- Apr 11, 2013
Nicolas Delvaux authored
It is in the RST format, so this adds python-docutils as a build-dependency. Signed-off-by:
Sébastien Luttringer <sebastien.luttringer@smartjog.com>
- Nov 27, 2012
Sébastien Luttringer authored
With the permission of Romain Degez, CTO of Smartjog and Sébastien Luttringer. Signed-off-by:
Sébastien Luttringer <sebastien.luttringer@smartjog.com>
- Jun 07, 2012
- May 24, 2012
Aurélien Dunand authored
Sébastien Luttringer <sebastien.luttringer@smartjog.com>
- May 11, 2012
Aurélien Dunand authored
This function walk across a directory, for every template which match the extension, remplace by the rendered file with the same mode/uid/gid as the template file. Use jinja2 as template engine. Signed-off-by:
Sébastien Luttringer <sebastien.luttringer@smartjog.com>
- Mar 16, 2012
- Mar 01, 2012
Sebastien Luttringer authored
Sebastien Luttringer authored
E: python-installsystems: depends-on-essential-package-without-using-version depends: gzip E: python-installsystems: depends-on-essential-package-without-using-version depends: tar N: N: The package declares a depends on an essential package, e.g. dpkg, N: without using a versioned depends. Packages do not need to depend on N: essential packages; essential means that they will always be present. N: The only reason to list an explicit dependency on an essential package N: is if you need a particular version of that package, in which case the N: version should be given in the dependency. N: N: Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 3.5 (Dependencies) for details. N: N: Severity: important, Certainty: certain N:
Sebastien Luttringer authored
E: installsystems source: missing-python-build-dependency N: N: The package appears to use Python as part of its build process in N: debian/rules but doesn't depend on Python. N: N: Normally, packages that use Python as part of the build process should N: build-depend on one of python, python-all, python-dev, or python-all-dev N: depending on whether they support multiple versions of Python and N: whether they're building modules or only using Python as part of the N: package build process. Packages that depend on a specific version of N: Python may build-depend on the appropriate pythonX.Y or pythonX.Y-dev N: package instead. N: N: Refer to Debian Policy Manual section 4.2 (Package relationships) for N: details. N: N: Severity: important, Certainty: certain N:
- Feb 27, 2012
Sebastien Luttringer authored
We now use system tar and gzip to compress/decompress payloads Goals are: - Speed-up extraction and creation of payloads. - Allow to use non-python supported compressor like (pbzip2 and xz) - Remove python2.7.1 tarfile.py module - Remove python 2.7.1 gzip.py to avoid filename to be in gzip headers - Remove gzipstream.py module used to stream gzip file
- Feb 20, 2012
Sebastien Luttringer authored
this options are also settable by config allow to have installsystems niced before launch action python-psutil minimun version is 0.2.1 to support set_ionice
- Dec 23, 2011
- Dec 22, 2011
Sebastien Luttringer authored
we need python-progressbar >= 2.3 to work with is. We previously ship inside it because debian doesn't have 2.3 package available. now we have built a debian package, we can remove code and add a dependency
- Dec 20, 2011
Sebastien Luttringer authored
python-argparse (1.1) shipped with debian squeeze is bugged and doesn't work with installsystems needs python-argparse 1.2.1 (last upstream version) was backported into squeeze and we need it.
- Nov 22, 2011
Sebastien Luttringer authored
argparse is available in python2.7 (archlinux) and on python-argparse package in debian. So we add a dependency to this package.
- Nov 17, 2011
- Oct 17, 2011
Sebastien Luttringer authored
We need installsystems is functional on squeeze systems... So we needs to embed: - argparse 2.7.1 (not in python2.6) - progressbar 2.3 (not in debian squeeze)
- Oct 13, 2011
Sebastien Luttringer authored
This commit introduce remote repository and file accross ssh
- Oct 11, 2011
Sebastien Luttringer authored
We now use PipeFile to handle complex file type and compute md5 and filesize. This commit add the following features in installsystems: - A download progress bad - check size before download - check size after download - check md5 after download
- Sep 01, 2011
Seblu authored
- Aug 25, 2011
Seblu authored
This will help remi to be cool and save some day in his life
- Jul 26, 2011
- Jul 19, 2011
Seblu authored
- Jul 18, 2011
- Jul 13, 2011
Seblu authored
- Jul 12, 2011
Seblu authored
- Jul 07, 2011
Seblu authored
- Jul 05, 2011
- Jun 30, 2011
- Jun 28, 2011
Seblu authored
- Jun 08, 2011
Seblu authored