)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_stopped()
debug('vm_start: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`' % vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_start: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
info('vm_start: powering on `%s`' % vm_name)
def vm_suspend(self, vm_names=None):
warning('vm_suspend: server requested suspend of `%s`' % vm_names)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
debug('vm_suspend: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`'
% vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_suspend: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
info('vm_suspend: pause execution of `%s`' % vm_name)
def vm_resume(self, vm_names=None):
warning('vm_resume: server requested resume of `%s`' % vm_names)
if vm_names is None:
vm_names = self._host_handle.vm_list_running()
debug('vm_resume: no vm specified, expanded list to `%s`'% vm_names)
for vm_name in vm_names:
debug('vm_resume: fetching vm data for `%s`' % vm_name)
vm = self._host_handle.vm_get(vm_name)
info('vm_resume: resume execution of `%s`' % vm_name)
# Storage control
def vol_create(self, pool, name, size):
size = int(size)
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'storage'):
pool = self._host_handle.storage().pool_get(pool)
pool.volume_create(name, size)
raise NotImplementedError('host handler has no storage support')
def vol_delete(self, pool, name, wipe=False):
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'storage'):
pool = self._host_handle.storage().pool_get(pool)
vol = pool.volume_get(name)
if wipe:
raise NotImplementedError('host handler has no storage support')
def vol_export(self, pool, name, raddr, rport):
rport = int(rport)
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'storage'):
# get device path info
sto = self._host_handle.storage()
vol_path = sto.pool_get(pool).volume_get(name).get_path()
# create job
job = SendFileJob(self._host_handle.jobmgr, vol_path, raddr, rport)
jid = job.get_id()
# wait for job completion
while self._host_handle.jobmgr.is_job_running(jid):
# return job report
res = {}
res['id'] = jid
res['log'] = job.get_log()
res['checksum'] = job.get_checksum()
return res
raise NotImplementedError('host handler has no storage support')
def vol_import(self, pool, name, timeout=30):
timeout = int(timeout)
if hasattr(self._host_handle, 'storage'):
# get device path info
sto = self._host_handle.storage()
vol_path = sto.pool_get(pool).volume_get(name).get_path()
# create job
# FIXME timeout
job = ReceiveFileJob(self._host_handle.jobmgr, vol_path)
# return job info
res = {}
res['id'] = job.get_id()
res['port'] = job.get_port()
return res
raise NotImplementedError('host handler has no storage support')
def vol_import_wait(self, jid):
jid = int(jid)
jmgr = self._host_handle.jobmgr
# wait for the job to be finished
while jmgr.is_job_running(jid):
# get the job
job = jmgr.get_job(jid)
# return job report
res = {}
res['id'] = job.get_id()
res['log'] = job.get_log()
res['checksum'] = job.get_checksum()
return res
def vol_import_list(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def vol_import_cancel(self, jid):
jid = int(jid)
raise NotImplementedError()