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Commit eec67cbe authored by Sebastien Luttringer's avatar Sebastien Luttringer
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add python as debinan build deps

E: installsystems source: missing-python-build-dependency
N:    The package appears to use Python as part of its build process in
N:    debian/rules but doesn't depend on Python.
N:    Normally, packages that use Python as part of the build process should
N:    build-depend on one of python, python-all, python-dev, or python-all-dev
N:    depending on whether they support multiple versions of Python and
N:    whether they're building modules or only using Python as part of the
N:    package build process. Packages that depend on a specific version of
N:    Python may build-depend on the appropriate pythonX.Y or pythonX.Y-dev
N:    package instead.
N:    Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 4.2 (Package relationships) for
N:    details.
N:    Severity: important, Certainty: certain
parent 8fea05fb
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