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# coding: utf-8

# aurbot - Archlinux User Repository Builder Bot
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# Copyright © 2018 Sébastien Luttringer
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# Started, October 30th 2011
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

from argparse import ArgumentParser
from configparser import ConfigParser
from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import formatdate
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from json import load as jload, dump as jdump, loads as jloads
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from logging import debug, warning, info, error, critical
from logging import StreamHandler, getLogger, Formatter, DEBUG, INFO
from os import chdir, environ, getcwd, mkdir, makedirs, geteuid, stat
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from os.path import exists, join, abspath
from signal import signal, SIGHUP
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from smtplib import SMTP, SMTP_SSL, SMTPException
from subprocess import Popen, check_call, DEVNULL, PIPE
from systemd.daemon import notify
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from tarfile import open as tar
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory
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from time import sleep, time, strftime, localtime
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from urllib.request import urlopen, Request

AUR_URL = ''
USER_AGENT = "aurbot"
XDG_DIRECTORY = "aurbot"
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DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE = "/etc/aurbot.conf"
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DEFAULT_DATA_DIR = "/var/lib/aurbot"
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class Error(BaseException):
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	"""Error handling"""
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class ABFormatter(Formatter):
	Customer logging formater
	def __init__(self, fmt="[%(levelname)s] %(msg)s"):
		Formatter.__init__(self, fmt)

	def format(self, record):
		format_orig = self._style._fmt
		if record.levelno == INFO and getLogger( != DEBUG:
			self._style._fmt =  "%(msg)s"
		result = Formatter.format(self, record)
		self._style._fmt = format_orig
		return result

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class AURPackage(dict):
	Abstract AUR package action

	def __init__(self, name, timeout=None): = name
		debug("getting %s aur infos" %
		url = "%s/rpc.php?type=info&arg=%s" % (AUR_URL, name)
		url_req = Request(url, headers={"User-Agent": USER_AGENT})
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		debug("Requesting url: %s (timeout: %s)" % (url, timeout))
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		url_fd = urlopen(url_req, timeout=timeout)
		d = jloads("utf-8"))
		if d["version"] != 1:
			raise Exception("Unknown AUR Backend version: %s" % d["version"])
		if len(d["results"]) == 0:
			raise Exception("No such package: %s" % name)
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		if d["results"]["PackageBase"] != name:
			raise Exception("No such base package: %s" % name)
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		self._info = d["results"]

	def __getattr__(self, name):
		for k, v in self._info.items():
			if name == k.lower():
				return v
		raise AttributeError()

	def __repr__(self):
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		return "%s %s" % (, self.version)
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	def extract(self, path):
		Extract aur source tarball inside a directory path
		fo = urlopen('%s/%s' % (AUR_URL, self.urlpath))
		tarball = tar(mode='r|*', fileobj=fo)

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class LocalPackage(dict):
	'''Local package data abstraction'''
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	def __init__(self, name): = name
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		self.path = join(environ.get("AURBOT_DATADIR", DEFAULT_DATA_DIR), name)
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		debug("local path is: %s" % self.path)
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		makedirs(self.path, exist_ok=True)
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	def logdir(self):
		logdir = join(self.path, "log")
		if not exists(logdir):
		return logdir

	def getlastX(self, X, cast=int, default=0):
		filepath = join(self.path, X)
		if not exists(filepath):
			return default
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			return cast(open(filepath, "r").read())
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		except Exception as exp:
			debug("Failed to load %s: %s" % (X, exp))
			return default
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	def setlastX(self, X, value, cast=int):
		open(join(self.path, X), "w").write("%s" % cast(value))
		#except Exception as exp:
		#	error("Failed to save %s: %s" % (X, exp))
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	# store the moment where the build was done locally
	lastbuild = property(
		lambda x: LocalPackage.getlastX(x, "lastbuild"),
		lambda x, y: LocalPackage.setlastX(x, "lastbuild", y)
	# store the aur lastmodified value of the last sucessful build
	lastsuccess = property(
		lambda x: LocalPackage.getlastX(x, "lastsuccess"),
		lambda x, y: LocalPackage.setlastX(x, "lastsuccess", y)
	# store the aur lastmodified value of the last failed build
	lastfailed = property(
		lambda x: LocalPackage.getlastX(x, "lastfailed"),
		lambda x, y: LocalPackage.setlastX(x, "lastfailed", y)
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	# store the last time we check the aur
	lastchecked = property(
		lambda x: LocalPackage.getlastX(x, "lastchecked"),
		lambda x, y: LocalPackage.setlastX(x, "lastchecked", y)
	# store the last maintainer for the package
	lastmaintainer = property(
		lambda x: LocalPackage.getlastX(x, "lastmaintainer", str, ""),
		lambda x, y: LocalPackage.setlastX(x, "lastmaintainer", y, str)
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class Aurbot(object):
	''' AUR Bot data and methods

	def __init__(self, path):
		''' initialize the bot
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	def init_config(self, path=None):
		''' default value for configured
		if path is not None:
			self.config_path = path
		self.config_mtime = 0
		self.config = ConfigParser()

	def parse_config(self):
		''' parse the config file
		# get the modification time of the config file
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			mtime = stat(self.config_path).st_mtime
		except Exception as exp:
			debug("Unable to stat config file, empty one used: %s" % str(exp))
		# reload only when file has been modified
		if mtime > self.config_mtime:
			self.config_mtime = mtime
			self.config = ConfigParser()
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			except Exception as exp:
				debug("Unable to parse config file, empty one used: %s" % str(exp))
			info("Config file loaded %s" % self.config_path)
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	def send_message(self, pkgconfig, msg):
		''' Send message to an smtp server
		info("Sending message to %s" % pkgconfig["notify"])
		# load smtp info
			smtp_host = pkgconfig["smtp_host"]
			smtp_port = pkgconfig["smtp_port"]
			smtp_login = pkgconfig.get("smtp_login", "")
			smtp_pass = pkgconfig.get("smtp_pass", "")
			smtp_security = pkgconfig.get("smtp_security", "")
			error("Unable to load smtp config")
		# display message content when debug
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		# prepare connection
		con = SMTP_SSL() if smtp_security == "ssl" else SMTP()
		if getLogger().isEnabledFor(DEBUG):
		con._host = smtp_host
			con.connect(smtp_host, smtp_port)
			if smtp_security == "starttls":
			if smtp_login != "" and smtp_pass != "":
				con.login(smtp_login, smtp_pass)
			# send it
			# gentleman quit
		except Exception as exp:
			error("Unable to send message via smtp: %s" % str(exp))

	def send_build_report(self, pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg, status, logfile):
		''' Send build notification
		info("Send build report")
		# generate message
		msg = MIMEMultipart()
		msg["Subject"] = "Build %s for %s %s" % (
			"successful" if status else "failure",, aurpkg.version)
		msg["From"] = pkgconfig.get("from", "Aurbot")
		msg["To"] = pkgconfig["notify"]
		msg["Date"] = formatdate(localtime=True)
		# attach logfile
		with open(logfile, "r") as fd:
			mt = MIMEText(
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		self.send_message(pkgconfig, msg)

	def send_maintainer_report(self, pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg):
		''' Send email to notify invalid maintainer
		info("Send invalid maintainer report")
		# generate message
		msg = MIMEText(
			"Maintainer for package %s is invalid.\r\n" % +
			"He has probably changed. Check if the new one is trustworthy.\r\n"
			"Configured maintainer is %s.\r\n" % pkgconfig.get("maintainer") +
			"AUR maintainer is %s.\r\n" % aurpkg.maintainer +
			"Your aurbot configuration need to be updated!\r\n")
		msg["Subject"] = "Invalid maintainer for %s" %
		msg["From"] = pkgconfig.get("from", "Aurbot")
		msg["To"] = pkgconfig["notify"]
		msg["Date"] = formatdate(localtime=True)
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		self.send_message(pkgconfig, msg)
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	def build(self, pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg):
		''' Build a package
		# register the build
		localpkg.lastbuild = time()
		# log files
		fp = join(localpkg.logdir, strftime("build-%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S.log", localtime(time())))
		debug("Build log file path: %s" % fp)
		# find build dir
		build_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
		debug("Build dir is %s" %
		# extract tarball
		debug("Extracting aur tarball")
		with open(fp, "w") as fd:
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			cwd = getcwd()
				chdir("%s/%s" % (,
				# build
				info("Starting build command")
				fd.write("Build command: %s\n" % pkgconfig["build_cmd"])
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				start_time = time()
					check_call(pkgconfig["build_cmd"], stdin=DEVNULL, stdout=fd,
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						stderr=fd, shell=True, close_fds=True)
				except Exception as exp:
					raise Exception("Build failure: %s" % str(exp)) from exp
				end_time = time()
				info("Build duration: %.2fs" % (end_time - start_time))
				fd.write("Build duration: %.2fs\n" % (end_time - start_time))
				# commit
				if "commit_cmd" in pkgconfig:
					info("Starting commit command")
					fd.write("Commit command: %s\n" % pkgconfig["commit_cmd"])
					start_time = time()
						check_call(pkgconfig["commit_cmd"], stdin=DEVNULL,
						stdout=fd, stderr=fd, shell=True, close_fds=True)
					except Exception as exp:
						raise Exception("Commit failure: %s" % str(exp)) from exp
					end_time = time()
					info("Commit duration: %.2fs" % (end_time - start_time))
					fd.write("Commit duration: %.2fs\n" % (end_time - start_time))
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				# we have to register after chdir in the original directory
				localpkg.lastsuccess = aurpkg.lastmodified
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				status = True
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			except Exception as exp:
				error("Update failure: %s" % exp)
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				# we have to register after chdir in the original directory
				localpkg.lastfailed = aurpkg.lastmodified
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				status = False
		if "notify" in pkgconfig:
			self.send_build_report(pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg, status, fp)
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	def update(self, pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg):
		''' Update (build and commit) a package
		debug("Updating %s" %
		# for security, if the maintainer is incorrect we fail
		debug("Configured maintainer: %s" % pkgconfig.get("maintainer"))
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		debug("AUR maintainer: %s" % aurpkg.maintainer)
		debug("Last maintainer: %s" % localpkg.lastmaintainer)
		# str is required to handle no maintainer as None string
		if pkgconfig.get("maintainer") != str(aurpkg.maintainer):
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			# we notify by mail only once the maintainer is invalid
			if localpkg.lastmaintainer != str(aurpkg.maintainer):
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				self.send_maintainer_report(pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg)
				localpkg.lastmaintainer = aurpkg.maintainer
			error("Invalid maintainer for package %s" %
		localpkg.lastmaintainer = aurpkg.maintainer
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	def start(self):
		''' start the bot loop
		while True:
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				# reload package list
				next_checks = set()
				for pkgname, pkgconfig in self.config.items():
					if pkgname == "DEFAULT":
					info("[%s]" % pkgname)
					if "build_cmd" not in pkgconfig:
						error("build_cmd is missing in config file")
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					localpkg = LocalPackage(pkgname)
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					check_interval = pkgconfig.getint("check_interval", DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL)
					debug("Check interval is %ss" % check_interval)
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					check_delta = int(localpkg.lastchecked - time() + check_interval)
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					debug("Check delta is %ss" % check_delta)
					if check_delta > 0:
						# next check is in the future
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						info("Next check is planned in %ss" % check_delta)
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					# get remote data
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						aurpkg = AURPackage(pkgname, pkgconfig.getint("timeout"))
						localpkg.lastchecked = int(time())
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					except Exception as exp:
						error("Unable to get AUR package info: %s" % exp)
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					# few debug printing
					debug("AUR last modified: %s" % aurpkg.lastmodified)
					debug("Local last success lastmodified: %s" % localpkg.lastbuild)
					debug("Local last failed lastmodified: %s" % localpkg.lastfailed)
					debug("Local last build time: %s" % localpkg.lastbuild)
					# check if package need to be updated
					if localpkg.lastsuccess >= aurpkg.lastmodified :
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						if "force" in pkgconfig:
							info("Up to date, but force value is present.")
							if pkgconfig["force"].isdigit() is False:
								warning("Invalid force value, ignore it")
							# if lastbuild not exists, it will be equal to 0
							# too small to be > to time() even with big force time
							now = int(time())
							force = int(pkgconfig["force"])
							debug("Force is: %ss" % force)
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							force_delta = localpkg.lastbuild - now + force
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							debug("Force Delta is: %ss" % force_delta)
							if force_delta < 0:
								info("Forced update")
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								self.update(pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg)
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								info("Next forced update in %ss" % force_delta)
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							info("Up to date, nothing to do.")
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					elif localpkg.lastfailed >= aurpkg.lastmodified:
						warning("Last build has failed, skipping. Remove lastfailed file to retry.")
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						info("New version available: %s" % aurpkg.version)
						self.update(pkgconfig, localpkg, aurpkg)
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				# sleep until next check
				# len(next_checks) is 0 when there is no package configured
				timeout = min(next_checks) if len(next_checks) > 0 else DEFAULT_CHECK_INTERVAL
				debug("waiting for %ds" % timeout)
			except InterruptedError:

def sighup_handler(signum, frame):
	info("SIGHUP received")
	# since python 3.5 we need to raise an exception to prevent python to EINTR
	# see
	raise InterruptedError()
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def parse_argv():
	'''Parse command line arguments'''
	# load parser
	parser = ArgumentParser()
	parser.add_argument("-c", "--config", help="config file path",
		default=environ.get("AURBOT_CONFIG", DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE))
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	parser.add_argument("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", help="debug mode")
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	parser.epilog = "You could set $XDG_DATA_HOME to change the path of the local package cache."
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	# parse it!
	args = parser.parse_args()
	# set global debug mode
	if args.debug:
	return args

def main():
	'''Program entry point'''
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		# set logger config
		hdlr = StreamHandler()
		# Early debugging mode
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		getLogger().setLevel(DEBUG if "AURBOT_DEBUG" in environ else INFO)
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		# do not run as root
		if geteuid() == 0:
			raise Error("Do not run as root")
		# use sighup to unblock sleep syscall
		signal(SIGHUP, sighup_handler)
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		# parse command line
		args = parse_argv()
		# create the bot object
		bot = Aurbot(args.config)
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		# tell to systemd we are ready
		# start the bot
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	except KeyboardInterrupt:
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	except Error as exp:
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	except Exception as exp:
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		if getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() != DEBUG:
			error("Unknown error. Please report it with --debug.")
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if __name__ == '__main__':
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