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# -*- python -*-
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of Installsystems.
# Installsystems is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# Installsystems is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with Installsystems.  If not, see <>.

import configobj
import cStringIO
import difflib
import json
import re
import shutil
import stat
import subprocess
import sys
import tarfile
import time
import validate
import installsystems
import installsystems.template as istemplate
import as istools
from installsystems.exception import *
from installsystems.printer import *
from import PipeFile
from installsystems.tarball import Tarball

# This must not be an unicode string, because configobj don't decode configspec
# with the provided encoding
name = IS_name
version = IS_version
description = string
author = string
is_min_version = IS_min_version

__many__ = force_list
class Image(object):
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    Abstract class of images
    # format should be a float  X.Y but for compatibility reason it's a string
    # before version 6, it's strict string comparaison
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    extension = ".isimage"
    default_compressor = "gzip"
    def check_image_name(buf):
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        Check if @buf is a valid image name
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        if re.match("^[-_\w]+$", buf) is None:
            raise ISError(u"Invalid image name %s" % buf)
        # return the image name, because this function is used by ConfigObj
        # validate to ensure the image name is correct
        return buf

    def check_image_version(buf):
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        Check if @buf is a valid image version
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        if re.match("^\d+(\.\d+)*(([~+]).*)?$", buf) is None:
            raise ISError(u"Invalid image version %s" % buf)
        # return the image version, because this function is used by ConfigObj
        # validate to ensure the image version is correct
        return buf

    def check_min_version(version):
        Check InstallSystems min version
        if istools.compare_versions(installsystems.version, version) < 0:
            raise ISError("Minimum Installsystems version not satisfied "
                          "(%s)" % version)
        # return the version, because this function is used by ConfigObj
        # validate to ensure the version is correct
        return version
    def compare_versions(v1, v2):
        For backward compatibility, image class offer a method to compare image versions
        But code is now inside tools
        return istools.compare_versions(v1, v2)
    def __init__(self):
        self.modules = {}

    def _load_module(self, name, filename, code=None):
        Create a python module from a string or a filename
        # unicode safety check
        assert(isinstance(name, unicode))
        assert(isinstance(filename, unicode))
        assert(code is None or isinstance(code, str))
        # load code if not provided
        if code is None:
            code = open(filename, "r").read()
        # create an empty module
        module = imp.new_module(name)
        # compile module code
            bytecode = compile(code, filename.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()), "exec")
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to compile %s" % filename, e)
        # load module
            self.secure_exec_bytecode(bytecode, name, module.__dict__)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to load %s" % filename, e)
        return module

    def load_modules(self, select_scripts):
        Load all modules selected by generator select_scripts
        select_scripts is a generator which return tuples (fp, fn, fc) where:
          fp is unicode file path of the module
          fn is unicode file name of the module (basename)
          fc is unicode file content
        arrow(u"Load lib scripts")
        old_level = arrowlevel(1)
        self.modules = {}
        for fp, fn, fc in select_scripts():
            # check input unicode stuff
            assert(isinstance(fp, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fn, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fc, str))
            module_name = os.path.splitext(fn.split('-', 1)[1])[0]
            self.modules[module_name] = self._load_module(module_name, fp, fc)

    def run_scripts(self, scripts_name, select_scripts, exec_directory, global_dict):
        Execute scripts selected by generator select_scripts

        scripts_name is only for display the first arrow before execution

        select_scripts is a generator which return tuples (fp, fn, fc) where:
          fp is file path of the scripts
          fn is file name of the scripts (basename)
          fc is file content

        exec_directory is the cwd of the running script

        global_dict is the globals environment given to scripts
        arrow(u"Run %s scripts" % scripts_name)
        # backup current directory and loaded modules
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        for fp, fn, fc in select_scripts():
            # check input unicode stuff
            assert(isinstance(fp, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fn, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fc, str))
            arrow(fn, 1)
            # backup arrow level
            old_level = arrowlevel(2)
            # chdir in exec_directory
            # compile source code
                bytecode = compile(fc, fn.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()), "exec")
            except Exception as e:
                raise ISError(u"Unable to compile script %s" % fp, e)
            # add current image
            global_dict["image"] = self
            # execute source code
            self.secure_exec_bytecode(bytecode, fp, global_dict)

    def secure_exec_bytecode(self, bytecode, path, global_dict):
        Execute bytecode in a clean modules' environment, without altering
        Installsystems' sys.modules
        # system modules dict
        sysmodules = sys.modules
        sysmodules_backup = sysmodules.copy()
        # autoload modules
            # replace system modules by image loaded
            # we must use the same directory and not copy it (probably C reference)
            # sys must be in sys.module to allow loading of modules
            sysmodules["sys"] = sys
            # we need installsystems.printer to conserve arrow level
            sysmodules["installsystems.printer"] = installsystems.printer
            exec bytecode in global_dict
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to execute script %s" % path, e)
class SourceImage(Image):
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    Image source manipulation class
    def create(cls, path, force=False):
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        Create an empty source image
        # check local repository
        if not istools.isfile(path):
            raise NotImplementedError("SourceImage must be local")
        # main path
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        build_path = os.path.join(path, "build")
        parser_path = os.path.join(path, "parser")
        setup_path = os.path.join(path, "setup")
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        payload_path = os.path.join(path, "payload")
        lib_path = os.path.join(path, "lib")
        # create base directories
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        arrow("Creating base directories")
            for d in (path, build_path, parser_path, setup_path, payload_path,
                if not os.path.exists(d) or not os.path.isdir(d):
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to create directory: %s" % d, e)
        # create example files
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        arrow("Creating examples")
        # create dict of file to create
        examples = {}
        # create description example from template
        examples["description"] = {"path": "description",
                                   "content": istemplate.description % {
                "name": "",
                "version": "1",
                "description": "",
                "author": "",
                "is_min_version": installsystems.version,
                "compressor": "gzip = *\nnone = *.gz, *.bz2, *.xz"}}
        # create changelog example from template
        examples["changelog"] = {"path": "changelog", "content": istemplate.changelog}
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        # create build example from template
        examples["build"] = {"path": "build/", "content":}
        # create parser example from template
        examples["parser"] = {"path": "parser/", "content": istemplate.parser}
        # create setup example from template
        examples["setup"] = {"path": "setup/", "content": istemplate.setup}
        for name in examples:
                arrow(u"Creating %s example" % name)
                expath = os.path.join(path, examples[name]["path"])
                if not force and os.path.exists(expath):
                    warn(u"%s already exists. Skipping!" % expath)
                open(expath, "w").write(examples[name]["content"])
            except Exception as e:
                raise ISError(u"Unable to create example file", e)
            # setting executable rights on files in setup and parser
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            arrow("Setting executable rights on scripts")
            umask = os.umask(0)
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            for dpath in (build_path, parser_path, setup_path):
                for f in os.listdir(dpath):
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                    istools.chrights(os.path.join(dpath, f), mode=0777 & ~umask)
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to set rights on %s" % pf, e)
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    def __init__(self, path):
        Initialize source image
        # check local repository
        if not istools.isfile(path):
            raise NotImplementedError("SourceImage must be local")
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        self.base_path = os.path.abspath(path)
        for pathtype in ("build", "parser", "setup", "payload", "lib"):
            setattr(self, u"%s_path" % pathtype, os.path.join(self.base_path, pathtype))
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        self.description = self.parse_description()
        self.changelog = self.parse_changelog()
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        # script tarball path
        self.image_name = u"%s-%s%s" % (self.description["name"],
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    def check_source_image(self):
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        Check if we are a valid SourceImage directories
        # setup and payload are the only needed dirs
        # setup are mandatory to do something
        # payload directory is needed because build script chroot into payload directory
        for d in (self.setup_path, self.payload_path):
            if not os.path.exists(d):
                raise ISError(u"Invalid source image: directory %s is missing" % d)
        for d in (self.base_path, self.build_path, self.parser_path,
                  self.setup_path, self.payload_path, self.lib_path):
            if os.path.exists(d):
                if not os.path.isdir(d):
                    raise ISError(u"Invalid source image: %s is not a directory" % d)
                if not os.access(d, os.R_OK|os.X_OK):
                    raise ISError(u"Invalid source image: unable to access to %s" % d)
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        if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.base_path, "description")):
            raise ISError("Invalid source image: no description file")
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    def build(self, force=False, force_payload=False, check=True, script=True):
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        Create packaged image
        # check if free to create script tarball
        if os.path.exists(self.image_name) and force == False:
            raise ISError("Tarball already exists. Remove it before")
        # register start time
        t0 = time.time()
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        # check python scripts
            for d in (self.build_path, self.parser_path, self.setup_path,
                if os.path.exists(d) or d == self.setup_path:
        # load modules
        self.load_modules(lambda: self.select_scripts(self.lib_path))
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        # remove list
        rl = set()
        # run build script
        if script and os.path.exists(self.build_path):
            rl |= set(self.run_build())
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        if force_payload:
            rl |= set(self.select_payloads())
        # remove payloads
        # create payload files
        # generate a json description
        jdesc = self.generate_json_description()
        # creating scripts tarball
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        # compute building time
        return int(time.time() - t0)
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    def create_image(self, jdescription):
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        Create a script tarball in current directory
        # create tarball
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        arrow("Creating image tarball")
        arrow(u"Name %s" % self.image_name)
                tarball =, mode="w:gz", dereference=True)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ISError(u"Unable to create tarball %s" % self.image_name, e)
            # add description.json
            arrow("Add description.json")
            tarball.add_str("description.json", jdescription, tarfile.REGTYPE, 0644)
            # add changelog
            if self.changelog is not None:
                arrow("Add changelog")
                tarball.add_str("changelog", self.changelog.verbatim, tarfile.REGTYPE, 0644)
            # add format
            arrow("Add format")
            tarball.add_str("format", self.format, tarfile.REGTYPE, 0644)
            # add setup scripts
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            self.add_scripts(tarball, self.setup_path)
            for d in (self.build_path, self.parser_path, self.lib_path):
                if os.path.exists(d):
                    self.add_scripts(tarball, d)
            # closing tarball file
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            if os.path.exists(self.image_name):
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    def describe_payload(self, name):
        Return information about a payload
        ans = {}
        ans["source_path"] = os.path.join(self.payload_path, name)
        ans["dest_path"] = u"%s-%s%s" % (self.description["name"],
        ans["link_path"] = u"%s-%s-%s%s" % (self.description["name"],
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        source_stat = os.stat(ans["source_path"])
        ans["isdir"] = stat.S_ISDIR(source_stat.st_mode)
        ans["uid"] = source_stat.st_uid
        ans["gid"] = source_stat.st_gid
        ans["mode"] = stat.S_IMODE(source_stat.st_mode)
        ans["mtime"] = source_stat.st_mtime
        ans["compressor"] = self.compressor(name)
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        return ans

    def select_payloads(self):
        Return a generator on image payloads
        for payname in os.listdir(self.payload_path):
            yield payname

    def remove_payloads(self, paylist):
        Remove payload list if exists
        arrow("Removing payloads")
        for pay in paylist:
            arrow(pay, 1)
            desc = self.describe_payload(pay)
            for f in (desc["dest_path"], desc["link_path"]):
                if os.path.lexists(f):

    def create_payloads(self):
        Create all missing data payloads in current directory
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Aurélien Dunand committed
        Doesn't compute md5 during creation because tarball can
        be created manually
        Also create symlink to versionned payload
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        arrow("Creating payloads")
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        for payload_name in self.select_payloads():
            paydesc = self.describe_payload(payload_name)
            if os.path.exists(paydesc["link_path"]):
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            arrow(payload_name, 1)
                # create non versionned payload file
                if not os.path.exists(paydesc["dest_path"]):
                    if paydesc["isdir"]:
                # create versionned payload file
                if os.path.lexists(paydesc["link_path"]):
                os.symlink(paydesc["dest_path"], paydesc["link_path"])
            except Exception as e:
                raise ISError(u"Unable to create payload %s" % payload_name, e)
    def create_payload_tarball(self, tar_path, data_path, compressor):
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        Create a payload tarball
            # get compressor argv (first to escape file creation if not found)
            a_comp = istools.get_compressor_path(compressor, compress=True)
            a_tar = ["tar", "--create", "--numeric-owner", "--directory",
                     data_path, "."]
            # create destination file
            f_dst = PipeFile(tar_path, "w", progressbar=True)
            # run tar process
            p_tar = subprocess.Popen(a_tar, shell=False, close_fds=True,
            # run compressor process
            p_comp = subprocess.Popen(a_comp, shell=False, close_fds=True,
                                      stdin=p_tar.stdout, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            # write data from compressor to tar_path
            # close all fd
            # check tar return 0
            if p_tar.wait() != 0:
                raise ISError("Tar return is not zero")
            # check compressor return 0
            if p_comp.wait() != 0:
                raise ISError(u"Compressor %s return is not zero" % a_comp[0])
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            if os.path.exists(tar_path):
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    def create_payload_file(self, dest, source, compressor):
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        Create a payload file
            # get compressor argv (first to escape file creation if not found)
            a_comp = istools.get_compressor_path(compressor, compress=True)
            # open source file
            f_src = open(source, "r")
            # create destination file
            f_dst = PipeFile(dest, "w", progressbar=True)
            # run compressor
            p_comp = subprocess.Popen(a_comp, shell=False, close_fds=True,
                                      stdin=f_src, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
            # close source file fd
            # write data from compressor to dest file
            # close compressor stdin and destination file
            # check compressor return 0
            if p_comp.wait() != 0:
                raise ISError(u"Compressor %s return is not zero" % a_comp[0])
        except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):
            if os.path.exists(dest):
    def select_scripts(self, directory):
        Generator of tuples (fp,fn,fc) of scripts witch are allocatable
        in a real directory
        # ensure directory is unicode to have fn and fp in unicode
        if not isinstance(directory, unicode):
            directory = unicode(directory, locale.getpreferredencoding())
        if not os.path.exists(directory):
        for fn in sorted(os.listdir(directory)):
            fp = os.path.join(directory, fn)
            # check name
            if not re.match("^\d+-.*\.py$", fn):
            # check execution bit
            if not os.access(fp, os.X_OK):
            # get module content
                fc = open(fp, "r").read()
            except Exception as e:
                raise ISError(u"Unable to read script %s" % n_scripts, e)
            # yield complet file path, file name and file content
            yield (fp, fn, fc)

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    def add_scripts(self, tarball, directory):
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        Add scripts inside a directory into a tarball
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        basedirectory = os.path.basename(directory)
        arrow(u"Add %s scripts" % basedirectory)
        # adding base directory
        ti = tarball.gettarinfo(directory, arcname=basedirectory)
        ti.mode = 0755
        ti.uid = ti.gid = 0
        ti.uname = ti.gname = ""
        # adding each file
        for fp, fn, fc in self.select_scripts(directory):
            # check input unicode stuff
            assert(isinstance(fp, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fn, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fc, str))
            # add file into tarball
            tarball.add_str(os.path.join(basedirectory, fn),
            arrow(u"%s added" % fn)
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    def check_scripts(self, directory):
        Check if scripts inside a directory can be compiled
        basedirectory = os.path.basename(directory)
        arrow(u"Checking %s scripts" % basedirectory)
        # checking each file
        for fp, fn, fc in self.select_scripts(directory):
            # check input unicode stuff
            assert(isinstance(fp, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fn, unicode))
            assert(isinstance(fc, str))
                compile(fc, fn.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()), "exec")
            except SyntaxError as e:
                raise ISError(exception=e)
    def run_build(self):
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        Run build scripts
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        rebuild_list = []
                         lambda: self.select_scripts(self.build_path),
                         {"rebuild": rebuild_list})
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        return rebuild_list

    def generate_json_description(self):
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        Generate a JSON description file
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        arrow("Generating JSON description")
        # copy description
        desc = self.description.copy()
        # only store compressor patterns
        desc["compressor"] = desc["compressor"]["patterns"]
        # timestamp image
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        desc["date"] = int(time.time())
        # watermark
        desc["is_build_version"] = installsystems.version
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        # append payload infos
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        arrow("Checksumming payloads")
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        desc["payload"] = {}
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        for payload_name in self.select_payloads():
            arrow(payload_name, 1)
            # getting payload info
            payload_desc = self.describe_payload(payload_name)
            # compute md5 and size
            fileobj = PipeFile(payload_desc["link_path"], "r")
            # create payload entry
            desc["payload"][payload_name] = {
                "md5": fileobj.md5,
                "size": fileobj.size,
                "isdir": payload_desc["isdir"],
                "uid": payload_desc["uid"],
                "gid": payload_desc["gid"],
                "mode": payload_desc["mode"],
                "mtime": payload_desc["mtime"],
                "compressor": payload_desc["compressor"]
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        # check md5 are uniq
        md5s = [v["md5"] for v in desc["payload"].values()]
        if len(md5s) != len(set(md5s)):
            raise ISError("Two payloads cannot have the same md5")
        # serialize
        return json.dumps(desc)

    def parse_description(self):
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        Raise an exception is description file is invalid and return vars to include
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        arrow("Parsing description")
        d = dict()
            descpath = os.path.join(self.base_path, "description")
            cp = configobj.ConfigObj(descpath,
                                     encoding="utf8", file_error=True)
            res = cp.validate(validate.Validator({"IS_name": Image.check_image_name,
                                                  "IS_version": Image.check_image_version,
                                                  "IS_min_version": Image.check_min_version}), preserve_errors=True)
            # If everything is fine, the validation return True
            # Else, it returns a list of (section, optname, error)
            if res is not True:
                for section, optname, error in configobj.flatten_errors(cp, res):
                    # If error is False, this mean no value as been supplied,
                    # so we use the default value
                    # Else, the check has failed
                    if error:
                        installsystems.printer.error('Wrong description file, %s %s: %s' % (section, optname, error))
            for n in ("name","version", "description", "author", "is_min_version"):
                d[n] = cp["image"][n]
            d["compressor"] = {}
            # set payload compressor
            d["compressor"]["patterns"] = cp["compressor"].items()
            if not d["compressor"]["patterns"]:
                d["compressor"]["patterns"] = [(Image.default_compressor, "*")]
            for compressor, patterns in cp["compressor"].items():
                # is a valid compressor?
                for pattern in patterns:
                    for payname in fnmatch.filter(self.select_payloads(), pattern):
                        d["compressor"][payname] = compressor
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Bad description", e)
    def parse_changelog(self):
        Create a changelog object from a file
        # try to find a changelog file
            path = os.path.join(self.base_path, "changelog")
            fo =, "r", "utf8")
        except IOError:
            return None
        # we have it, we need to check everything is ok
        arrow("Parsing changelog")
            cl = Changelog(
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Bad changelog", e)
        return cl

    def compressor(self, payname):
        Return payload compressor
            return self.description["compressor"][payname]
        except KeyError:
            # set default compressor if no compressor is specified
            return Image.default_compressor
class PackageImage(Image):
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    Packaged image manipulation class
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    def diff(cls, pkg1, pkg2):
        Diff two packaged images
        arrow(u"Difference from images #y#%s v%s#R# to #r#%s v%s#R#:" % (,
        # extract images for diff scripts files
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        fromfiles = set(pkg1._tarball.getnames(re_pattern="(parser|setup)/.*"))
        tofiles = set(pkg2._tarball.getnames(re_pattern="(parser|setup)/.*"))
        for f in fromfiles | tofiles:
            # preparing from info
            if f in fromfiles:
                fromfile = os.path.join(pkg1.filename, f)
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                fromdata = pkg1._tarball.extractfile(f).readlines()
                fromfile = "/dev/null"
                fromdata = ""
            # preparing to info
            if f in tofiles:
                tofile = os.path.join(pkg2.filename, f)
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                todata = pkg2._tarball.extractfile(f).readlines()
                tofile = "/dev/null"
                todata = ""
            # generate diff
            for line in difflib.unified_diff(fromdata, todata,
                                             fromfile=fromfile, tofile=tofile):
                # coloring diff
                if line.startswith("+"):
                   out(u"#g#%s#R#" % line, endl="")
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                elif line.startswith("-"):
                   out(u"#r#%s#R#" % line, endl="")
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                elif line.startswith("@@"):
                   out(u"#c#%s#R#" % line, endl="")
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                   out(line, endl="")

    def __init__(self, path, fileobj=None, md5name=False):
        Initialize a package image

        fileobj must be a seekable fileobj
        self.path = istools.abspath(path)
        self.base_path = os.path.dirname(self.path)
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        # tarball are named by md5 and not by real name
        self.md5name = md5name
            if fileobj is None:
                fileobj = PipeFile(self.path, "r")
                fileobj = PipeFile(mode="r", fileobj=fileobj)
            memfile = cStringIO.StringIO()
            # get downloaded size and md5
            self.size = fileobj.read_size
            self.md5 = fileobj.md5
            self._tarball =, mode='r:gz')
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Unable to open image %s" % path, e)
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        self._metadata = self.read_metadata()
        # print info
        arrow(u"Image %s v%s loaded" % (, self.version))
        arrow(u"Author: %s" %, 1)
        arrow(u"Date: %s" % istools.time_rfc2822(, 1)
        # build payloads info
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        self.payload = {}
        for pname, pval in self._metadata["payload"].items():
            pfilename = u"%s-%s%s" % (self.filename[:-len(Image.extension)],
                                      pname, Payload.extension)
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            if self.md5name:
                ppath = os.path.join(self.base_path,
                ppath = os.path.join(self.base_path, pfilename)
            self.payload[pname] = Payload(pname, pfilename, ppath, **pval)
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    def __getattr__(self, name):
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        Give direct access to description field
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        if name in self._metadata:
            return self._metadata[name]
        raise AttributeError
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        Return image filename
        return u"%s-%s%s" % (, self.version, self.extension)
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    def read_metadata(self):
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        Parse tarball and return metadata dict
        desc = {}
        # check format
        img_format = self._tarball.get_utf8("format")
            if float(img_format) >= math.floor(float(self.format)) + 1.0:
                raise Exception()
            raise ISError(u"Invalid image format %s" % img_format)
        desc["format"] = img_format
        # check description
            img_desc = self._tarball.get_utf8("description.json")
            if "compressor" not in desc:
                desc["compressor"] = "gzip = *"
                # format compressor pattern string
                compressor_str = ""
                for compressor, patterns in desc["compressor"]:
                    # if pattern is not empty
                    if patterns != ['']:
                        compressor_str += "%s = %s\n" % (compressor, ", ".join(patterns))
                # remove extra endline
                desc["compressor"] = compressor_str[:-1]
            # add is_min_version if not present
            if "is_min_version" not in desc:
                desc["is_min_version"] = 0
            # check installsystems min version
            if self.compare_versions(installsystems.version, desc["is_min_version"]) < 0:
                raise ISError("Minimum Installsystems version not satisfied "
                              "(%s)" % desc["is_min_version"])
        except Exception as e:
            raise ISError(u"Invalid description", e)
        # try to load changelog
            img_changelog = self._tarball.get_utf8("changelog")
            desc["changelog"] = Changelog(img_changelog)
        except KeyError:
            desc["changelog"] = Changelog("")
        except Exception as e:
            warn(u"Invalid changelog: %s" % e)
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        return desc
    def show(self, o_payloads=False, o_files=False, o_changelog=False, o_json=False):
        Display image content
        if o_json:
            out(u'#light##yellow#Name:#reset# %s' %
            out(u'#light##yellow#Version:#reset# %s' % self.version)
            out(u'#yellow#Date:#reset# %s' % istools.time_rfc2822(
            out(u'#yellow#Description:#reset# %s' % self.description)
            out(u'#yellow#Author:#reset# %s' %
            # field is_build_version is new in version 5. I can be absent.
            try: out(u'#yellow#IS build version:#reset# %s' % self.is_build_version)
            except AttributeError: pass
            # field is_min_version is new in version 5. I can be absent.
            try: out(u'#yellow#IS minimum version:#reset# %s' % self.is_min_version)
            except AttributeError: pass
            out(u'#yellow#Format:#reset# %s' % self.format)
            out(u'#yellow#MD5:#reset# %s' % self.md5)
            out(u'#yellow#Payload count:#reset# %s' % len(self.payload))
            # display payloads
            if o_payloads:
                payloads = self.payload
                for payload_name in payloads:
                    payload = payloads[payload_name]
                    out(u'#light##yellow#Payload:#reset# %s' % payload_name)
                    out(u'  #yellow#Date:#reset# %s' % istools.time_rfc2822(payload.mtime))
                    out(u'  #yellow#Size:#reset# %s' % (istools.human_size(payload.size)))
                    out(u'  #yellow#MD5:#reset# %s' % payload.md5)
            # display image content
            if o_files:
            # display changelog
            if o_changelog:
    def check(self, message="Check MD5"):
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        Check md5 and size of tarballs are correct
        Download tarball from path and compare the loaded md5 and remote
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        # check image
        fo = PipeFile(self.path, "r")
        if self.size != fo.read_size:
            raise ISError(u"Invalid size of image %s" %
        if self.md5 != fo.md5:
            raise ISError(u"Invalid MD5 of image %s" %
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        # check payloads
        for pay_name, pay_obj in self.payload.items():
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    def cat(self, filename):
        Display filename in the tarball
        filelist = self._tarball.getnames(glob_pattern=filename, dir=False)
            warn(u"No file matching %s" % filename)
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    def download(self, directory, force=False, image=True, payload=False):
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        Download image in directory
        Doesn't use in memory image because we cannot access it
        This is done to don't parasitize self._tarfile access to memfile
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        # check if destination exists
        directory = os.path.abspath(directory)
        if image:
            dest = os.path.join(directory, self.filename)
            if not force and os.path.exists(dest):
                raise ISError(u"Image destination already exists: %s" % dest)
            arrow(u"Downloading image in %s" % directory)
            debug(u"Downloading %s from %s" % (self.filename, self.path))
            # open source
            fs = PipeFile(self.path, progressbar=True)
            # check if announced file size is good
            if fs.size is not None and self.size != fs.size:
                raise ISError(u"Downloading image %s failed: Invalid announced size" %
            # open destination
            fd = open(self.filename, "wb")